
GIA Reports: Pin Points Not Shown

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Apr 25, 2003
Well Im looking for Emerald Cut diamond. I am going by the AGA dimensions to find a nice one.

I found one today, aside from cut dimensions, it is a VS2, G graded diamond. According to the GIA report the table is very clear except for a minor inclusion at the edge of the table. What sorta bugged my was the comment of the grade sheet that pinpoints are not shown.

What is a pinpoint?
Why isnt it shown?
Should I worry, paticularily because is an E cut?

thanks for any help. I will send the report if any wants to see it..
Shouldn't be of concern. There was post about this on the forum recently, maybe in the past 2 weeks. Run a search for pinpoints and see what you get.

Pinpoints are exactly what they say they are, tiny little dots, like someone stuck the stone with a pin. Only really visible if there are a lot of them centered in one area creating a cloudy appearance. I think they aren't shown on the plot because they are so small and just not worth trying to replicate. A properly graded VS2 will be eyeclean without magnification. One small inclusion and some pinpoints shouldn't be a problem. Is this an on-line stone? Ask for some photos of the stone and then of the inclusions magnified, you may not get them but worth trying.
Hi Urbasic!

Pinpoints are microscopic inclusions too small to plot and not seen with a 10X loupe. My diamond has the same comment on the Cert. The only things visible with 10X are the plotted inclusions and the feather. Graders set clarity using a loupe, but generally check the diamond under even higher magnification (say 40X) also.

Pinpoints are really nothing to worry about.

Hope this helps.
Youch! I forgot to search, Im usually much better about that. I guess I got excited.

Yes this is an online diamond from Abazias. Pictures are a good idea. I guess I will wait for the Sarin report before I ask for pictures.

I have been sort of searching with the idea that clarity is a little more important with an emerald cut. Also, this is happens to be a .97 carat, Im debating weather I should drop down to a ~.92 in order to bump up the color to a E. I didnt think I would be able to spot color grades but a trip to Helzburgs proved me wrong..
Square cuts tend to hold and show more body color than Round Brilliants. The fact that you saw the difference between the color grades is not surprising, especially at Helzberg's. LOL

If you have the funds, and Abazia's is willing, you might preview the diamonds side by side. If you are looking at really well cut diamonds, you may find the G will work just fine for you. At least seeing them side by side, you'll know for sure.
A small correction about clarity grading. Pinpoints (usually microscopic crystals), which are referred to on the cert, ARE 10x visible, but just not plotted, because of lack of importance (in this case) and unnecessarily complicating the plot, the grade-making inclusions being most importantly shown.

Pinpoints which are +10x are not part of the clarity report/grade on the cert, but may be noted for "in house" purposes for future identification.

I'm sure many IF/FL stones have +10x pinpoints, but they don't count!

As for EC's, as has been pointed out, both body color and inclusions are more readily visible than one might detect in brilliant cut, just by virtue of the relatively large, planar nature of the faceting. For example, sometimes in larger EC's (>2ct.) it might be possible to see VS1/2 inclusions with the naked eye.
Since I was considering a diamond with the "pinpoints not shown" comment, I wanted to know what they were too. I used the search function to see if there had been other posts. I knew I remembered reading they were microscopic in one of the threads and I found it.

Quote via edit copy, edit paste in reply to Greta2002 on 12/18/02:

The high clarity grade of VS1 was set by inclusions that were more obvious than the pinpoints which they listed but didn't bother showing in the plot.

This means that the pinpoints were so minor they weren't considered in setting the grade. Instead of taking the time and trouble to plot them they just listed them under comments. It is common practice, and indicates that the inclusions are nothing to worry about. Pinpoints which are not listed on a VS1 GIA cert stone are microscopic.

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory

My diamond is graded SI1. The plot shows 2 crystals and a feather. With a 10X Loupe, the top line of the feather and the crystals were all my husband or I saw. The appraiser pointed out pinpoints to us with a microscope at 40X. The appraiser said, as I had read, that grading is done at 10X, but the graders often "scope" diamonds as well.

Hopefully this explains my previous comment.
Thanks for all the awesome info, that why this site is great!
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