


Mar 20, 2009
I'm off to watch Green Lantern movie this afternoon...

Speaking of Green, I'd like to ask which gems fluoresce GREEN under black light... I've tried searching in the net but not much info found except for synthetic spinel & Willemite...

I'm asking this because I have this old & scratchy seafoamy gem which I bought as "aquamarine". I know aquamarine & green beryl do not fluoresce under uv light. But to my surprise, this one does! and it's GREEN. Can someone share their thoughts? thanks thanks

I've found this gem willemite that's similar to my fluorescent "beryl":

Another reference:
Here's my "beryl/aquamarine" under normal light

And here's the Green fluorescence under UV light...

sorry for the pic quality...



WOw that is some green! I dont know the other gem minerals that fluoresce green. Willemite i believe does, and I would expect any mineral that has uranium in it to do so.
Some colored diamonds fluoresce green.
Hmm thanks for that pdf file. I've read there that maxixe-type beryl fluoresces green under uv. But what intrigues me is its pastel seafoam green color (it's blue is too light to be called an aqua & its green is too pale to be called an Emerald) also, this gem of mine is somewhat heavy for its dimension (10 x 13 mm). Beryl SG is around 2.66-2.87 right (pretty close to quartz' 2.60 - 2.65) I have an Amethyst of the same size & bellied pavillion but they've got diff. carat weight (Amethyst is 5.8 ct, this "Beryl" is 9.4 ct.) What about Euclase? Is it fluorescent under UV? & what color? This is what holds me back from having this recut. If only there's an accessible gem lab here in my country (sigh)

This inclusion is very very much alike with the inclusion in this beryl so I thought it was really an Aquamarine (except for the green fluoresce part)

Well the specific gravity would rule beryl out, but the inclusions made me think aqua at first. Maybe fluorite. Anyway the green fluorescence is really cool.
First thought is that it's probably not an Aqua or a Beryl. In the first picture it looks like it has a slight waxy/opalescence look to it (might be the photo). Fluorite would be a good bet AND most definitely can fluoresce in a bright green (fluorite also fluoresces in many different colours AND some have phosphorence as well). I love it!

If it is Fluorite, please be careful with it because it isn't a particularly durable gemstone with only a 4 on the MOHS scale.
Any chance you can get an RI or stick the stone under a Chelsea Colour Filter or a polariscope? How sharp are the facet edges, so they have a lot of chips or abrasions? How scratched up are the facet faces?

The inclusions look like a bit like the parallel monophase hollow tube inclusions known as 'rain' which is typical in aquamarine. But I've never seen an aqua fluoresce that strong a green.

The only stone I can think of that fluoresces like that is fluorite, which does come in that colour.
VapidLapid|1308361767|2948765 said:
WOw that is some green! I dont know the other gem minerals that fluoresce green. Willemite i believe does, and I would expect any mineral that has uranium in it to do so.

Zircons don't and they have uranium.
I have an opal that fluoresces green. =)
TL|1308362245|2948769 said:
Some colored diamonds fluoresce green.


That's my .35ct Fancy deep brownish yellow diamond :D Love the green fluor!
Pandora said:
Any chance you can get an RI or stick the stone under a Chelsea Colour Filter or a polariscope? How sharp are the facet edges, so they have a lot of chips or abrasions? How scratched up are the facet faces?

The inclusions look like a bit like the parallel monophase hollow tube inclusions known as 'rain' which is typical in aquamarine. But I've never seen an aqua fluoresce that strong a green.

The only stone I can think of that fluoresces like that is fluorite, which does come in that colour.

Unfortunately I don't have those tools to help me more w/ this :(( Hmmm, fluorite comes to mind as well but as far as i know, most (if not all) green fluorite fluoresce Blue under UV light ( and it has, I think, 2 very tiny chips and some tiny abrasions on one side of its crown facet (scissor cut crown). The facet edges are similar with a Zircon when worn out. This gem is acquired by my local jeweler back in the early 70s and mind you, when I bought it among the parcel of old & scratched mixed gems, it was covered with dust! Good thing I had a loupe & a piece of cloth with me... My apology for the RL photo but it's not accurate. Its color is very very much similar to this green/mint beryl: Also, I was holding it one morning while having coffee (last week i think) together with my windowed Citrine when both accidentally fell on the floor (tiles) guess what happened? The citrine had its girdle slightly chipped but this one didn't receive any damage... This is the stone I once told Michael M. from another thread which I think I could send to him for some study hehe. I almost forgot, this has a silvery luster but shows some dispersion and is bright especially under fluorescent light despite its poor cutting & polish

Off topic, the Green Lantern movie is so cool. The green costume constantly reminds me of a fine Emerald, Tsavorite, Chrome Tourmaline and Chrome diopside :lickout:

Additional: Fluorite SG is 3.18, Peridot is 3.2-3.4. I have a 7ct Peridot (12.5mm, cushion) this one's 9.4ct 10x13mm. If this is a fluorite, it should've been bigger for its present weight i think. It feels heavy, same feel when I'm holding my spess & pyrope garnet...
You can't work out SG and size - so discount that. In terms of the colour you've linked to, that's very very very similar to Fluorite but of course looking at pictures really isn't a diagnostic tool.

Fluorite fluoresces in many different colours (as I mentioned earlier) not just blue. It actually gave its name to fluorescence. See here:

The abrasions and wearing down of the facet edges may suggest Fluorite also. If you have a jeweller nearby it may be worth asking if they would test the RI - that would narrow down the thought process and eliminate a ton of "could it be .....".

Hope that helps.
Nope, can be green as well.

It could possibly be some kind of uranium glass like 'Vaseline' glass - that fluoresces almost exactly that colour - it would also explain the dispersion and the surface appearance.

They definitely made gemstones in this in the 1940's/50's it was very popular in costume jewellery and came in aquamarine shades.
Wow! thanks Pandora for that helpful info. I've read about it from here: Hmmm, however that vaseline glass looks yellow/yellow green. Mine is minty/seafoamy color. I'm not sure also about the inclusions found in this vaseline glass if its similar to aquamarine's. Nothing mentioned about inclusions in vaseline glass. Would like to read about that though ;))

Thanks for posting & for the responses. I'd probably send it to a cutter for a gem fix hehe but perhaps later this year.

Later! ::)
I forgot to include, I didn't know that Vaseline Glass is pretty light, SG 2.3-2.5 (quite close to beryl & quartz) for a 9.4 EC gem, it should measure bigger than 10x13mm... Just my 2 cents. Cheers ;))
I can not help you at all, just wanted to thank you for a lovely picture. The two stones + your nail polish create such a beautiful color scheme!
Wow! I have the same stone at home as you I believe. I picked up a london blue 5.7ct emerald cut stone that turns Emerald green under pen light and under black light GLOWS Fluorescent lime green! What is this stone? I am stumped! Have you made any progress identifying your gem? my stone is loop clean and like I said it looks like a london blue topaz. I can stop by my friends gem shop and put it on the refractometer and figure it out right away, but I thought you may know by know. Is this synthetic? I will let you know when I find out, and if you know , please share. Thank you. My name is Jim and I am a collector of semi precious gems. I do this out of the fascination of the opals, Sphenes, and tourmalines. All so incredibly beautiful. So.... Keep me posted. Thank you. Also, Does anybody know where to go to sell loose Gemstones? I've got a lot of Ethiopian welo opal both rough and cut, 30 sphene's and lots more. Is there a non-Ebay way of selling semi-prec stones loose? Just wondering. Thank you.
A stone that large, strongly fluorescent and clean makes one suspect that it is synthetic but as you've said, knowing the RI is the first step. I've seen some buying and selling on Etsy, Facebook, eBay, DiamondBistro and LoupeTroop.
Resuscitating this old thread because I just got a stone with the same properties as described by the poster. I was wondering if they ever figured out what it is. Mine is probably original to a turn-of-the-century arts & crafts style rose gold ring. I was expecting it was probably glass (paste), but the thermal conductivity is too high, about at the level of sapphire (perhaps a little below). I would love to know what it is so that I can treat it properly.

Here are two pictures, both inside, one with UV. They are not exactly representative. The color in the normal lighting is more blue and less aqua than IRL. The fluoro shot is less saturated and a tad less blue than in real life. In outside light it is a brilliant green, but right now it is raining so I can't get that.

Also it is doubly refractive. Another oddity is that most of the bottom of the stone is unpolished (there is one center rectangle polished facet and the rest is unpolished and rough.

If it weren't for the fluoro I would say it looks like a zircon.

As you can see it is a rather odd cut -- a pointy sugarloaf?


I can't really comment on what kind of stone it is, but it almost looks like it's mounted upsidown. Very strange indeed!
sorry for the necro as a first post, buuuut since this thread is what google chose to bring me here...

judging by the color, flourescence and inclusions of your stone, i would bet the bank that it is faceted hyalite opal or chalcedony. nothing but those two glow like that except maybe leaded glass...and i assume you tried to scratch it by now. i would bet the bank, no gemologist. however i am a colorado native and rockhound and have dozens of specimens of both and both fit your bill exactly except for the specific gravity. because of the huge variance in SG between this stone and amethyst quartz, i think what you have is...what you thought all along; aquamarine. another common local gemstone, with the sg and color and inclusions to match, and which i have many times heard about (but never seen until maybe now?) flourescing that bright green that belongs to hyalite. if its true, its probably like the neon green chalcedony and hyalite that pepper the mountains all around me, and is made flourescent by forming near or with uranium. coincidentally, aquamarine is probably the most common real gemstone in my neck of the woods as well. that would also explain the minty color because as far as i know radiation fades aquamarine to mint. id say youve been right all along and your aquamarine is just a particularly awesome one because mother earth grew it for ya right here in colorado, next to the other neon kryptonites and radioactive uranium :)

heres a picture of some hyalite and chalcedony from the yard ;)

im so happy i just got to apply like everything i know about the only three rocks i know anything about. thanks, pricescope. you rock.


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Hi, I also recently purchased a

"1920’s Antique German .835 Silver ‘Sea Green’ Aquamarine Solitaire Signet Ring

Classic Heavy Art Deco Era Signet Ring with Bold Squared Shape, Stepped Shoulders and Light Sea-Green Radiant Cut 2.09Ct Natural Aquamarine Stone
4.86g 835 Silver
Antique German Silver Hallmarked (835SS)
Makers Mark: Scallop Shell Symbol - Unknown German Silversmith"

and also fluoresces a bright neon minty lime green under UV, so intriguing.
has anyone had any results to tests?
I could take it to a jewellers when retail reopens here soon in the U.K.

Hi, I also recently purchased a

"1920’s Antique German .835 Silver ‘Sea Green’ Aquamarine Solitaire Signet Ring

Classic Heavy Art Deco Era Signet Ring with Bold Squared Shape, Stepped Shoulders and Light Sea-Green Radiant Cut 2.09Ct Natural Aquamarine Stone
4.86g 835 Silver
Antique German Silver Hallmarked (835SS)
Makers Mark: Scallop Shell Symbol - Unknown German Silversmith"

and also fluoresces a bright neon minty lime green under UV, so intriguing.
has anyone had any results to tests?
I could take it to a jewellers when retail reopens here soon in the U.K.


It looks like uranium glass to me. It was popular in art deco era too. And fluoresces green.
It looks like uranium glass to me. It was popular in art deco era too. And fluoresces green.

I think so too after looking at other examples of Art Deco Uranium glass rings, and someone else mentioned Uranium glass to me without knowing it fluoresces under UV light.

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