
Gelin&Abaci - local vs online dealer

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Mar 27, 2007
Hi again,
I decided to buy a stone from White Flash (discussion with pictures of the diamond and setting here). I plan to have it set in a Gelin & Abaci setting. The local G&A authorized dealers are Solomon Brothers, Shane Co, Jared''s, and Worthmore. I have contacted 2 of the 4, Solomon and Shane, and so far their prices are higher than''s by 11.5% and 19.9% respectively (accounting for 6% sales tax).

The main reason I can think of to go with a local jeweler is for the convenience of having the recommended annual service done on the ring locally without having to pay for shipping, shipping insurance, etc. each time. Alternatively, if I bought the setting through Micky Roof, I would either have to ship the ring to them for free service/cleaning or possibly pay a local dealer to perform whatever service is needed. So, is maintenance convenience a good reason to go with a local G&A dealer for the setting and pay a premium over an online jeweler? Are there any other factors I should consider?

Also, does anyone know what the annual G&A service entails?
Hi diamond1979.

I thought I would respond because I just went through a similar decision process on a Memoire wedding band. I don''t know anything about, but I think it''s very important to buy a G&A ring from an authorized retailer who you trust.

A tension set ring is a very important setting to get right! You don''t want to risk losing the diamond.

Try to bargain with the B&M''s. Tell them you found a better price, but would prefer to do business locally if they can come closer. See what they say. My vendorr absorbed the sales tax.

I wound up ordering from the local B&M for many of the reasons you stated. I felt that if I had any problems, I had a local contact to correct the issue. I wouldn''t have to worry about shipping. They gave me advice about sizing and said they would stand behind their sizing recommendation. I would imagine with a tension setting, getting the size right the first time is extremely important.
how hard is it to clean a tension (I''m assuming)?

any service would probably have to be done by GA, so it likely doesn''t matter who you buy from. you can always get service from your local GA retailers.
Well, since my last post, I negotiated with Solomon and got them to come down on their price by about 4%. The lady I''ve been dealing with at Shane Co told me they don''t discount at all and then warned me that Solomon Brothers wouldn''t warranty the setting or polish the ring for free like Shane would, etc. I find it difficult to believe that Shane wouldn''t be able to discount a setting that undoubtedly costs all these jewelers the same price to order from GA.

Oh, and I called Solomon back and confirmed that they would check the ring, clean, and light polish the diamond for free, but "deep polish" would cost around $30 or $40 depending on the situation. I plan to ask for everything in writing before I make my purchase.
I''ve had reasonably good service from Jared''s before. You might try them as well.
Say you buy online and have a problem with the ring. Can you take it to a local retailer and let them work with G&A on your behalf? If yes, I''d consider online (although I''d stick with an established company with good reviews on PS). If no, I''d go local even if it costs more. Can WF work with G&A for you?
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