
Friday night, and you''re on Pricescope. Whacha doin''?

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Date: 3/7/2009 1:10:43 AM
Author: mia1181

Date: 3/7/2009 1:05:07 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Now I am craving sea salt and vinegar chips. My absolute fave! I love Tim's Cascade.....
Oh I just googled them and I've seen them at my store maybe I'll try them instead!

Skippy- What are ham biscuits?
Tim Cascades are my FAVORITE TOO, are they SUPER CRUNCHY???? I had those when I was out on a business trip in WA; fabulous chips!!!
I wish we had them out here.

mia, during the holidays this one grocery in VA store sells this uber (the saltiest I ever had) ham thinly sliced on these soft Mrs. Smith's soft rolls, they are delicious, pure heaven. hehe
Hi everyone!

Well, I was fighting with Mr. Fiery which is why I am on here late. The only problem with our fight is that he doesn''t know I''m mad at him. He had a pocker night with the guys but he was supposed to be home at 10 so that we can make our way to his mother''s house (we''re house sitting). I feel asleep at around 9:15 and when I wake up to use the restroom its 12:30 and he''s in the living room watching Lost! The Lost DVDs that we rented so that we can watch together. So he looks up at me and says "hey babeeeee Sun is pregnant!"

So to recap its 12:30, he''s been home for I don''t know how long, he''s watching Lost without me, and he just told me a huge part of the episode. And then I get mad. But I''m in a passive agressive mood so I walked away, packed up the stuff, and said lets go. On the way here, he sees the "jerk chicken" man and decides that he wants to stop and get jerk chicken at 1AM. And because I''m being passive agressive I just say fine, whatever. He comes back to the car about 15 minutes later (long line) with a mango and a piece of cake and says "Look! If I bought fruit and cake I get a free bootleg DVD" which made me laugh so hard.

But you know...still mad and such.

Then we get home and he hears me typing on PS and starts humming a tune. It was the theme to Doogie Howser. He thinks and has always thought that PS is an online diary.

I don''t know where he comes up with the things he comes up with sometimes.

That has been my Friday evening and I am *wide* awake now LOL
Can someone send a box of these chips to Skippy, so she can share them with me?!

I love salt and vinegar chips
Hey Fiery, I'm sorry you guys are fighting. Since you're here, what's going on with the wedding planning? And I'm so excited you're having a GIRL!!! Yay!!!!
Date: 3/7/2009 1:39:14 AM
Author: FrekeChild
Hey Fiery, I''m sorry you guys are fighting. Since you''re here, what''s going on with the wedding planning? And I''m so excited you''re having a GIRL!!! Yay!!!!
Hi Freke! Thanks! I''m pretty excited too. Wedding plans are still up in the air. I have to go to Vegas for work and he''s going to meet me there for the weekend to catch some shows. He thinks we should take advantage and get married while we are there, just the two of us. He''s done all the research I just need to agree to it. This is in May. I mentioned it to my mom who seemed kind of down with the idea but didn''t say much. His mother made it clear she doesn''t approve so we''ll see.

Did you ever post photos of you in your dress!!??
Skippy, Ukrop''s ham biscuits are SO GOOD and salty! My mom always has them when she throws parties. I should send you some-I bet they''d keep! No way is that ham going bad with all that salt!
Fiery ... maybe I''m crazy but your actions sound less "passive aggressive" and more just passive! Unless you were stomping around & slamming doors and pouting & just didn''t report it.

But I had a fight w/DH tonight too so I''m no great judge ... Ours was about him not trying on a sweatshirt before deciding it "didn''t fit". He got super mad at my repeated requests to try it on so I then refused to go to the grocery store as planned. (THAT''s passive aggressive
). Eh, we were both tired & over hungry. And we both apologized pretty quickly. Just another day in paradise.
Date: 3/7/2009 1:46:15 AM
Author: decodelighted
Fiery ... maybe I''m crazy but your actions sound less ''passive aggressive'' and more just passive! Unless you were stomping around & slamming doors and pouting & just didn''t report it.

But I had a fight w/DH tonight too so I''m no great judge ... Ours was about him not trying on a sweatshirt before deciding it ''didn''t fit''. He got super mad at my repeated requests to try it on so I then refused to go to the grocery store as planned. (THAT''s passive aggressive
). Eh, we were both tired & over hungry. And we both apologized pretty quickly. Just another day in paradise.
LOL No stomping just lots of eyerolls which he didn''t catch on to at all. I was thinking about maybe crying but his tolerance to tears is wearing thin and I need to reserve the tears for midnight runs to the store for icecream.
No I suck at life. I need to tone up before I do that (having a new medium sized shepherd mix dog is helping) and I've decided I won't try it on again until the middle of summer. So maybe then I'll post pics. We shall see.

Obviously I'm a huge fan of getting married in Vegas. I can see why neither of your moms are excited about it though. I know that my dad's not exactly enthusiastic. And he gets to be there! Lol.

So are you considering Vegas at least? You could do a driveup wedding like EricaR did. I thought that was awesome. I love spontaneous stuff like that.

ETA: This is my 8,000th post!
Date: 3/7/2009 1:46:15 AM
Author: decodelighted
Fiery ... maybe I''m crazy but your actions sound less ''passive aggressive'' and more just passive! Unless you were stomping around & slamming doors and pouting & just didn''t report it.

But I had a fight w/DH tonight too so I''m no great judge ... Ours was about him not trying on a sweatshirt before deciding it ''didn''t fit''. He got super mad at my repeated requests to try it on so I then refused to go to the grocery store as planned. (THAT''s passive aggressive
). Eh, we were both tired & over hungry. And we both apologized pretty quickly. Just another day in paradise.
LOL, sometimes marriage is so exhausting, all you can do is be passive aggressive!

Fiery, sorry to hear about your bummer evening.

I''m still looking at house listings. I dream of moving away from our apartment, but yet I will miss it and know I''ve lived a wonderful life here. TGuy first told me he loved in here. He asked me to marry him in the same little room. We brought my daugther home from the hospital here. I moved here when I was 22. I "grew up" in this apartment.

I just am aghast when I see the home listings. Someone bought a house on a busy street in Jan 2008 and are trying to sell it only ONE YEAR LATER for 120K more! Is it me, or is someone smoking crack.

Maybe I should go back to look at settings for my new pad!
Date: 3/7/2009 1:44:57 AM
Author: thing2of2
Skippy, Ukrop's ham biscuits are SO GOOD and salty! My mom always has them when she throws parties. I should send you some-I bet they'd keep! No way is that ham going bad with all that salt!
YUM, you are right they can't go bad. haha

Yes, NW'ers send Freke and I some of those chips please, we will share.

Fiery, I am sorry about earlier tonight.

Freke, have fun tomorrow, YAY, very exciting!!!
TGal, I think someone is smoking crack. That''s INSANE.

Shopping for pad settings is much more fun.
Date: 3/7/2009 1:50:54 AM
Author: FrekeChild

ETA: This is my 8,000th post!
Either you post a lot, or I post too little!
Date: 3/7/2009 1:56:52 AM
Author: FrekeChild
TGal, I think someone is smoking crack. That''s INSANE.

Shopping for pad settings is much more fun.
Yeah, I know. The owner is Korean. You know how Koreans are. Cuckoo....

I think I know what I want, but it is always fun to look. I can''t imagine this project finally being done. Guess Beaudry will have to tide me over for while.

I STILL want a plain, 3-4mm platinum band though....
Hey Skippy, MP and I were talking about having a GTG sometime soon. Think you might want to join us?

Also, have you been to Beauchamp?
Date: 3/7/2009 1:59:23 AM
Author: FrekeChild
Hey Skippy, MP and I were talking about having a GTG sometime soon. Think you might want to join us?

Also, have you been to Beauchamp?
I have been to Beauchamp. Are you going there? yes sounds like fun, keep me posted.
Date: 3/7/2009 1:57:20 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/7/2009 1:50:54 AM
Author: FrekeChild

ETA: This is my 8,000th post!
Either you post a lot, or I post too little!
I post FAR too much. It makes class go by faster. And I have a 4 hour break between classes. So Tuesday/Thursday I''m on PS pretty much from noon-8 at school and then when FI goes to sleep or is busy doing academic type stuff, I''m on PS then too. It''s seriously out of control.
Date: 3/7/2009 2:01:24 AM
Author: Skippy123
Date: 3/7/2009 1:59:23 AM
Author: FrekeChild
Hey Skippy, MP and I were talking about having a GTG sometime soon. Think you might want to join us?

Also, have you been to Beauchamp?
I have been to Beauchamp. Are you going there? sounds great keep me posted.
Neither of us has been there. Whats it like? She wants to hit up Butterfield too (getting the reset there--I think you knew that though) because they have quite a few colored stones floating around over there.
Date: 3/7/2009 2:01:45 AM
Author: FrekeChild

Date: 3/7/2009 1:57:20 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/7/2009 1:50:54 AM
Author: FrekeChild

ETA: This is my 8,000th post!
Either you post a lot, or I post too little!
I post FAR too much. It makes class go by faster. And I have a 4 hour break between classes. So Tuesday/Thursday I'm on PS pretty much from noon-8 at school and then when FI goes to sleep or is busy doing academic type stuff, I'm on PS then too. It's seriously out of control.
Man, school would have been so fun for me if I had laptop and Internet. I graduated in 1994 with a BA in English and I TYPED my papers on a Brother electronic typewriter. My friend had a mac computer, but it was too intimidating for me.

No cell phones, and I did not own a pager (which was popular). I guess it was better that I didn't have a computer/Internet back then...would have never passed my courses or had time for friends!

Just freaks me out how different University is now...just 15 years later (nearly 20 years since I started, but that sounds way worse, so let's call it 15!!!)
Date: 3/7/2009 1:05:07 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Now I am craving sea salt and vinegar chips. My absolute fave! I love Tim''s Cascade.....

bored broke and passin gas
Just like any other Friday night.
Date: 3/7/2009 1:52:32 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/7/2009 1:46:15

I''m still looking at house listings. I dream of moving away from our apartment, but yet I will miss it and know I''ve lived a wonderful life here. TGuy first told me he loved in here. He asked me to marry him in the same little room. We brought my daugther home from the hospital here. I moved here when I was 22. I ''grew up'' in this apartment.

I just am aghast when I see the home listings. Someone bought a house on a busy street in Jan 2008 and are trying to sell it only ONE YEAR LATER for 120K more! Is it me, or is someone smoking crack.

TGal - everybody is smoking crack! The cute 2 bedroom house directly across the street from me (Hollywood/West Hollywood border), sold a year and a half ago for $1.2M. The buyer is now trying to sell it for $1.3M. Insane! We have been saving and waiting - same as you guys - but I''ve lived in this apartment since I moved to LA January 2000. It would feel very strange to live somewhere else. I''m about to lose my job come summer - so I guess it is a good thing that I really like my 2bed/2bath $1100/month apartment. Maybe I should just get knocked up.
Date: 3/7/2009 2:28:37 AM
Author: LAJennifer

Date: 3/7/2009 1:52:32 AM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/7/2009 1:46:15

I''m still looking at house listings. I dream of moving away from our apartment, but yet I will miss it and know I''ve lived a wonderful life here. TGuy first told me he loved in here. He asked me to marry him in the same little room. We brought my daugther home from the hospital here. I moved here when I was 22. I ''grew up'' in this apartment.

I just am aghast when I see the home listings. Someone bought a house on a busy street in Jan 2008 and are trying to sell it only ONE YEAR LATER for 120K more! Is it me, or is someone smoking crack.

TGal - everybody is smoking crack! The cute 2 bedroom house directly across the street from me (Hollywood/West Hollywood border), sold a year and a half ago for $1.2M. The buyer is now trying to sell it for $1.3M. Insane! We have been saving and waiting - same as you guys - but I''ve lived in this apartment since I moved to LA January 2000. It would feel very strange to live somewhere else. I''m about to lose my job come summer - so I guess it is a good thing that I really like my 2bed/2bath $1100/month apartment. Maybe I should just get knocked up.
LOL LA Jennifer...don''t do it! Getting knocked up means BABIES come out! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Wow, you guys are worse off than we ar, home prices wise. No wonder people complain about the west side. You have a killer deal on your apartment though. As do we...$1025 for a 2 bed, 1.5 bath, two story with no one on below or above us. We''ve been paying $3000 in "mortgage" though for the past 3 years so that we get used to dealing with Los Angeles housing prices. But our 3K a month won''t get us very much right now....
i usually have a bar exam on friday nights.
Date: 3/7/2009 2:34:45 AM
Author: Dancing Fire
i usually have a bar exam on friday nights.
You only fail if you can no longer hold the floor up
Date: 3/7/2009 2:32:58 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/7/2009 2:28:37 AM

Author: LAJennifer

Date: 3/7/2009 1:52:32 AM

Author: TravelingGal

Date: 3/7/2009 1:46:15

I''m still looking at house listings. I dream of moving away from our apartment, but yet I will miss it and know I''ve lived a wonderful life here. TGuy first told me he loved in here. He asked me to marry him in the same little room. We brought my daugther home from the hospital here. I moved here when I was 22. I ''grew up'' in this apartment.

I just am aghast when I see the home listings. Someone bought a house on a busy street in Jan 2008 and are trying to sell it only ONE YEAR LATER for 120K more! Is it me, or is someone smoking crack.

TGal - everybody is smoking crack! The cute 2 bedroom house directly across the street from me (Hollywood/West Hollywood border), sold a year and a half ago for $1.2M. The buyer is now trying to sell it for $1.3M. Insane! We have been saving and waiting - same as you guys - but I''ve lived in this apartment since I moved to LA January 2000. It would feel very strange to live somewhere else. I''m about to lose my job come summer - so I guess it is a good thing that I really like my 2bed/2bath $1100/month apartment. Maybe I should just get knocked up.
LOL LA Jennifer...don''t do it! Getting knocked up means BABIES come out! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Wow, you guys are worse off than we ar, home prices wise. No wonder people complain about the west side. You have a killer deal on your apartment though. As do we...$1025 for a 2 bed, 1.5 bath, two story with no one on below or above us. We''ve been paying $3000 in ''mortgage'' though for the past 3 years so that we get used to dealing with Los Angeles housing prices. But our 3K a month won''t get us very much right now....

Actually, your pregnancy/parenting experience is my inspiration for thinking it is something I should do. During your pregnancy, I told DH that if you could do it, then I could probably do it. I mostly lurk, so I''m not too well known here - but you usually type what I''m thinking (and am too lazy to type).

And yes, I have a great deal on this apartment - I moved into it sight unseen. I''ve refused to move - and now I''m soooo glad. Our rent is our only expense (well that and car insurance), so we''ve been able to save. There are some town houses at the end of our street (on the corner of Melrose). We looked at one about a year ago - 2 bed/2bath with a garage. I think it was listed for $525K. We told ourselves if it were listed for $425K we would have made an offer. Last week, another town home in the same complex was listed at $399K. But now, that seems like way too much. You are so right about $3000/month not getting you much - but that still seems like so much money. It''s just not right and so out of balance.
Date: 3/7/2009 2:53:50 AM
Author: LAJennifer

Actually, your pregnancy/parenting experience is my inspiration for thinking it is something I should do. During your pregnancy, I told DH that if you could do it, then I could probably do it. I mostly lurk, so I''m not too well known here - but you usually type what I''m thinking (and am too lazy to type).

And yes, I have a great deal on this apartment - I moved into it sight unseen. I''ve refused to move - and now I''m soooo glad. Our rent is our only expense (well that and car insurance), so we''ve been able to save. There are some town houses at the end of our street (on the corner of Melrose). We looked at one about a year ago - 2 bed/2bath with a garage. I think it was listed for $525K. We told ourselves if it were listed for $425K we would have made an offer. Last week, another town home in the same complex was listed at $399K. But now, that seems like way too much. You are so right about $3000/month not getting you much - but that still seems like so much money. It''s just not right and so out of balance.
LOL! I am not sure what I think about the statement highlighted above! Hee. But yeah, I think if I can do it and ENJOY it, many more people would enjoy it more than they think. I really was not into kids at all. Now I am mom big time and am thinking of investing my first pair of Mom Jeans and a pair of white keds. Might go hog wild and get a scrunchie too! ( I trying to be a mom or be Tonya Harding?)

Yup, our perspective is changing. 550K (our budget) is within striking distance, but you know what? I don''t want to buy a home for 550K!!!!
Date: 3/7/2009 3:09:13 AM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/7/2009 2:53:50 AM

LOL! I am not sure what I think about the statement highlighted above! Hee. But yeah, I think if I can do it and ENJOY it, many more people would enjoy it more than they think. I really was not into kids at all. Now I am mom big time and am thinking of investing my first pair of Mom Jeans and a pair of white keds. Might go hog wild and get a scrunchie too! ( I trying to be a mom or be Tonya Harding?)

Yup, our perspective is changing. 550K (our budget) is within striking distance, but you know what? I don''t want to buy a home for 550K!!!!

What I meant is that I know the sacrifice it takes to be a good parent, and not until recently have I considered giving up my personal freedoms. Being a mom was never a goal I had while growing up - didn''t even play with baby dolls. But, yeah, you''re an excellent role model for someone like me. I love my nephews, but they live so far away - and I guess now at 35 years of age (having been married 2.5 years) something kind of seems "missing". And, well, I''m going to have a lot of free time on my hands very soon . . .
Yeah, I gotta say reading any PSer's pregnancy has not made me think I could do it. It made me grateful ANYONE would do it, because if it were up to me, humanity would die out. But, I have to say being on here has made me much more likely to raise kids. John and I have been talking about adoption a bit, and I think that's where we are most likely headed. 5 year plan though.

Okay, well. That good book is calling my name and I'm off to bed. I'm gonna dream of salt and vinegar potato chips though, I know it!
Wow, talking about insane prices! I don''t know what it is about Asia, but house prices here are really even more insane. We''re moving to Shanghai and we''re going to get a three bedroom condo for about USD4-5k month. And that''s not even at the top end. It used to be much more but SH prices have come down too, along with everyone else''s.

Here in SG, our asking rent, for renting out our home, is about USD8k/ month (this is less than the peak price of about USD10k/mo). This would have been a fraction of what our monthly mortgage would have been had we taken out an 80% or 90% mortgage! No wonder yr average Asian lives and breathes properties. That''s all that most of us work hard and save hard for and that''s on practically everyone''s mind most of the time, at least those that I know or what I read in the paper.

Don''t even get me started on RE in Hong Kong or Tokyo! Isn''t Tokyo the most expensive city in the world to live in anyway?

I really think we have it tough here. Life ain''t easy, I tell you that!
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