
GIA sapphire question


Sep 14, 2015
Do GIA sapphire reports offer crown and pavilion dimensions? I'm just curious because this gem seems to have some ct weight in it's depth, the spread should be larger judging by its weight, and I just want to know where that depth is, is it in the crown, or pavilion, or evenly distributed.

What about inclusion plots, are those included too (ha!)?

The gem I'm interested in comes with a GIA report but the seller doesn't offer a photocopy of the report in the listing.
I want to know if it would be worth mine and their time to ask for a picture of the certification.
GIA's colored stone (non-diamond) reports provide no cut info or inclusion plots.


Thank you.
Coloured stone is all about colour, which unfortunately only AGL will provide their professional opinion of the quality but at a high cost. No other labs will do this even though pricing is based on the colour quality. Nuances in colour can be the difference between $5K and $10K for some stones. The clarity standard for CS is to be eye clean, not even loupe clean, so an inclusion plot is unnecessary.
Chrono|1444307358|3936238 said:
Coloured stone is all about colour, which unfortunately only AGL will provide their professional opinion of the quality but at a high cost. No other labs will do this even though pricing is based on the colour quality. Nuances in colour can be the difference between $5K and $10K for some stones. The clarity standard for CS is to be eye clean, not even loupe clean, so an inclusion plot is unnecessary.

How much does that AGL opinion cost? Is it a flat fee?

About the inclusion plot. The seller mentions a feather, but doesn't specify exact location or if it breaches the surface.
Would a feather be a concern to the integrity of a sapphire?
Here's a link to the price list:

The seller should specify if it reaches the surface or not - that's important as it can pose a risk to the integrity of the stone.
Thank you.
teklit|1444313116|3936260 said:
About the inclusion plot. The seller mentions a feather, but doesn't specify exact location or if it breaches the surface.Would a feather be a concern to the integrity of a sapphire?

A feather is a potential problem whether it is surface reaching or not. It all depends upon where it is, what it's orientation is and how large it is. This could cause a problem with setting, durability or especially how the stone looks. I would insist on seeing a copy of the cert and at least three pictures of the stone, (two from each side and one straight into the table). With the pictures you get a very good idea of the depth of both crown and pavilion as well as the belly of the stone and just what that "feather" is doing. IMO certs are fine, but good pictures are even better.

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