I guess.35 rounded to 0 instead of 1 I'm thinking about math or something?MissGotRocks|1461789568|4024293 said:It means that it took a .35 deduction in contrast which gives it an AGS1 score rather than an AGS0.
What are the specs of the stone?
Thank you flyingpig for your response.flyingpig|1461795959|4024340 said:From what I know, the final cut grade is AGS 1 mainly because of one full deduction in weight ratio (spread), which leads to one full deduction in proportion factor. The 0.35 deduction in contrast does not lead to any deduction in light performance, which is AGS 0; thus, it is not a determining factor for the overall cut grade. My guess is that the deduction in contrast is because of the skinny arrows from the lower girdle length of 80%+.
Contrast affects both brilliance and scintillation.
I am curious. The diamond should have acceptable spread based on the girdle thickness (less than 4.0%)and 62.1% depth.
What is the carat weight?? what is the diameter??
Edit. Nevermind. It is the same stone from your previous thread. I hope you get more expert feedbacks for such significant purchase.
I see a little light leak on the table at 1 clock beside that I don't see anything else.flyingpig|1461824936|4024507 said:Strictly speaking about the crown angle, based on the numbers and the given computer generated image alone, the crown angle of 35.3 should not be an issue in this case. It complements 40.6 pavilion angle. HCA confirms this and the ASET/AGS software shows no deduction in brightness, leakage, and dispersion, although it would be nice to see the actual IS/ASET, which may reveal more information.
How to take down my email? Can't go back and edit that postteobdl|1461968512|4025284 said:That diamond is fine. The light leakage is more likely due to the camera being marginally off than the diamond having facets off. It barely missed AGS0.
Platinum is better. It doesn't rub off when polished, doesn't discolor like WG does when the plating comes off, PT feels more substantial, and it's just a better material to hold diamonds bc of various strength and malleability properties. The only rationale why people choose WG is 1) price 2) they like the WG color better.
BTW take off your email bc it's against the rules.
Thank you for your help. I just submitted the request.teobdl|1461970156|4025298 said:click "report concern" on your post and ask the moderators to remove the email bit.