
GIA Cushion Plot Question

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That''s a very interesting facet plot. I, too, have never see a step cut(?) mixed with brilliant faceting.
WOW! I''ve never seen that plot either. Looks like it started out as a square emerald cut (Asscheresque) and took a turn for cushionville. Looks intriguing nonetheless.
I saw that diamond as well and have never seen a plot like it. Please post photos if you decide to get it.

I wonder if someone started cutting it one way and switched their mind half way. I hear other branded stones starting from mistakes!
Date: 2/16/2009 9:33:34 PM
Author: pixley
WOW! I''ve never seen that plot either. Looks like it started out as a square emerald cut (Asscheresque) and took a turn for cushionville. Looks intriguing nonetheless.
That is strange! I''ve never seen that plot on a cushion - I seen some strange ones on EGL certs. And, I totally see what you mean...starting out square emerald / asscher and taking a turn toward cushionville! Crazy!!

geoffreysnow - see if you can get some pics. It would definitely be interesting to see it!
Wow, that is interesting! Would love to see a pic...

My cushion brilliant also has an unusual facet plot - it has six main pavillions instead of the usual four or eight. I think my stone started as an oval and then became a cushion.
Date: 2/16/2009 10:13:59 PM
Author: Rock_of_Love

geoffreysnow - see if you can get some pics. It would definitely be interesting to see it!

I just emailed them, I''ll see what they say but I doubt bluenile will have a picture. My budget is a bit less than this one so I don''t think I''ll ever be able to take pics myself

Anyone else care to purchase?
Sometimes other vendors will have the diamonds listed...and are more open to getting you pics. Try to see if you can find it at Union Diamond...or even in the search here. I forgot - Blue Nile won''t do pics!
You guys cant envision what the potential appearance might be?
Date: 2/17/2009 2:49:50 AM
Author: DiaGem
You guys cant envision what the potential appearance might be?

going to take a stab in the dark and think it might look like a legacy-esque cushion?
Date: 2/17/2009 2:52:20 AM
Author: Deelight

Date: 2/17/2009 2:49:50 AM
Author: DiaGem
You guys cant envision what the potential appearance might be?

going to take a stab in the dark and think it might look like a legacy-esque cushion?

Your imagination is working
That crossed my mind too, but I've never seen an actual plot for a Legacy. Could it be there's finally a Legacyesque cut floating around???

ETA - Nice one, Deelight!
Date: 2/17/2009 2:56:30 AM
Author: pixley
That crossed my mind too, but I''ve never seen an actual plot for a Legacy. Could it be there''s finally a Legacyesque cut floating around???
Hey..., so far its just the plot...
I am willing to bet GIA messed it up again
Date: 2/17/2009 2:58:15 AM
Author: DiaGem
Date: 2/17/2009 2:56:30 AM

Author: pixley

That crossed my mind too, but I've never seen an actual plot for a Legacy. Could it be there's finally a Legacyesque cut floating around???
Hey..., so far its just the plot...

I am willing to bet GIA messed it up again
ROFL! That thought ALSO crossed my mind!
Date: 2/17/2009 2:54:54 AM
Author: DiaGem
Date: 2/17/2009 2:52:20 AM

Author: Deelight

Date: 2/17/2009 2:49:50 AM

Author: DiaGem

You guys cant envision what the potential appearance might be?

going to take a stab in the dark and think it might look like a legacy-esque cushion?

Your imagination is working


I would be curious to see a real pic of it, anyone want to buy it for the fun of it - BN has a great return policy
geoffreysnow - Mark Turnowski and Engagement Rings Direct has access to nearly all the stones listed at Blue Nile and is sometimes able to offer better pricing than BN. His pictures aren''t always the greatest, but he''s found a huge number of cushions for Pricescopers and is an all around delightful person to work with. If you are interested, perhaps he could put in a call to the holder of that stone and see if they have other stones with that cut within your budget.
DG that faces up even smaller than your old cuts with the protruding crowns!
If this has a modern crown, for so little spread I wonder if the sides are squarish with small corner radius, or at least some bulge in the bottom.

Pixley, Mark used to really complain about matching BN pricing with the supplier I was interested in. I think BN must have gotten better terms/pricing than Mark because his margin was too small for him to be interested. With other suppliers it is probably different though.
Date: 2/17/2009 9:59:26 AM
Author: elmo
Pixley, Mark used to really complain about matching BN pricing with the supplier I was interested in. I think BN must have gotten better terms/pricing than Mark because his margin was too small for him to be interested. With other suppliers it is probably different though.
What a bummer. That''s good to know, though. I suppose it would depend on who the supplier is, no?
Date: 2/17/2009 8:58:59 AM
Author: pixley
geoffreysnow - Mark Turnowski and Engagement Rings Direct has access to nearly all the stones listed at Blue Nile and is sometimes able to offer better pricing than BN. His pictures aren''t always the greatest, but he''s found a huge number of cushions for Pricescopers and is an all around delightful person to work with. If you are interested, perhaps he could put in a call to the holder of that stone and see if they have other stones with that cut within your budget.

I tried contacting Mark about 3 weeks ago via email but haven''t received a response so I figured he must be working with other clients or my email somehow got lost. I did put in my email that it will be at least a month before I make a purchase, so that might be why I haven''t heard from him (yet?). Or it could be the busy Valentines purchases. I did notice his premium cushion counts went form close 30 down to 8 as of today so he has been busy!

I have been working with Sarah from GOG and she''s been absolutely delightful to work with. and other vendors promptly reply also and are very nice too.
Date: 2/17/2009 11:13:11 AM
Author: geoffreysnow

Date: 2/17/2009 8:58:59 AM
Author: pixley
geoffreysnow - Mark Turnowski and Engagement Rings Direct has access to nearly all the stones listed at Blue Nile and is sometimes able to offer better pricing than BN. His pictures aren''t always the greatest, but he''s found a huge number of cushions for Pricescopers and is an all around delightful person to work with. If you are interested, perhaps he could put in a call to the holder of that stone and see if they have other stones with that cut within your budget.

I tried contacting Mark about 3 weeks ago via email but haven''t received a response so I figured he must be working with other clients or my email somehow got lost. I did put in my email that it will be at least a month before I make a purchase, so that might be why I haven''t heard from him (yet?). Or it could be the busy Valentines purchases. I did notice his premium cushion counts went form close 30 down to 8 as of today so he has been busy!

I have been working with Sarah from GOG and she''s been absolutely delightful to work with. and other vendors promptly reply also and are very nice too.
I would give Mark a call, sometimes email can get lost - if you are ready to proceed then a phone call might be best.
Date: 2/17/2009 11:14:33 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 2/17/2009 11:13:11 AM

Author: geoffreysnow

Date: 2/17/2009 8:58:59 AM

Author: pixley

geoffreysnow - Mark Turnowski and Engagement Rings Direct has access to nearly all the stones listed at Blue Nile and is sometimes able to offer better pricing than BN. His pictures aren''t always the greatest, but he''s found a huge number of cushions for Pricescopers and is an all around delightful person to work with. If you are interested, perhaps he could put in a call to the holder of that stone and see if they have other stones with that cut within your budget.

I tried contacting Mark about 3 weeks ago via email but haven''t received a response so I figured he must be working with other clients or my email somehow got lost. I did put in my email that it will be at least a month before I make a purchase, so that might be why I haven''t heard from him (yet?). Or it could be the busy Valentines purchases. I did notice his premium cushion counts went form close 30 down to 8 as of today so he has been busy!

I have been working with Sarah from GOG and she''s been absolutely delightful to work with. and other vendors promptly reply also and are very nice too.

I would give Mark a call, sometimes email can get lost - if you are ready to proceed then a phone call might be best.

Ditto. His spam filter isn''t the greatest IMO.
Mark at ERD was gracious enough to follow up with this stone. It sure is nice but unfortunately it''s not what the GF had in mind.

that sure looks like an experiment gone interesting....

it''s kind of like a confused diamond, not sure of what it wants to be! i do like it though...
It''s different but I like it a lot too. Would be perfect for the person looking for something unique!

Mark mentioned he hadn''t ever seen this cut before too
Definitely one of a kind. A cross between a step cut (asscher) and cushion.
It'll be great for someone who can't make up their mind about getting an asscher or cushion. Why choose when you can get both in one stone?
Date: 2/18/2009 7:56:24 PM
Author: Chrono
It''ll be great for someone who can''t make up their mind about getting an asscher or cushion. Why choose when you can get both in one stone?

Well Storm, is it "kicken" or "kick it to the curb"?

I''m gonna vote to the curb. The step cut pavilion looks like one big window to me (and I normally like step cuts)
Date: 2/18/2009 7:59:23 PM
Author: coatimundi
Date: 2/18/2009 7:56:24 PM

Author: Chrono

It''ll be great for someone who can''t make up their mind about getting an asscher or cushion. Why choose when you can get both in one stone?


I can''t decide it is good looking or is definitly unique though
Is it a cussher or an asshion?
Mark was also kind enough to share the photo with me. It sure is interesting and I don''t think we will see many more.
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