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Nov 4, 2007
You have been on my mind all day today. I keep thinking about your friend''s little girl, and how much it must mean to her, to have you there on such a difficult day. AND all the days to come.

I hope the memorial service gave you some peace, some good memories, a few chuckles, and filled your heart with love for your lost friend.

Hey LS

I''m sorry I haven''t responded earlier, I have had something of a problem with my posts, which I''m assured has now been fixed. This is my test post to see if that''s the case. I''ll be back with a longer post in two ticks!
Date: 4/3/2009 6:42:31 PM
Author: Gailey
Hey LS

I''m sorry I haven''t responded earlier, I have had something of a problem with my posts, which I''m assured has now been fixed. This is my test post to see if that''s the case. I''ll be back with a longer post in two ticks!
it''s already been 38 ticks but who''s counting?
Date: 4/2/2009 5:54:10 PM
You have been on my mind all day today. I keep thinking about your friend''s little girl, and how much it must mean to her, to have you there on such a difficult day. AND all the days to come.

I hope the memorial service gave you some peace, some good memories, a few chuckles, and filled your heart with love for your lost friend.

Thank you so much for this post. I didn''t read it until this morning. I was absolutely pooped yesterday and went to bed at 8:30 pm
I don''t feel very active today either. If it wasn''t for the chocolate nests that I''ve made for Georgia''s birthday party tomorrow, I fear I may not have gotten out of bed.

It was a tough day, which I suppose was to be expected. Except that I''m usually OK at funerals. Canadian ones especially, because they tend to be much less formal and sombre than the ones I''ve been to in the UK. Just wasn''t OK at this one.

Kath, her husband Chris and I were all at school together in the UK. Chris and I were even in the same class. I can''t say that Kath and I were especially close friends, then or even after they moved to Canada two years ago. I did what I could to help when she was ill, obviously. I felt a tremendous amount of solidarity for them as we hail from the same small town. However, Kath''s father was a dear, dear friend to both my Mum and Dad, so I felt it was the least I could do to offer to read a tribute from him and from Kath''s brother Stephen. They didn''t come out for the service because they felt it was important to stay in the UK with Kath''s Mum who is in a nursing home.

I think I would have been OK, but from the minute we all sat down, and for the first time since her Mum died, Emily (12 yr old) just sobbed. I could tell she was nervous beforehand, because she kept pleading with her Dad to let her sit with her friends and not with him at the front. It was so nice that a small group of her friends and their parents came along to support her.

Anyway, as I got up to read the tributes, I could see Emily in front of me and I was very teary to begin with. I must have read through my speech a couple of dozen times earlier that day and the day before and I thought I would be able to get through it. I did manage to rally after the first paragraph or so and was OK until I got to the bit in Kath''s brother''s tribute that was about how for his sister''s 47th birthday in March, he officially named a star after her in the Perseus constellation, so she coulld look down on us for eternity. I just think that was the most wonderful tribute.

Anyway, the very least I can do is to be on hand to help the girls and Chris if they need me. I''ve learnt a lot in the past couple of weeks about young girls. Putting this party together has been an education, I can tell you! And I''ve never made chocolate nests before. I am taking the party girl, Georgia (9yr old), to get her hair done in a french braid tomorrow morning. My hairdresser tells me she will teach me how to do it - that should be interesting! Then it''s back to her house for her party. Chris''s sister who did fly out from the UK and I have organised Easter egg painting, a treasure hunt and pass-the-parcel. Followed by Wii dancing (no idea what that is), but that was Dad''s suggestion.

I think on the way home from the hairdressers I''d better buy some beer, I think I''m going to need it!

We are off to a BBQ in a few minutes with Chris, the girls, and the UK contingent. But look out later for my response to your horse sh**t comment - can''t let that one pass!!!!

Thank you for thinking about me, it''s been a great support to me, it really has. XXX
I can''t even imagine how difficult that was to do, in front of those young girls. It''s wonderful that you are taking the time to be with them. They probably feel so alone having lost their Mum. There''s something about pre-teen girls in that situation that breaks my heart. Like when you said you''re going to get the hairdresser to show you how to do a french braid....damn, that''s the kind of thing they''d have done with their mother!

And Wii dancing...well, you''ll get the hang of it. My godson taught me this past Christmas. Would never have imagined myself doing THAT!

Hope you had a good visit with the UK contingent.

Two things I know for sure today. Firstly, I will never be any good at Wii dancing. Secondly, I''m going to need a hairdressers dummy head with long hair to practice french braids on! It seems to take a lot of dexterity.

This afternoon I can happily report on a house full of happy 9 year olds, full of pizza, chocolate nests and birthday cake.

Me? I''m pooped, and $124 lighter because I got a ticket for doing 100kms in an 80kms zone, so I''m having a lie down.

Selling raffle tickets at the Horticultural Society Show tomorrow is going to be a piece of cake after the week I''ve had!!!
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