
GIA laser inscription

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Dec 2, 2002

I just got engaged and today is the first time I brought the ring to work. I work in a biomedical lab so I have access to some pretty high power and expensive microscopes....I decided to try to look at the inscription on my stone. The stone is GIA certified and it states that the stone has a H&A inscription as well as the GIA inscription. Oh yeah, there is something on a table facet too but that''s not important.

I was able to find the H&A inscription pretty easily and went around the stone 2x but could not locate the GIA inscription. I only saw the cert a couple of times but am pretty sure that it stated something about a laser inscription registry. Doesn''t that mean the GIA report number is incribed onto the girdle of the stone?

Please help.

Btw, I''m using an axioskop 2 MOT 10x, darkfield.

Does it say H&A #XXXXXXXXXX? If so, that's your H&A inscription AND your GIA cert number.

No, it just says H&A...I'll try to take a pic and attach it.
The photo is flipped but you get the idea. Was the GIA report wrong and there is no laser inscription....does this mean my bf got duped...we can still return in if we wanted to.


I'm not getting a good feeling about this. I had my stone sent back to AGS for engraving. They engraved the entire cert # on the actual diamond as well as noted it on the cert. Check with GIA if this is how they do their engraving, somehow I dont think so. The entire cert # should be on the diamond. Keep in mind, there are a lot of engraving machines out there & it wouldnt take much for a jeweler to have the stone engraved. It MUST be noted on the cert as well. Again, call GIA for confirmation. Plus, having it H&A means nothing to the grading lab. They dont recognize it so they wouldnt put it on the diamond, but WILL if the vendor or customer specifically asks for it to be put on there.

hmmmm.......I don't have the cert on me but I will check when I get home. I do remember seeing "additional inscription: H&A" after the comments part of the GIA report. I also remember seeing "laser inscription registry:######" at the top of the report. What do you think I should do? my bf bought the ring awhile ago, but he says he can always return it if he needs to. no problem getting his money back. I love the stone, just want to make sure it's the right thing....

Please try to look again at your stone.

These GIA inscriptions are not easy to see.... under 10x... it can
be pretty difficult...

clean the diamond before....and also, remember that maybe part of
the inscription is hidden under a prong...

Post a pic of it when you have found it so we'll be able to
verify the authenticity of it.

Sometimes the inscriptions will be very difficult to see because the dark lettering has become light due to the diamond being steam cleaned during the setting process... Let's see if we can make this make sense... The dark portion of the inscription is essentially just carbon left from when the laser burned the inscription into the edge of the diamond, it is not permanent... So when the diamond is steam cleaned, the inscription can become virtually transparent and very difficult to see... That is one possibility.

The second possibility is that the inscription was covered by a prong during the setting process, if the diamond has been set... This happens frequently and a prong can completely cover the inscription.

The third possibility is that the GIA forgot to inscribe the lab report number along the girdle edge of the stone, they've done this on two of our diamonds this year... Hey, they're human too
we know that this possibility is rather inconvenient because the diamond will need to be sent back to the GIA for inscription, but unfortunately there is nothing that anybody can do about it...
Thanks for all the replies...I attached a pic with the H&A inscription and the prong...all at 5x darkfield.

do you think the prong is too big and that the gia inscription can hide behind it?

Even if the inscription is transparent, shouldn't one be able to see it under 10x? i can focus in on the girdle and see it's flat and faceted.

if GIA is wrong, what can I do? The diamond retailer doesn't specialize in Diamonds. can I contact GIA?


Do you have a sarin report on the stone that would show the cut proportions? This would be helpful it determining if the diamond was just inscribed H&A or if it has the cuts to really be a H&A diamond.

Inscriptions can be pretty difficult to make out using 10x magnification... 30x is a good place to be
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