
Getting Picky

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Mar 26, 2003
A i really getting too picky for qualifications i will never see. I am torn between 2 very similiar stones. One is 1K more expensive when all is said and done.

Stone 1 is 1.43, Ideal cut, E, VS2, Excellent on Polish and symetry

Stone 2 is 1.35, VG cut, E, VS1, VG and VG.

Is there really going to be a noticeable difference in the way these 2 stones look, or is there going to only be a negligible difference, and if so, are both going to be great stones?
It's impossible to tell from the data you have provided because the cut proportions could make a big difference in how they look.

Having said that, you will not see a difference in color, clarity or polish and symmetry between these two stones...the cut proportions will tell the difference.

We will need more information in order to assist you.
Cut data is critical in determining the amount of light output
and leakage on these 2 stones.
Can the vendors supply you with BrillianceScope and Imagescope

If I recall, the 1.43c had amazing HCA scores and great crown and pav specs. I don't recall much about the VG stone you are talking about...though I do think it was posted in the Tiffany discussion and seemed overpriced?

Anyhow--if the 1.43c is $1k more...and you get .08c more AND an excellent cut over a VG, I would take that hands down. Reasons? The 1.43 gets you close enough to a 1.50 for her to say she has a 1.5c stone to her friends and anyone who asks. It's an excellent cut stone on paper. $1k in 10 or 20 years is nothing, and I would definitely want the bigger stone and better cut.

But that's just my girlish opinion.
If we hypothetically stipulate that the 1.35 is approximately an AGA "2A" cut (very good proportions), then theoretically these 2 stones should be valued about the same.

Can you supply more info about the cut? One thing I'd be interested in is how the diameter of the 1.35 compares to the 1.43, along with all the other usual questions.
Is it really true that they would be valued the same? The 1.43c is excellently cut while the other one is VG. Sure the VG is a VS1 but all other factors the same, wouldn't the 1.43c larger stone with its ideal cut and EX EX symm polish be a higher value?
Mara, you've got the right instincts. I stand corrected. What was I thinking?

According to my post morning coffee number crunching (versus post evening wine number crunching), the 1.43 should be in the neighborhood of 18% more than the 1.35.

In light of that, only a $1000 more sounds like a good deal, relatively speaking.

Mara, you're hired.

Your right dont let the numbers drive you crazy
You will not see the 1k difference , save your money or give it to the elderly
i'm headed to the jewler tomorrow and i will then post some exacts on both stones.

her's another consideration though, i am buying early (not using until end of May)and i have a concern over return policy of the 1.43. its on line and has 30 day return policy, which by end of May, will be over with. worse case scenario, if you had a diamond like this and she didnt like it, what could you do with it if you couldnt return it

I would check her into a mental hospital. J/K I am sure she will love it and if not you can always try to resell it or use it as a trade in for the stone she really loves.
my only concern is that 1.45 will be too big. she has small hands and i am afriad that size ring will be too big looking?

any comments?
I don't think it would be too big as long as she has no objections to flashing around a large rock. People often find it impressive that the guy was willing to buy their fiancee such a large diamond. If she's the kind who really likes things in proportion or who really feels uncomfortable being noticed then it might be a problem. In most cases, though, I think it would be okay.
DS--you know her best but I highly doubt she will not like the stone. I'd love for you to produce a woman who says...' FI bought me this awesome 1.43c rock that he put all this time and effort into and is excellently cut, but its just too darn big and sparkly and I hate it!'. HAH!!

I know that some women don't like big diamonds or diamonds at all, but if she was that type of person, you wouldn't be looking at the sizes of stones you are--so your gut instinct with the sizes you are considering is probably right. It's easy to second-guess your almost-final decision as the amount of money you are spending is not petty cash!

What size are her fingers? Also--is the the type of person who would not like something you put alot of heart and soul into? I would think the chances are that your time spent would endear the ring to her regardless of it's size or value--but rather because you cared.

Don't get too paranoid...yes you are buying early, you could have the vendor work a clause into the purchase that says that if she does not like the stone in May you can return it for a trade-in value of purchase or similar. That way if she wants something smaller, you can get a smaller stone and a nice pair of earrings or something. If you promise the vendor your business regardless, I don't see a problem with them doing this. Would this set your mind at ease?

Rich--The post-morning-coffee values sound much more accurate!
I'm on the next plane...does your office have a window?
Rich...I'm on the next plane...does your office have a window?

My stationary office is inside a maximum security vault depository, which never sees the light of day. Kind of like being inside a classy Fort Knox.

My mobile office, however, has plenty of windows (22 foot motorhome), and I often meet clients at a spot which overlooks the beach/water. They love the view and ocean air as I do their appraisals while-they-wait.

What's your flight number?
Damn! The fiance caught me sneaking out....sorry Rich!
You'll have to soldier on serving the jewelry masses without me.
On 4/4/2003 12:20:43 PM Mara wrote:

I know that some women don't like big diamonds

you could have the vendor work a clause into the purchase that says that if she does not like the stone in May you can return it for a trade-in value of purchase or similar.

And would that be an honest women?

The second comment is right on. I'm sure you could trade it in for something that was mutually benefical for both parties. The stone sounds great & she will get used to the size quickly. I really think it's a nice size. Sizeable - but not too big. Also, the setting will have an impact on how "in your face" the stone is.

Good luck.
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