
Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alternative

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Hi to all. I've been out playing today! Had breakfast, then went to the car show. Alas, it won't really get into high gear (har) until tomorrow, so we decided not to hang around. We did see a swell Jag MK-2 however (Gailey), a very nice MG-C, and a Morris 8 - from the 30's sometime? Neat old car. Hubs called it a "sit up and beg saloon car". Petrolheads. Tsk.

From there we wandered around downtown looking for a cool secondhand store he read about in Esquire. We couldn't find so we traveled to the toney shopping district, wandered about, spent time and money in a B&N, then found Swirk's, a favorite jeweler, where the saleslady and I chatted endlessly and she cleaned my rings,let me try on anything I fancied, suggested cool pieces she thought I might like, and then suggested a fabulous lunch spot for my husband and me. And it WAS. Possibly the best burger I've EVER had. It was crusted with coffee grounds, glazed with a Guinness reduction, and had Boulevard Wheat sauteed mushrooms, and Guinness infused aged white cheddar. We split it, and it was to die for.

Then we tried again for the secondhand store (armed with better directions). We found the one we thought it was originally, but then my husband said, "well, all the high-end stuff is in their OTHER store." I was like, ok, why did we come here then, but we did end up going into a few fun antique stores nearby, so that was good.

From there we went to the farmers' market, which is very good, wandered around bemoaning the fact that Oklahoma has and never will have, anything that cool. To make ourselves feel better we got a gelato(him) and tiramisu(me) from the Italian market store there and sat down to watch the vendors dicker with the veggie buyers. Then we came back to the hotel to rest and have cocktails.

Fun day huh?

Who says we older folks don't know how to par....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............. ;))

Welcome to colorluvr! Marian and SooCool, I'm thinking of you. Junebug, that 50 year-old teacher just thought, like we do now, "Why bother to say anything to the cocky little chit. TIME will take care of her." And it did. Just like it does with all. So don't feel TOO bad. You could hardly help it. You didn't have enough planet time to get real humility.

OK! Off for 2 free cocktails! Everyone wish me luck that tonight is not one of those nights when alcohol makes me feel bad. I need a freebie tonight!

Living vicariously through you, my dear!!! Cheers to you and the hubby. :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
soocool said:
Gailey said:
soocool said:
Marian, just finished reading your post about your test results and sending tons of dust your way. I am sure that everything will be fine. I know it is just the waiting that is frustrating and nerve wracking.

Someone hurt my feelings very badly this morning and I have just been weepy for the past couple of hours.

Looks like we have some young groupies hanging on our old folks thread. That is somewhat refreshing.

Stick with us Soocool, we will try and make you feel better - feel the love! Alternatively, we could insult you so badly that you will think whoever was nasty to you earlier was just a peach. And if neither of those work, I'll haul DF back in here and insist he gives us the male version of what it's like to be an old codger.

Meanwhile here is the standard British treatment for all things bad.

Gailey, thanks I surely feel the love on here! Can I get a "shot" of something in my tea?

I was so upset this morning that now I am suffering from pvc's (my heart is now going beat, beat, beat, skip, beat, beat, beat, skip...) and it makes me feel lousy. If I remain calm hopefully they will go away soon. At least they are harmless according to my cardio.

I hate when something happens to provoke my arrhythmia. I know exactly how you feel. The best thing to do is to try to stay as calm as possible. I've had PACs and PVCs for years. In fact last November, I had four days straight of just PACs with no normal beats in between. Talk about a party going on in my chest! So annoying! Do you have something to take to try to help you relax when they act up?

gemgirl, I am not any meds except for a baby aspirin everyday so there is nothing for me to take to calm me down. I just came back from a long walk with DH and the dog and am feeling better. I see my cardio in a few weeks and we'll see what my stress test revealed. Also, I found out from the techniician during my stress test that sometime back in July when I did a phone interrogation of my pacemaker I had a 13 second v-tach but it was only 1 episode. That scares me.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Hi to all. I've been out playing today! Had breakfast, then went to the car show. Alas, it won't really get into high gear (har) until tomorrow, so we decided not to hang around. We did see a swell Jag MK-2 however (Gailey), a very nice MG-C, and a Morris 8 - from the 30's sometime? Neat old car. Hubs called it a "sit up and beg saloon car". Petrolheads. Tsk.

From there we wandered around downtown looking for a cool secondhand store he read about in Esquire. We couldn't find so we traveled to the toney shopping district, wandered about, spent time and money in a B&N, then found Swirk's, a favorite jeweler, where the saleslady and I chatted endlessly and she cleaned my rings,let me try on anything I fancied, suggested cool pieces she thought I might like, and then suggested a fabulous lunch spot for my husband and me. And it WAS. Possibly the best burger I've EVER had. It was crusted with coffee grounds, glazed with a Guinness reduction, and had Boulevard Wheat sauteed mushrooms, and Guinness infused aged white cheddar. We split it, and it was to die for.

Then we tried again for the secondhand store (armed with better directions). We found the one we thought it was originally, but then my husband said, "well, all the high-end stuff is in their OTHER store." I was like, ok, why did we come here then, but we did end up going into a few fun antique stores nearby, so that was good.

From there we went to the farmers' market, which is very good, wandered around bemoaning the fact that Oklahoma has and never will have, anything that cool. To make ourselves feel better we got a gelato(him) and tiramisu(me) from the Italian market store there and sat down to watch the vendors dicker with the veggie buyers. Then we came back to the hotel to rest and have cocktails.

Fun day huh?

Who says we older folks don't know how to par....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............. ;))

Welcome to colorluvr! Marian and SooCool, I'm thinking of you. Junebug, that 50 year-old teacher just thought, like we do now, "Why bother to say anything to the cocky little chit. TIME will take care of her." And it did. Just like it does with all. So don't feel TOO bad. You could hardly help it. You didn't have enough planet time to get real humility.

OK! Off for 2 free cocktails! Everyone wish me luck that tonight is not one of those nights when alcohol makes me feel bad. I need a freebie tonight!

I'm living vicariously through you, too -- what a great day you had! Here's hoping the alcohol does not make you feel bad. I hate that part about getting older -- alcohol makes my already crappy sleep patterns even worse!

I love your comment above about "not enough planet time." I may have to borrow it in certain situations!

Hubby is grilling salmon tonight. Gotta set the table. Risingsun and socool, my thoughts are with you! And, Uppy, the description of your day in the high school was both hilarious and sobering. I read parts of it aloud to DH and he cracked up. You have a way with words.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks Sara. There are days when words are all I have left, then there are days when even those escape me. I'm glad I have a place to share my good days!!!!!

Okay, question for all.......

What do you still take pride in?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Interesting question Uppy, and I fear I can't really answer that..... If you would have asked what makes me happy, I could have given you a bunch of anwers, but I'm not sure I take pride in much these days.... I'm not being a downer, as my life is pretty good...

My health is quite good "for my age" (LOL) and I look decent (read - you wouldn't pick me out of a crowd for looking really good or for looking really bad - so I figure that puts me at decent).

I have a good marriage and my sweetie puts up with me (mostly). I have a great son (who has an interview next Wednesday - do I hear a HOOOOORAH).....

I got my mother moved from her house to my sisters (three weeks of hell - but I won't go into that) and her health is better than it was a month ago.

I have two wonderful dogs that I love and baby to death, even though they are "senior" dogs now....

BUT, I haven't worked in over three years, (partly by choice, partly not) so the part of me that used to feel "pride in my work" has pretty much left the room.

We move every couple of years due to my husband's work, so our homes are always rentals, so I don't have that "pride in my beautiful home" that I had at one time, and I'm a crappy cook.... so there's no pride there - LOL (thank god my hubby likes to cook).

So truthfully, even though I have a good life, I'm not really sure I take "pride" in much of anything these days.... maybe that's part of my problem.....

When I think of something I'm proud of..... I fear it was something that happened "a while back", not something that is currently taking place......make sense?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool said:
gemgirl said:
soocool said:
Gailey said:
soocool said:
Marian, just finished reading your post about your test results and sending tons of dust your way. I am sure that everything will be fine. I know it is just the waiting that is frustrating and nerve wracking.

Someone hurt my feelings very badly this morning and I have just been weepy for the past couple of hours.

Looks like we have some young groupies hanging on our old folks thread. That is somewhat refreshing.

Stick with us Soocool, we will try and make you feel better - feel the love! Alternatively, we could insult you so badly that you will think whoever was nasty to you earlier was just a peach. And if neither of those work, I'll haul DF back in here and insist he gives us the male version of what it's like to be an old codger.

Meanwhile here is the standard British treatment for all things bad.

Gailey, thanks I surely feel the love on here! Can I get a "shot" of something in my tea?

I was so upset this morning that now I am suffering from pvc's (my heart is now going beat, beat, beat, skip, beat, beat, beat, skip...) and it makes me feel lousy. If I remain calm hopefully they will go away soon. At least they are harmless according to my cardio.

I hate when something happens to provoke my arrhythmia. I know exactly how you feel. The best thing to do is to try to stay as calm as possible. I've had PACs and PVCs for years. In fact last November, I had four days straight of just PACs with no normal beats in between. Talk about a party going on in my chest! So annoying! Do you have something to take to try to help you relax when they act up?

gemgirl, I am not any meds except for a baby aspirin everyday so there is nothing for me to take to calm me down. I just came back from a long walk with DH and the dog and am feeling better. I see my cardio in a few weeks and we'll see what my stress test revealed. Also, I found out from the techniician during my stress test that sometime back in July when I did a phone interrogation of my pacemaker I had a 13 second v-tach but it was only 1 episode. That scares me.

That's exactly what I was going to write about tonight, as far as my new, or my fourth type of arrhythmia. I had two episodes of V-tach when I was in the hospital in June, and two since then. For me, V-tach feels very different from when I have PACs and PVCs which don't have any other symptoms except for the flukey heart rhythm. I don't feel well when I have the V-tach episodes. To help you to feel better, and V-tach episode that lasts for less than 30 seconds is called "non-sustained" V-tach. They resolve on their own and within a short space of time. Yours and mine are both non-sustained, but because I now have four different types of arrhythmia now, and because I almost passed out last week and had a pain in my chest from the episode, my Cardiologist is sending me to a Cardiac Electrophysiologist (which you must have also since you have a pacemaker). They'll probably do an EP study on me and zuke the cells in my heart that are causing the different arrhythmias. I'm NOT looking forward to that!

I know they're scary, but they're not the more serious type, so try not to worry until you seen your doctor.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Portree, borrow away. I certainly don't mind.

Thanks for the hopes that the alcohol doesn't hammer me. So far so good, YAY! We had our 2 free drinks, then walked to a great place nearby, that has a lovely outdoor patio. we had munchies and I had a lemon drop with dinner, and I'm feeling FINE. AND...if I find that I'm hammered tomorrow, all I have to do is drag myself out of bed, and by 9am, be at the appointed place with the hubs, where we will both have massages. When I go on a relaxing vacation ladies, I work really HARD at relaxing. I take it VERY seriously. One of the great things about being 47/48 with no kids, is at least we have a bit of money for a few of the extra things. Certainly not all, but a few. No longer living on the financial edge is one of the GOOD things about being this old, and being married. I know it's maudlin, but I love this man beyond all reason. We laugh much more than anything, and our memories go back so far, that he becomes more precious to me by the day. More than any person now living, he remembers me as I was at 18 - as a young woman. And he sees that girl through the tracks that Father Time has left on me. ;)) Ya just can't beat that.

Grilled salmon sounds lovely. I make a fast and easy blackened salmon salad when we're in a lazy mood. So I'm coming over for dinner, OK? Mmm!

Soocool and Gemgirl - I've had a month or two of PVC's after my mom died - and yes, so annoying, among other things, and more recently, a period of episodes of SVT(non-life-threatening and not bad enough to demand meds) - very distressing. While the rate was about 190, it's been VERY infrequent, and nothing like what you and Soocool have to deal with I'm sure, but yeah, the scary/annoying factor, I'm right there.

Proud of? Wow. I'm proud to have lived so long alone and bought a house on my own. On the whole I'm..not proud...but satisifed that I did what was necessary to help my mother in the last 2 years of her life. I'm more grateful, I guess, that I could DO it, you know?

I'm proud that I was able to truly TRULY forgive my husband for past "things". We go back a long way, lots of water under the bridge, and we didn't part well the second time. He hurt me terribly and it took a long time to get over, but when we finally did, we did it with eyes open, full forgiveness on both sides, and for life until the end. I'm proud of us both there.

I'm proud of the quality of friends I've been able to call mine. My friends are people of high caliber, and I'm honored by their friendship.

I'm proud that I haven't stopped learning, reading. That I haven't quite "solidified" yet, and that my curiosity about most things in the world, is still intact. It's too easy to lose that as you get older. To the degree that I'm able, I want to be fully engaged with the world until I'm gone.

Wow. This is tough. Not proud is easy. Proud is pretty hard....
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
I know it's maudlin, but I love this man beyond all reason. We laugh much more than anything, and our memories go back so far, that he becomes more precious to me by the day. More than any person now living, he remembers me as I was at 18 - as a young woman. And he sees that girl through the tracks that Father Time has left on me. ;)) Ya just can't beat that.
That right there is something to be immensly proud of! :appl: for making relationships work!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
ksinger said:
I know it's maudlin, but I love this man beyond all reason. We laugh much more than anything, and our memories go back so far, that he becomes more precious to me by the day. More than any person now living, he remembers me as I was at 18 - as a young woman. And he sees that girl through the tracks that Father Time has left on me. ;)) Ya just can't beat that.
That right there is something to be immensly proud of! :appl: for making relationships work!

Well, in that vain, I guess I'm pretty dang proud that I still have the attention and affection of my "much younger than me" husband and I can still (pretty much) keep up with him - does that count? (especially considering he gets about 8 or 9 hrs sleep to my 6) :? :oops:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna


That's exactly what I was going to write about tonight, as far as my new, or my fourth type of arrhythmia. I had two episodes of V-tach when I was in the hospital in June, and two since then. For me, V-tach feels very different from when I have PACs and PVCs which don't have any other symptoms except for the flukey heart rhythm. I don't feel well when I have the V-tach episodes. To help you to feel better, and V-tach episode that lasts for less than 30 seconds is called "non-sustained" V-tach. They resolve on their own and within a short space of time. Yours and mine are both non-sustained, but because I now have four different types of arrhythmia now, and because I almost passed out last week and had a pain in my chest from the episode, my Cardiologist is sending me to a Cardiac Electrophysiologist (which you must have also since you have a pacemaker). They'll probably do an EP study on me and zuke the cells in my heart that are causing the different arrhythmias. I'm NOT looking forward to that!

I know they're scary, but they're not the more serious type, so try not to worry until you seen your doctor.[/quote]

Are you on any meds for your arrhythmia? With the PVCs I also get a weird feeling in my throat in addition to the skipped beats.

There are 4 EP's in my practice and they are all great. They certainly know what they are doing and if they do an EP study they can go ahead and find those bad cells and zap them and put your heart back in good rhythm.

Two weeks ago I had just gone upstairs and I sat down and felt my heart start to race and then slowed down. They weren't palpitations . I put on my exercise heart rate monitor and it happned again as I stood up and walked slowly.
I saw the doctor immediately who interrogated my pacemaker and could not find any episodes for that day. But he did make a change in my pacemaker to log any atrial beats of 140 or higher and to let him know when it happened again. (My pacemaker is now my black box) Well it happened the very next day and I went back and he interrogated my pacemaker again and saw that my atrial rate went up to 160 (normal beats). So no a-fib .Now they are trying to find out why the fast beats. It lasted a couple of days and then went away. I had a nuclear stress test done last week and am waiting for results and am wearing a Cardionet monitor 28 days just in case.

If everything else checks out ok I am wondering if I might have some funky new electrical pathways causing the problem and have an ablation to correct the problem. Six months ago I never knew such things as third degree heartblock existed until I had one. I thought I was having a heart attack.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

soocool~I will be thinking about you. This sounds like a very complex condition. Hopefully, your doctors will be able to get it under control. I've always enjoyed talking with you. I'm so glad we have a thread that makes communication so much easier--and candid.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hey all, you've heard me and Uppy talk about a "class", well, here is something I'm a bit proud of. This pendant is my first piece from the jewelry class I took this summer. The stone is called pinlooth, a type of jasper. The back is sterling, and the bezel and all the little balls are fine silver. I also made the chain (prior to the class) by hand-making and fusing fine silver rings and then weaving them - all 211 of them. The only thing I still want to do on the piece is make a nicer bail - right now I just slapped a ring on there so I could at least wear it while I ponder.

Oh..not hungover, but I'm paying for all the walking yesterday. On my good days I tend to do too much, and then pay for it. But yesterday was pretty much worth it. :)

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Oh k, that's beautiful! I don't know which I like more, the necklace (which you could wear with so many things) or the pendant.
You could sell these! Wow..... Could you take a pic of the piece on your neck? How long did it take you to learn this?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, that is an impressive piece of jewelry. Great job.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Proud: having a feeling of satisfaction. Let's see, I'm proud of the fact that our marriage has lasted 35 years in spite of the fact that I married the husband at 18 after knowing him for 4 weeks. Stupid, but proud.
4 kids by age 26, full time work (6 days a week, maybe 5 or 6 Saturdays off a year) for 18 years so kids could attend Catholic school K-12.
Have maintained good relationships with all family members even through the ups and downs of life.
Able to send all 4 kids to college and see them all have good careers and be self sufficient.
Watching the kids raise their families with the love, values and postive guidance that we tried so hard to do.
Learning the basics of computers and the internet and stepping out of my box to participate here.
Still wanting to try new things, learn to play new instruments, research and learn about whatever tickles my fancy at any given moment.

Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

ksinger said:
Hey all, you've heard me and Uppy talk about a "class", well, here is something I'm a bit proud of. This pendant is my first piece from the jewelry class I took this summer. The stone is called pinlooth, a type of jasper. The back is sterling, and the bezel and all the little balls are fine silver. I also made the chain (prior to the class) by hand-making and fusing fine silver rings and then weaving them - all 211 of them. The only thing I still want to do on the piece is make a nicer bail - right now I just slapped a ring on there so I could at least wear it while I ponder.

Oh..not hungover, but I'm paying for all the walking yesterday. On my good days I tend to do too much, and then pay for it. But yesterday was pretty much worth it. :)

You made a beautiful piece of jewelry, ksinger! I can't wait to see what you do next. Are you and Uppy in the same class?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, what a nice necklace! Must congratulate you on the chain, it's lovely. So many people get a pretty pendant & put it on a boring stock chain from Macy's or Kay's Jewelers, it's jarring. I pay as much attention to the necklace as the pendant these days.

Proud, good subject, Uppy. Glad may be a better word than proud for my feeling about dumping some of the more superficial values I had when younger & getting back to common sense ones that fulfill me much more. I'm pleased that I was able to find homes for countless dogs needing them & absolutely totally grateful for the souls in animal packages of all varieties that I've been lucky enough to know -- and the humans they brought me in contact with. I'm proud of the work I did when I was working. And enormously grateful to have gotten sober & stayed that way for the past 18 yrs and for what I learned in the process -- and am still learning. As long as new things continue to roam around in my noggin, I'll be alive; when that stops, I won't want to live any longer. I'm also glad my husband & I still laugh a lot!

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, that piece of jewelry you made is spectacular. My DD had a chance to take metalworking/jewelry in high school but decided to take Page Design so she can work on the yearbook.

Sparkalin, 35 years of marriage and working hard to give your kids the best education is one phenomenal accomplishment. We mothers give so much of ourselves to others that we often neglect our needs. So go out that and do what you have always wanted to do!

I am interested in glass blowing and might take a class at the county college if my doc says it is ok. I am starting a guitar class for beginners on Sept 20. I thought about cancelling since the additional heart issues, but I still have time until I hear what my cardio says. I am so looking forward to learning guitar..
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ksinger, that pendant and chain are gorgeous!!! I'm so impressed with the quality of your work...the bezel and chain are beautifully done. You could definitely sell your pieces, if you're so inclined. You could open your own Etsy shop!!!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Thanks all, for the kind words. I was fairly pleased with that pendant, although it will be awhile before I do a granulation piece like that again. The joke in class became, (since they'd hear me periodically protesting with an inarticulate "GAAAAAAAAH!!"), "Oh, Karen's have ball issues again." :cheeky: Applying those things was a bear, and took oodles of time. Something simpler this next time I think. We'll see if I stick to that. Like many people my imagination often outstrips my skill level. Baby steps, right?

I do hope to sell stuff. I want jewelry making to be a hobby and a money maker should I be one of the unluckies who loses a job.

That chain is truly a favorite. But you could never make your labor out of it - it just takes too much time. But believe it or not, it's kinda relaxing, and I do it in the cracks - a few links here or there, so it never feels like a long time.

I certainly hope Uppy and OUPearGirl will be in class with me. They do fill up fast in there.

And yes, everyone who has a thing they've always wanted to do, for heaven's sake....DO IT. Take guitar. Take glassblowing. Don't wait. I took almost 4 years of voice, starting when I was 31 - quite late to start, but I did anyway. More fun than kittens, and I found I was good. So, it's never too late.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Upgradable said:
What do you still take pride in?

I'm going to go back to Uppy's question and make a comment (observation) based on my initial response (not my tonque in cheek second comment about my husband) and the subsequent comments of several other members.

While a few of you posted current "things you take pride in", most of you, like me, find that the things we may "take pride in" are truly accomplishments that we are proud of that have taken place in the past, or over a lifetime (some of us much longer than others) of
"things we've achieved" (past tense) rather than something that is happening RIGHT NOW in our lives.

I've done a lot throughout my life that I am proud of, and while having a great son and a good relationship with my husband are truly something to be proud of, I think the one accomplishment that gave me the most personal sense of satisfaction in the latter part of my life, was the fact that at the ripe old age of 49 (10 years ago) I went BACK to college at San Diego State University and updated my very old dusty 1973 BA degree with a new shiny - 24 unit academic certificate in my newly entered chosen field of work. I got through it in 9 months (which was pretty good considering it was through an extension program that was set up to be taken one class at a time and I took two or three at a time). I got all "A's", which reminded me that I did still have (had???) a functioning brain - (very good for my self worth at the time) and I went on to work in that field (which was and still is, almost completely dominated by men) for the next several years..... BUT, and this is a big but..... that was then... it is an accomplishment that I did, it's not really something I STILL take pride in.... proud of doing it... you bet, as I'm proud of several things I've done in my life..... but I think the point (correct me if I'm wrong Uppy) of the question was, what are you doing right now, at this time in your life that you take pride in? and to that...... my answer is the same as my first post..... not really anything :((

I'm not sad, in fact, I'm quite happy as a general rule..... as stated before, my health is pretty dang good for my age and I have more blessings in my life than I could ever write down in a single setting...... but I'm just not DOING anything RIGHT NOW that I can say I really take pride in (unless you count getting through the day with my head still attached).

Anyone else feel this way?
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Ughh, I've been so out of it for the last few days. Not out of it physically, I'm actually very busy. It's more the apprehension and a tiny bit of dread I'm feeling, and I am so NOT the negative type. I'm pissing myself off! I have that damned colon polypectomy surgery scheduled for next Monday (the 13th) and I'm not looking forward to it, especially after almost bleeding to death because of my first surgeon's negligence in June. Yeah, that was fun. She left a blood vessel open, I lost 40% of my blood to the old porcelain facility and I nearly died. Of course I'm never going back to her. This is with a different person, a man with a sterling reputation for doing "meticulous" surgery. It's not even the prep any more. I know everyone frets that. Hell, I've had one diagnostic colonoscopy and two therapeutic colonoscopies in just a few months. That gallon of gack goes right now at this point. It's the day after. I'm seriously worried about history repeating itself. I know I shouldn't be. This has never happened to me before and I've had eight pelvic surgeries for Gyno problems with nothing negative happening. It's just that the memory of what happened is still too vivid for me..... I think my new heart glitch is weighing into how I feel also. I kept thinking for the last couple of months that all I had to do was get through this next one, then I'd be free to enjoy all the winter holidays after missing out on doing everything fun that we would normally do during the summer. But now I have to see that cardiac specialist a month after this surgery. Geez, I'm really pissed off!

I decided last week to try to totally distract myself by diving into a new jewelry project. I'm excited about it, but still it's not removing my mind *enough* from what's coming up. We have the kickoff of a new Retrouvaille weekend to work at this Friday night, but that's not doing it for me either, even though I have tons of work to do for it before then.

Anywho..... Marian, I'm taking my own advice and I'm designing a new diamond halo pendant for myself that will become part of WF's line when it's done. (I feel so honored!) Your gorgeous HofF upgrade stayed stuck in my mind (it's so spectacular) and I decided to move one of my "someday I'll make that" projects, to a "let's make it now" project. I've been thinking of how I felt and what was going through my mind as I laid there in the ER last June thinking that I actually might not have the time to do all the things I always wanted to do and see all the places I always wanted to see. I didn't mean for that to sound so depressing, it just made me realize that I may have taken "time" for granted. Anyway, it's going to be a new custom design and I haven't quite worked out all of the details in my mind yet, but I'm working on it. One of my dearest real life BFF's Renee told me I'd have to think of a name for it, so I told her I'd think about it. A half hour later, she poked me on the funny pages (I never used those two letters anymore, I don't want another reprimand!) and knowing my life very well, suggested a name (based on something furry of mine) and that was it! So I have the basic idea and I have the name and I now I have some tweeking to do. I will definitely email you!

I know I'm behind in reading all the posts, but I just wanted to say welcome to colorluvr! Please do take Uppy's advice and hook up with all of us you know where.

ksinger, you're such a cool chick! I always like and appreciate what you write and contribute. I'm looking forward to knowing you better.

soocool, I will keep you in prayer, just as much as I do Marian and myself. The veterans of the medical wars.....

I will catch up. I'm just a little frazzled right now.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

I'm still proud:
that I overcame a childhood of poverty & abuse;
of my moral compass;
of my compassion;
of my ability to survive adversity;
that I can love;
that people who know me trust me implicitly;
that I can upon occasion, like when he's drunk or otherwise impaired, turn a younger man's head.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Gemgirl, dust and prayers for you! I'm sure you'll get through with flying colors. Update as soon as you feel like it, we'll be thinking of you. Dust, dust, dust, dust your way.

I don't know if we're proud of what we're doing till it's done, are we? Maybe proud for trying something scary and/or new -- like glass-blowing or guitar. But generally the things I am pleased with didn't feel so hot in the process. Such as when I was setting up marketing & sales for my company in Europe & Japan. At the time, especially in the beginning, I was so stressed I couldn't sleep, roamed our apt. in Amsterdam fretting. Afraid of dropping a huge clanger. Once I got more confidence in the job, there was pressure to come up with new marketing programs, more efficient & less expensive avenues of supply, weed out distributors, attract new ones, blah blah. Not that I didn't have fun; I loved the variety & people & knowledge I gained. After a few things succeeded I was pleased w/them but, since you're only as good as your next sales numbers, I felt like, "Ok, that worked. What's next?" In retrospect I'm really pleased -- I left the company 20 yrs ago & they still brag about some of my accomplishments on their website.

Ditto things like helping my mother as she fought cancer for a year, me in Conn., she in Denver. I flew back & forth constantly & gave everything in me to give, with gratitude for the privilege of repaying her goodness to me all my life. After she died I felt glad that for once I was totally there when needed, but I hated every single second of the situation, naturally.

Can't say I'm doing anything now that gives me great pride, except giving every bit of care & happiness possible to an old ailing dog who deserves each & every good thing that happens to him. (Can you tell I'm an animal person, lol?) Again, though, not really pride at the moment -- probably never. I hate the process.

I guess I'm proud of creating the landscaping here; it's been enormous work that I've done all myself. This year for the 1st time in 6 yrs, it looks kind of like what I intended -- though I mostly see the improvements still to be done.

I don't get proud of stuff, actually. Pleased at how something worked, grateful I had the backbone to do this or that, maybe proud I tried something.

--- Laurie
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl said:
Ughh, I've been so out of it for the last few days. Not out of it physically, I'm actually very busy. It's more the apprehension and a tiny bit of dread I'm feeling, and I am so NOT the negative type. I'm pissing myself off! I have that damned colon polypectomy surgery scheduled for next Monday (the 13th) and I'm not looking forward to it, especially after almost bleeding to death because of my first surgeon's negligence in June. Yeah, that was fun. She left a blood vessel open, I lost 40% of my blood to the old porcelain facility and I nearly died. Of course I'm never going back to her. This is with a different person, a man with a sterling reputation for doing "meticulous" surgery. It's not even the prep any more. I know everyone frets that. Hell, I've had one diagnostic colonoscopy and two therapeutic colonoscopies in just a few months. That gallon of gack goes right now at this point. It's the day after. I'm seriously worried about history repeating itself. I know I shouldn't be. This has never happened to me before and I've had eight pelvic surgeries for Gyno problems with nothing negative happening. It's just that the memory of what happened is still too vivid for me..... I think my new heart glitch is weighing into how I feel also. I kept thinking for the last couple of months that all I had to do was get through this next one, then I'd be free to enjoy all the winter holidays after missing out on doing everything fun that we would normally do during the summer. But now I have to see that cardiac specialist a month after this surgery. Geez, I'm really pissed off!

I decided last week to try to totally distract myself by diving into a new jewelry project. I'm excited about it, but still it's not removing my mind *enough* from what's coming up. We have the kickoff of a new Retrouvaille weekend to work at this Friday night, but that's not doing it for me either, even though I have tons of work to do for it before then.

Anywho..... Marian, I'm taking my own advice and I'm designing a new diamond halo pendant for myself that will become part of WF's line when it's done. (I feel so honored!) Your gorgeous HofF upgrade stayed stuck in my mind (it's so spectacular) and I decided to move one of my "someday I'll make that" projects, to a "let's make it now" project. I've been thinking of how I felt and what was going through my mind as I laid there in the ER last June thinking that I actually might not have the time to do all the things I always wanted to do and see all the places I always wanted to see. I didn't mean for that to sound so depressing, it just made me realize that I may have taken "time" for granted. Anyway, it's going to be a new custom design and I haven't quite worked out all of the details in my mind yet, but I'm working on it. One of my dearest real life BFF's Renee told me I'd have to think of a name for it, so I told her I'd think about it. A half hour later, she poked me on the funny pages (I never used those two letters anymore, I don't want another reprimand!) and knowing my life very well, suggested a name (based on something furry of mine) and that was it! So I have the basic idea and I have the name and I now I have some tweeking to do. I will definitely email you!

I know I'm behind in reading all the posts, but I just wanted to say welcome to colorluvr! Please do take Uppy's advice and hook up with all of us you know where.

ksinger, you're such a cool chick! I always like and appreciate what you write and contribute. I'm looking forward to knowing you better.

soocool, I will keep you in prayer, just as much as I do Marian and myself. The veterans of the medical wars.....

I will catch up. I'm just a little frazzled right now.

Gemgirl~please get in touch with me as soon as you are able, following surgery. Have they arranged for you to stay overnight? With everything that happened last time, I would think it should be part of your protocol. You will be in my thoughts and prayers, as always. This must go better than last time. That's the way it has to be and we can't contemplate anything else!! Please give me a call, if you would like. I'm not going anywhere. Don't be concerned about sounding depressed. If we can't express ourselves freely on this thread, then there would be something truly amiss.

I'm so excited about your new pendant! Since this thread started, my ring has received a lot of love. That makes me very happy. I took me a year to pick it out. I have a pendant and earrings that are haloed, too. I'm pretty sure you have seen them. I have my halo pendant on an adjustable chain. Due to the design, I am able to to this. I like being able to wear it with different necklines. Something to think about.

Take good care of yourself. Please keep in close touch. {{{{{gemgirl}}}}}
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi. I thought maybe I'd fit in here as I am a bit older {ahem, I'm 58} than most posters.

Been married 27 years and we have raised a 24 year old. I've been unemployed for over 2 years and very discouraged. However, I've decided to get a hold of myself when it comes to fitness and have been dragging myself to the gym every other {or second } day. I have bad rhuematoid arthritis in my hands which at times can be very limiting, and working out with weights can be problematic.

So what am I most proud of? How our son turned out {so far =) }. Without getting specific {way too boring and who really cares about stuff that happened 45 years ago} I had a negative upbring and wasn't sure I would be able to overcome it and be an effective mother. with the help of my husband and a shrink I've been able to put the past behind me. We have a terrific kid. He just got his MBA in finance and is looking for work in that field--and there aren't too many opportunities. He's never really given us a problem and has always been very goal oriented.

I never thought I would ever reach this age...I certainly DON'T feel old--and I have always taken care of my skin and can truthfully say I don't have a problem with wrinkling--loss of firmness {can't bring myself to say sagging!!! :naughty: } is an issue, And my hairdresser tells me I don't have much of a problem with greying--YET. I'm a bottle redhead. I love make up and fragrance AND when the weight thing is under control I enjoy clothes

I really like to read...books. I'm a dinosaur when it comes to technology--I can internet, google and do some blogging but windows, excell and all the rest has me stumped. No way will I ever get a Kindle, I like to hold them and smell them {books}.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Welcome to our thread, Amber :)) Anything you would like to talk about is fine--past or present. I'm looking forward to getting to know you :wavey:
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

gemgirl, you'll be on my mind and in my prayers - I've scoured PS to find some hint of the issues that you've alluded to before! Please keep us posted, and know that we are pulling for you!

And now, I'll take my 41yr old self back to read through all the pages. Seems a little daunting right now, but it's nice to have a thread like this. I've noticed lots of physical aging just in the last year - hair loss (what I pull out of the shower drain would keep a small child warm ;( ), hip pain, lack of stamina, major decrease in metabolism, etc. But, I'm thankful for 4 kids, an 18yr marriage, and relatively good health.
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Positive thoughts and prayers heading your way Gemgirl!
Re: Getting older isn't so bad when you consider the alterna

Hi all. So many new posts! I wish I could respond to them as they deserve, but right now I'm paying the price that I always seem to pay for overexertion. I feel good, do too much, and then I'm laid out the next day. I got a massage this morning, and it was good, but unlike my husband, who had HIS kinks worked out, mine got worked IN. Wasn't nearly as perky as yesterday. We had our 2 free drinks this evening (this is a fun hotel!) but I absolutely cratered when we got back to the room. Slept for an hour and a half, and I almost never do that. I'm still out of it. I'm finally totally off the Cymbalta (supposedly for fibro pain) so coming off that may have something to do with it, although I don't know how I could have backed off it any more slowly.

Hopefully I'll be able to get BACK to sleep and feel better tomorrow. Good night all!! ::)