
Get Fockerized

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Jan 26, 2007
Okay, fess up. How would you classify your FILs? Like the Byrnes' or like the Fockers'?
The Fockers, for sure.
Burns'. And how!
Who are the Burns'?


ETA: I get it now! I think my in laws are actually more like the Fockers... insane!
The movie "Meet The Fockers" ,which played several times this weekend on premium cable channels, is a comedy with Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, and Robert DiNiro. DiNiro played the anal conservative (retired CIA)Jack Byrnes. Hoffman played Bernie Focker. His wife Rozalin, played by Barbra Streisand, was a sex therapist. The Fockers were warped from a time capsule out of the '60s Hippie generation.
Mine are totally the Fockers!
Neither, but my parents are probably the fockers!! Fi''s parents are pretty great and somewhere in the middle I suppose.
They aren''t hippies, but they are crazy, so I would have to go with Fockers...
them - fockers
mine - more like the burns
His parents are DEFINITELY the Fockers.

My parents are the Burns''. My dad is SO Jack Burns-so completely anal-retentive!!! There is a schedule for everything, and if anything changes from his routine or is different in any way, he can totally flip out!!!
my fiance and i are screwed... both families are total BURNS families... nearly down to the lie detector tests and printed agendas...

sometimes we hole ourselves up in the house and refuse to answer phones... we watch movies and do take out just to go AGAINST all the up-tight, planning-to-a-T kind of mind set... only works until the hospital pages one of us, but still, it can be heavenly!

The Burns
haha lets see his parents are more like the Burns and mine are a bit more like the Fockers.
His parents are/were more like the Burns'' family (his father is deceased and his mom has Alzheimer''s so she''s not herself at all but they were extremely prim and proper in their time), mine are like neither, they''re perfect (ha ha ha!).

Honestly, mine are like neither, they are extremely neutral human beings, very loving but not crazily so, my dad is quiet and conservative but has a fabulous sense of humor. My mom is very friendly and sweet, but not at all intrusive.
My In-Laws are definitely the Burnses.

Up every day at the same time. To bed every night at the same time. Holiday dinners, the blessing is a Noon sharp. Not a minute later! If something unplanned happens, it results in a flurry similar to a hurricane.

I can''t say my folks were the Fockers. But they were much more "Go with the flow" than Hubby''s folks are. That''s for darned sure!
We love the Meet the Parents flick but weren''t so jazzed with Meet the Fockers, for whatever reason. But I would say mine were more the Burns, his were more the Fockers, only because my parents don''t drink at all, and his family drink whether there is an occasion to or not!
What a great post!

His parents are more like the Burns- very structured and "correct"
Mine are a mix of both, but lean more towards the Fockers- they just go with the flow!
Oooh fun - mine are definitely the Bu
rns and his are the Fockers (minus the hippie part)
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