
getting a 2carat. Should I be self-conscious?


Jul 5, 2011
Hi There,
I know you all will not judge me so I'm writing to share...I'm married 10 years this year and we are buying a new set of rings for me. I've been waiting all this time for my diamonds. I've worn a plain 7mm wide yellow gold band up until now and loved it--but ALWAYS looked forward to the day we could get my diamonds! I LOVE sparkle!!

So I've picked out my Tiffany six prong classic solitaire setting for the e-ring and the shared prong 3mm eternity band...and I'm thinking a 2 carat for the e-ring...But having come from just a plain band all these years, I'm feeling a bit self-conscious thinking about wearing it. I absolutely love the 2 carat when I try it on and feel that it is a very nice size for my hand. (Very long fingers) And smaller looks sooooo much smaller to me. 2 just looks perfect.

But I'm worried people are going to look at me and not even enjoy how beautiful the ring it, but only just wonder what size it is and if it's really real. Is 2 carats really that unusual? Am I going to look strange and extravagant wearing it around doing everyday things like grocery shopping or going to the park with my children?

help! I'm dying to get my rings but feel hung up about this. I want to do what makes me happy but it's hard to feel like I'm attracting attention to myself...
If you can afford 2 carats without going into debt and if you like how it looks on you, get it!
Who cares what other people think? Some may judge your diamond a silly rock, some may turn green with envy, most of the people won't put their attention on it...
But if you're in doubt it won't fit your life style and your moral rules, don't buy it now, buy a good simulant and put yourself to the test of time...
The most important thing is what you think and how you feel about having a great amount of money on your finger.
I love the look of the set you are planning, it is simple and classic.
As for size, do you live in a area where 2ct stones are few and far between or do you see quite a few large engagement rings?
I personally do not find 2cts to be large at all, maybe larger than average for where I live but still not too large by any means. I think it's a nice size.
My personal opinion is to not worry what other people think, the only thing that matters is that you love it and it seems like you're really happy with that size on your finger.
Just enjoy it! ;))

....and post pics when you get it!
My situation was similar :) I had to wait 15 years for the diamond and I got 2.71 carats lol Anyway, I felt very self conscious for a while. I would hide my hand. And honestly even now sometimes I think I would. I'm out of the country so I haven't even seen it for a year and a half and right now I don't think I'd hide it at all. I can't wait to see it lol Anyway, *should* you be self conscious? No. Will you? Maybe. Probably sometimes. Most of it will fade. You might find situations where it seems ostentatious or inappropriate and it might make you uncomfortable, but you will find many more situations where you are proud of it and can't take your eyes off of it :)
Cehrabehra|1309858363|2961833 said:
My situation was similar :) I had to wait 15 years for the diamond and I got 2.71 carats lol Anyway, I felt very self conscious for a while. I would hide my hand. And honestly even now sometimes I think I would. I'm out of the country so I haven't even seen it for a year and a half and right now I don't think I'd hide it at all. I can't wait to see it lol Anyway, *should* you be self conscious? No. Will you? Maybe. Probably sometimes. Most of it will fade. You might find situations where it seems ostentatious or inappropriate and it might make you uncomfortable, but you will find many more situations where you are proud of it and can't take your eyes off of it :)

Well said Cehrabehra!
There will always be people out there with smaller diamonds than yours and also some with larger ones. If you can afford a 2 carat diamond and you love it, buy it and be proud of it. Don't let worry about what others might think spoil your enjoyment of something that should be very special to you. Just be sure to come back and post pictures for us!!!
I say............DO IT, GO FOR IT!!!

If it looks perfect on you and you want it, do it! Of course you will feel self conscious because you've never had something that big on your hand before. Just make sure you insure that baby! :-)

It's for YOU not them and others will always have an opinion, but what matters is what YOU want and what YOU like.

GL and can't wait to see pictures.
Two carats is a great size. I don't think it will look overly large if you have long fingers. No need to be self-conscious, enjoy it!!!
Definitely get what makes you happy! My feeling is that everyone has their "thing" that makes them happy. For some, it's a fancy car; for others, it may be high-end designer clothes; or a boat, or the latest television, etc. etc. I couldn't care less about what kind of car I drive, and I swear I have been wearing the same pair of camou cargo pants and Target flip flops all summer, but I love my rings! Your rings are going to be beautiful!
Go for it!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

What a nice upgrade! I would not feel self conscious at all... if you think about it, even 3 carat stones are only around 9mm. Around 9mm is a pretty tiny thing on your body! People notice your hair, bag or outfit first. Out and about, no one is really looking at your hands unless you're at a checkout counter or etc. It may be big to you, but it's like a pimple on your face - you think everyone is going to notice how huge it is! But usually, people only see if it you point it out! I say, get what you want and wear it with pride! :naughty: Definitely don't feel self conscious at all! You will get lots of nice compliments! I wouldn't consider being self conscious until I hit the 5 carat range! But at that point, I'd only be self-conscious as in, "I am conscious of MY FABULOUS SELF!" LOL :love:

Enjoy it! And congratulations!!!
vsparkle|1309849718|2961808 said:
But I'm worried people are going to look at me and not even enjoy how beautiful the ring it, but only just wonder what size it is and if it's really real. Is 2 carats really that unusual? Am I going to look strange and extravagant wearing it around doing everyday things like grocery shopping or going to the park with my children?
Don't expect people to enjoy how beautiful your ring is. Get it so that you enjoy it.
I heard a wonderful saying once . . .

What others think of me is none of my business.
If you like how it looks on you, go for it. <nudge nudge nudge nudge!!>
I lost my 2 carat e-ring 3 years ago and just recently replaced it. This whole time I've only been wearing my wedding band, which does have diamonds but by itself it's definitely not flashy. I just got my replacement 2.3 e-ring (with the sidestones it's 2.95) and at first it felt very big and flashy, because I wasn't used to wearing it. But I've been wearing it everyday and I'm just about to the point where I don't feel self-concious about it. People definitely notice it, and compliment it, but I don't feel weird wearing it out. I have three kids under 6 and wear it everywhere with them (except, say, the pool) and it isn't a big deal.
You'll get used to it in time! I say go for it!
I'd start out wearing it where and when you feel comfortable and little by little, you'll find more places and occasions you'll want to wear it till you get to the point where you're wearing it all the time.
I am going to go against the grain a little and say, if you're worried you might feel out of place where you live and in your circle, you might be right. It's all well and good to say do what you want and phooey on anyone who gets their underwear in a bunch over what you choose, but if you never feel comfortable in your ring, it will take away from your enjoyment of it.
Heck no! Wear that thing with pride! ;)
I've had my ring for about seven months now. It's considered large around in my area (also 2 cts) but to be honest, if I lived in isolation with nothing but my FI, my ring and a spotlight, I could go even larger!

The quagmire is - we don't live in isolation. Plus, it does draw a bit of attention. I had been a bit scared too. With my age group, I also had concerns because there are so many recently engaged/married, or about-to-be-married women in my life. I'm not trying to one-up anyone, or make anyone feel bad. If it helps, nobody has ever tried to make me feel bad about this extremely superfluous luxury item. (Of course, with close friends and well, people in general, I don't make them feel bad about their discretionary and superfluous expenses either).

As a recently engaged gal, all of my friends and family wanted to see my ring, but with everyone else, it doesn't draw as much attention as I had feared pre-purchase.

What I find helps me is the ring is something I have for me. It's not meant for anyone else. I never wave it around or show it to anyone unless specifically asked.

You will get compliments and comments sometimes. I find a polite, thank you and smile (and sometimes repeating that if the comments go on), is all the response that's needed. In the end, it's just thing. It doesn't make you, it doesn't define you. I know I'm lucky to have it, but from my experience, you will grow more comfortable with it over time.

Perhaps instead of getting both the 3 pt eternity and 2 ct solitaire - try wearing just the solitaire around on it's own for a while. It'll take a little time to get used to, but I find if you don't make a big deal out of it, people generally won't either.
Honey, you'd fit right in down here. It'll probably be like dying your hair; people will get used to it.
If that is what you want then get it and adore enjoy it.
post by kenny » 05 Jul 2011 13:03
I heard a wonderful saying once . . .

What others think of me is none of my business.
and I love a 2-carat ring too even though it's not mine! one of my best friends who just got married :appl: has a 2 carat solitaire with a pave band that she loves and is just beautiful that is just perfect for her and on her hand! I feel the same way about my 1 carat halo! :love: ...I think that's the amazing thing about all the engagement rings on this site - if the person loves it, it fits them perfectly no matter the size!

congratulations on your 10-year anniversary!
Thank you all so much for your encouragement and advice!! So sweet!! I'm gonna go for it!!! I'm going to do it because I love it and can dream of nothing else! I'll just have to be careful when driving, or doing anything for that matter, because I won't be able to take my eyes off of it!

Can't wait to post pictures!
So glad you are going to do it :))). Cannot wait to see the photos!!!!
I would love a 2C!!! :love: Wear it and enjoy!!
kenny said:
I heard a wonderful saying once . . .

What others think of me is none of my business.

@kenny: you're our guru!!! :saint:
purplesilk|1309962038|2962732 said:
kenny said:
I heard a wonderful saying once . . .

What others think of me is none of my business.

@kenny: you're our guru!!! :saint:

I couldn't agree more! Kenny's the wise oracle of Pricescope!

Back to OP, If 2C is something you've always wanted and will make you happy, then I say go for it and enjoy it! :-)

I say go for it. I upgraded from a .76 to a 2.04ct RB. My ring is definitely bigger then most in my area but not over the top huge. I find that after wearing it for a few months I don't even notice the size factor.
Should you? No. Will you? Probably sometimes. I think most women with larger diamonds have moments where they feel a little self-conscious of their bling. I know I do. But there are lots more moments where I love it ;))

Be sure to get a really well cut stone m'dear, so it sparkles like mad!
First congrats on your 10 year anniversary! :appl: Second, it sounds as though you have given this alot of thought, and it sounds like you really love the 2cts and feel that it looks like the right size on your hand. I say go for it! You have waited such a long time, enjoy it!

I understand why you might feel that it's too much, that people might think that its fake, I actually just got a 1ct, and decided to go with an asscher cut, #1 because I really love the step cut, but also because the RB just looked big and fake on me and I, like you were afraid that people would not recognize it for what it was, a gorgeous quality piece of jewelry. The asscher faces up smaller and seemed to fit my personality better. But it sounds like this cut and this size are perfect for YOUR personality and your lifestyle.

I also think that since you are getting the eternity band as well that you will find that you rotate wearing your band w/ and w/o the e-ring. I find that many women on PS are doing that, choosing to wear their e-rings for more dressy occasions and their bands for everyday. Although I'm not sure that I would be able to take that baby off for a very long time! :lickout:

Go for it! It wont feel so big for long, I think that you will grow into it in no time!! I CAN NOT wait to see pictures!!
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