
GemTrader Nov Update

I'm liking the rainbow moon stone.
I was paralyzed between one and another stones and a back up 3rd choice
his email says I got the one I asked for
The stones that were on my list?
The pear color shifting spinel
the pair of spinels
the pair of tourmalines
the dementoid of course
the cateye chryso
the other pair of tourmalines
I hate you Vapid if you got the colour shift spinel. I missed out. ;(

I've got red eyes from crying and my feet hurt from stamping my feet. :blackeye: :errrr: ;(

Don't really hate you - just having a tantrum!
LD you can direct your hate at me if it helps, but I did not get the shifty spinel

There will be other, dare I say it (?) even better shifty spinels, so I decided to hold off for one and in the mean time just be a cool cat.
Ok - I unhate you then! :bigsmile:

Hope you got a lovely stone though!
Saw several I liked, but not buying right now. The moonstone was way cool. Liked the blue peruvian opal..if only those little color patches weren't on it...and the cats eyes! Oh, and the Nigerian Pink Tourmaline...what a cool glowy looking stone.
I really wanted that moonstone as well, and the lilac pear spinel, the pink pear tourmaline... but I'm saving for a ring setting ;(
So who got the pear cc spinel???? Hmmmmm?
Yes, I’d like to know who got the CC spinel…but maybe she/he will not come forward in fear of the PS mob clamouring to snatch it out of her/his hands. :lol: As expected, I did not get a single stone on my shopping/wish list from TGT...again. ;(
Chrono said:
Yes, I’d like to know who got the CC spinel…but maybe she/he will not come forward in fear of the PS mob clamouring to snatch it out of her/his hands. :lol: As expected, I did not get a single stone on my shopping/wish list from TGT...again. ;(
;( ;( ;( I'm sorry!!
Love that tourmaline pair. I'm sure it's long gone so I'm not even going to try, but those look like beautiful stones. Hopefully we'll get some more photos on PS someday.
I wanted to pick up the moonstone as well but apparently it was the first to be snatched up this month!
There were about 5 things there that I was tempted on. But I held strong to my 12 step plan (don't buy the next 12 things you see) and didn't inquire about any of them. Of course, now I'm down to a 7 step plan but oh well.
I was interested in 4 items but as my luck goes, all were sold out and I didn’t even get a single item. :blackeye:
Hmm, I actually wasn't wowed by most of the stones from the last few TGT updates. The demantoid is nice, though.
So...when do we start to get pictures?!!
Didn't get anything. Everything was sold out before I even opened the link.
That demantoid is not too shabby at all. Good job it's way out of my league!
That rainbow moonstone is TDF!
Nobody is fessing up about who got what? :nono:
cateye chrysoberyl
VapidLapid|1288969979|2755803 said:
cateye chrysoberyl
Nice! I expect to see a new thread on it, complete with pictures next week. :tongue:

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