
Freudulant Slip or nothing more?

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Feb 27, 2006
I brought up the conversation what do you want for Valentine''s Day hunny?
He said more importantly what do you want? I said nothing spectacular really... (What a liar I am)

He then kept asking me and said "What do you want for the 4th of July?" I said, 4th of July!! then he corrected himself
I didn''t put two and two together untill a split second later, 4th of July was the date he was supposed to propose last year!!
So was this a Freudulant slip???
Well I hope it was a Freuidian slip instead of a fraudulant slip. I wouldn''t want him to slip-up about possible fraud concerning his proposal

I hope you get your 4th of July present on V-day!!!
wow what a fool!
Gee, you can tell that I haven''t taken too many psych courses... lol

Thanks, but now I''m not sure if I want it to be V-day, if I know it''s coming, but I can''t control that.
I don''t think many would confuse the two dates, normally. UNLESS that particular date was on his mind for SOME reason.
Nah, you''re not a fool. I''m just and editor. We pick up on things like that. I do agree though that he wouldn''t get the two mixed up unless he had something big on his mind involving the 4th of July. Mhy bf has PROMISED not to propose on V-day it''s the one day of the year I don''t want it on.
Hudson Hawk, Why don''t you like the idea? I bought him a ceiling fan for the house last year and I got a card and an expensive dinner. I complained about how expensive it was for what you got and it was over priced because it was V-day and restaurants love to take advantage. He tells me this year we are staying in because you (meaning me) complained too much about it last year. lol
He didn''t like Christmas because it''s the easy way out, instead he got me a V8 engine for my ''67 Mustang lol!!
His mom was fuming your getting a what??!!! and gave her son the "are you crazy, what about the ring look!"
I was in tears with laughter and gave us "you are all crazy, look." lol

It just dawn on me, you are right! how the heck can you mix up a summer holiday with a winter holiday!??
I wonder if he did it on purpose....... to screw me up

Or he generally slipped and will propose on V-day. He can''t keep anything a secret.
13 days left, I think I will go crazy, waiting to find out!
I''m getting to the point of desparation if it''s V-day so be it! I''ll take anything I can get the whole process has taken over 9 months!
Because I think it''s a cop out and no offense to anyone who got engaged on v-day but it would be cheesy. Just not for me is all I''m saying. But I''m psyched for you!
Sorry! My reply ended up in the wrong thread. Hate when that happens!

I agree with Hudson, though... No Valentine's Day proposal for me, please!
Date: 2/1/2007 9:02:34 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Well I hope it was a Freuidian slip instead of a fraudulant slip. I wouldn''t want him to slip-up about possible fraud concerning his proposal

I hope you get your 4th of July present on V-day!!!
OMG ROFL I was just thinking the same thing. Hopefully it was Freudian, not Fraudulent.
Sounds very intriguing though...!!!
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