
Georg Jensen Flatware

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Jan 26, 2003
A discussion of flatware did not really seem appropriate in the thread about Georg Jensen jewelry, but I couldn't find another area on Pricescope that seemed better to discuss his flatware, so I am starting a new thread here in Jewelry Pieces where we have discussed his jewelry in the past.

I will post a link to the other thread in which the discussion of flatware started. I have more to say about the Georg Jensen USA flatware.

George Jensen Jewelry Thread

I exchanged a couple of e-mails with William Drucker, but still do not know the name of the pattern my mother bought. That, of course, means that I cannot add to it-even if I can find a replacement service!

I have now written to Customer Service at Georg jensen in the USA and asked them if they can properly identify the pattern. I will post some photos of it.

I am starting with the back of one piece. One can see, there, that it is a set made by Georg Jensen USA.

These are the pieces I have in one place setting.

Date: 3/14/2006 6:19:28 PM
Author: AGBF
These are the pieces I have in one place setting.

Actually, that is a fork. Sorry. ;-)
This may be a place setting!!!

AGBF: couple questions came to mind upon reading through your old thread, "GJ jewelry thread." First, is the flatware you posted sterling? Second, did you ever figure out whether it actually was "Frontier Plain?" I did a search on "Georg Jensen flatware" and came up with a site called Also, did your mother have more than the one setting you posted?

This is an interesting grandmother (a concert pianist and violinist) was living during the years you posted stating when your mother purchased her evening bag, lipstick case, etc. and my mother has a very good memory of her mother''s possessions, although her two younger sisters "made off" with most of them. I plan to ask her if she knows of any Georg Jensen pieces or ways of researching these things when I speak to her next...she will at least enjoy the trip down memory lane. Thanks for bringing this topic up again!

P.S. although my grandmother wasn''t from CT or New England, she did spend many years in northern states such as MN, WI, etc. I''m hoping on an off chance that she or my mother knew something about GJ, NY.
Date: 3/14/2006 11:31:02 PM
Author: monarch64
AGBF: couple questions came to mind upon reading through your old thread, ''GJ jewelry thread.'' First, is the flatware you posted sterling? Second, did you ever figure out whether it actually was ''Frontier Plain?'' I did a search on ''Georg Jensen flatware'' and came up with a site called Also, did your mother have more than the one setting you posted?

Hi, monarch-

It is, indeed, sterling flatware and my mother had eight place settings. It was important to her that my brother and I each have half of her silver, so she gave each of us four place settings. My brother was just getting married, so he got a silver pattern that looked almost exactly like my mother''s and made up the rest of his place settings (I don''t know if he got 8, 10, or 12) with the new pattern he chose.

I already had twelve place settings of my own (Faneuil by Tiffany) sterling flatware, so I did not try to match my mother''s silver. Replacements asked me to send photos when I contacted them years ago. They had (then) never heard of the pattern. Now they do have a "Frontier" on their list, but I am not sure whether it is this pattern or not. My mother insists hers is, "Frontier Plain". Mr. Drucker said that all the Georg Jensen flatware was made in Denmark. Mine was not.

I have written, now, to Georg Jensen in the US; to Mr. William Drucker; and to Replacements, Ltd. in an attempt to identify the silver pattern I have. I will let you know if anyone gets back to me with any information!

Not a flatware afficianato at all - but I''m wondering if it quite possibly was made by someone FOR Jensen USA. Was it made the same time as your pins, etc? If you don''t hear from any of those people - they probably flat out don''t know. Georg Jensen archives would be the most likely source to know. But, if it wasn''t made by G.Jensen - they may not want to tell you.
The Druckers know their Jensen - but they know the Jewelry/holloware more than flatware.

I did find out an interesting tidbit - and adds credence to my Tiffany is sooo over-rated rant. Georg Jensen contacted Tiffany to sell their items in the 30''sish time. They said no. Jensen decided to open their own store in NYC to sell their items. Tiffany regreted it as they tried to scramble to fill the danish jewelry genre style. Tiffany ended up selling some Peer Smed (American) items - terribly boring stuff made in Jensenesqe style.

Monarch - given the location of where you listed - I would be hoping for some Kalo or one other great Chicago/midwest crafters. Find a hallmark and fire away here.
Date: 3/17/2006 4:33:50 PM
Author: fire&ice
Not a flatware afficianato at all - but I''m wondering if it quite possibly was made by someone FOR Jensen USA. Was it made the same time as your pins, etc? If you don''t hear from any of those people - they probably flat out don''t know.

No one has replied to me since I sent out the photos! Not William Drucker, not Georg Jensen, and not Replacements, Ltd. Yes, my mother bought her flatware when she bought her pins, when she was first married (in 1941) or shortly afterwards.

Where are the Georg Jensen archives!!??

You could do a google. Your question should be directed at the history department/archives section of G.Jensen, Inc.
Date: 3/19/2006 9:19:24 AM
Author: fire&ice
You could do a google. Your question should be directed at the history department/archives section of G.Jensen, Inc.

I do not even know which company would have any Georg Jensen archives! Royal Copenhagen owned Georg Jensen at one point (or so I have read). In 2000 a court in Denmark ruled that Royal Scandinavia, which owns Royal Copenhagen as well as Orrefors, Kosta Boda, and more companies, cannot use the Georg Jensen "signature". They are allowed some rights to the Georg Jensen name, however.

Here is one article I read on the topic.


No one to whom I have written wants any connection to Georg Jensen, USA. One self-styled expert on Georg Jensen flatware whose services (buying and selling flatware) were advertised on the 'net wrote to me that he has nothing to do with Georg Jensen, USA. The Georg Jensen company wrote:

"There was a company that sold items with Georg Jensen USA on it during that era. It was not affiliated with our company who's headquarters is in Denmark. It was a separate company all together and base only in the U.S. Because of that, we have no information on their products."

The above is clearly false. I wrote back, sending them an article on Frederik Lunning and his strong ties (such as being employed by Georg Jensen in Denmark to be director of their US operations).

An excerpt from the article sent to Jensen is below:

"The story of Georg Jensen Inc. USA begins in Denmark with Frederik Lunning, an intriguing character and an art and book dealer who also sold Jensen pieces. He was to become the esteemed director of Jensen's U.S. operation.

Jensen managing directors P. Pedersen and T. Moller first hired Lunning in 1920 to arrange silver exhibitions. This turned out to be the firm's most successful year, with foreign art critics praising Jensen craftsmanship. But in 1921, grave economic crises in Europe forced massive order cancellations. The Copenhagen factory found itself suddenly overstocked; new foreign markets were urgently needed to keep the company in business.

Lunning was sent to New York with a large collection of the best pieces, which he managed to sell quickly at private showings in such top hotels as the Waldorf Astoria. Lunning's shrewd targeting of an exclusive coterie of wealthy Americans averted a financial crisis at home. New orders poured into the Copenhagen workshops. (As sales increased, so did the fineness of the silver used, rising from 825/1000 to 925/1000 sterling by 1930."

I am beginning to think that this thread may lead to some ground-breaking research into the history of Georg Jensen!!!

The Georg Jensen "company" and two antique experts who specialze in Georg Jensen have tried to tell me that Georg Jensen, Inc, USA, managed by Frederik Lunning who had been hired by Georg Jensen in Denmark and sent by them to New York to find a market for their silver, was "not affiliated" with Georg Jensen in Denmark!!!!

This was, of course, the subject of a law suit. (The company that NOW owns Georg Jensen was just successfully sued by Georg Jensen's son, who has refused to let them use the Georg Jensen signature on their pieces. I am not sure on what basis this was revoked, but I believe that they may have been putting it on items like tea towels that they now sell! And to think that they were holier than thou when Mr. Lunning introduced some elegant pocketbooks and sterling jewelry by non-Danish designers into the New York store!)

No one claims to have the archives of Georg Jensen, Inc, USA.

I still want to find if the name of my pattern is, indeed, Frontier Plain, and I want to acquire more place settings of it.

I am also, now, looking for Ginger Moro, whose wonderful (June, 1996) article in JCK "Jewelers' Circular Keystone" launched me on this crusade!

I have just received an e-mail from Georg Jensen in New York (gjus@georgjensenusadotcom) saying,

"Unfortunately, as was mentioned in our previous email, we have no information on the merchandise you are inquiring about. We have forwarded you request to the headquarters (customer service kundecenter@georgjensendotcom) in Denmark. You may contact them regarding your inquiries."

(Dots were removed from the above e-mail addresses and a word substituted so that Georg Jensen would not become deluged with spam. If you wish to contact the company, use your intelligence as a human to fix the e-mail addresses!)

AGBF, I think you need to go on Antiques Roadshow, lol! This research you''re doing kind of reminds me of the Mafia--everyone''s being all tight-lipped about GJ USA, and Denmark doesn''t want to be affiliated with the USA company!
I will be so excited for you if you ever get to the bottom of this!
Deb, what you are running into is simple prejudice. I said many times before that Jensen USA *was* considered the black sheep. It''s not AS much anymore. When a dealer tells you that they "have nothing to do with Jensen USA" is just that they choose not to sell it because it WAS completely different than the stuff coming from Copenhagen. In essence, they really didn''t have anything to do with one another. Jensen USA stuff was INDEED sold at the Georg Jensen store in NYC. I''ve had orginal boxes to prove such. But, it was a different geschault all together - mainly coming from an inability to get continental silver due to WWII.

I might be speaking out of turn - but Ginger Moro specialty isn''t Jensen Flatware. Her specialty is European Jewelry. She was an actress who worked mainly in Europe. She now lives in CA. and has a book on European Designer Jewelry.

What specifically do you want to know? The name of your pattern? It could be that illusive. But, I remember looking through some pattern books - and I believe you are correct with the name - frontier - perhaps the disconnect is that it was made here in the US instead of Denmark & may be slightly different. I''m just brainstorming.

I need to post some pics of some of the old Danish Jensen stuff & you can compare it to the pics in the jewelry thread. It''s VERY different. It''s VERY American.

So, as an Arts & Crafts collector, I like the Jensen USA stuff because it''s all hand made in more of an American A&C style. But, if I was a "Jensen" collector, I may not be interested in the USA stuff at all. Does this make any sense?

Also, the Jensen "name" isn''t an issue with the discussion of Jensen USA stuff. If I recall correctly, the Georg Jensen family owns the rights to the name (yes, there really was a Georg Jensen). The name can be used on items directly related to the form, design and medium used during the Jensen years. But, not on items "off the style" like tea towels.
AGBF: I have my mother (of Norwegian descent) hot on the trail of Georg Jensen now. She recommended the website, which panned out zero results for your sorry. She does have some pals in the Scandinavian area who may be able to research this further...I will let you know, of course.
Date: 3/25/2006 1:09:15 AM
Author: monarch64
AGBF: I have my mother (of Norwegian descent) hot on the trail of Georg Jensen now. She recommended the website, which panned out zero results for your sorry. She does have some pals in the Scandinavian area who may be able to research this further...I will let you know, of course.

Thank you so much. I am afraid that the answer does not lie in Denmark, however. Bill Drucker wrote to me that the Georg Jensen, Inc USA archives had been "destroyed". I have not yet looked into that. There are two separate issues going on for me.

1) I would like more place setting of the Georg Jensen pattern I have. This could be achieved, if I am lucky, through finding people who are selling it...regardless of whether they know what they are selling. It would have to have the correct markings, though (e.g. "Georg Jensen, Inc USA").

2) I would like to know the name of the pattern and the name of the person who designed it. That is just for historical reasons. I may be able to find out this information even if I cannot find any more of the pattern for sale!

Please keep any information you have coming. Since I have two puzzles to be solved, all the knowledge available is good knowledge for me!!!

Your answer won''t be in Copenhagen. Bill could be correct about the destruction of the Jensen archives. You may want to contact I forget his name - but I met him years ago. He is Danish. If I recall correctly, he worked for Georg Jensen for many years in the buying department. He''s a collector/dealer in NYC. He may know the name of your pattern; but he''s not old enough to be directly familiar with the Jensen USA stuff. Nice low key guy.

Also, continue to do a flatware search on ebay for the mark on your pieces. You may get lucky. If you really want to do some sluething, google flatware (or knife, spoon, fork) Georg Jensen, Inc. USA.

You may never know the pattern name. But, I''d guess that your mother is correct if that is what she recalls buying. However, no one else may know - so your search would be a visual one.

Honestly, good luck. Typically, the way mysteries get solved is by piecing together information & getting lucky. I have a person to contact - do you still have my email address? Is your''s still related to fruit?
Date: 3/25/2006 11:42:20 AM
Author: fire&ice
I have a person to contact - do you still have my email address? Is your's still related to fruit?

I forgot I ever had it! It is probably stored somewhere "safe" where it will be a mystery, too, should I ever happen upon it one day! I certainly cannot find it at will! And...shh!!! Did you have to give away the fruit thing? ;-)


AGBF, whatever came of your search? I''m curious--my mother didn''t get any further with hers but LOVES Georg Jensen sterling jewelry so I think she got sidetracked, lol!
Hi, Monarch. Nothing came of the search. Maybe I will be willing to spend some time on it this summer. Right now I haven''t even read the two books by the Druckers that I bought. I am feeling discouraged and need to work myself up to the energy level necessary to battle the establishment. After I read the Druckers'' books, I may have clues as to what to do next. Thank you for asking!

In a perfect world there would be an Antiques Roadshow by you so you could take a sample of the flatware to them and someone could do all the work for you, ha ha! I''m sorry to hear that your search has been fruitless so far, and I sincerely hope that you will soon come upon some useful information on your mother''s lovely flatware.
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