
French Manicure Q

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Oct 13, 2006
My ring is done and I think the proposal is happening by Saturdy so.....I'm treating myself to a mani/pedi tomorrow!

I want to get a French, but the first time I did the white tips looked too white to me. (I almost never wear polish) This time I want to get a more natural color ivory color on my tips. Does anyone else get this type of mani? Pics? Any suggestions for colors? They have Essi and OPI.


ETA: And yes, I will post pics asap.
I never get my nails manicured, but I just saw a girl the other day who had hers done to look more natural and the were amazing! They were perfectly shaped and I thought they were her real nails, but she said no they weren''t. I guess she just asked for a natural manicure instead of a french one... that''s what she told me anyway. I guess they have different nail options or something. Also, you could always get your nails painted if you didn''t want the white tips on them. Congrats on your impending proposal!

I think Essie marshmallow is a prettier white, softer...

there was a "formula" in the polish thread about the perfect french manicure and I cannot recall what the polishes were but it was supposed to look great, I think they were Essie with marshmallow and mademoiselle and then some other color too?

How exciting, congratulations in advance!
Oh great -- thanks DiamondFan! I''ll check out that thread now.

And thanks for the congrats PopTart! I''ll definitely have to ask them tomorrow what a natural manicure is.
I think it''s called an ''American'' or something like that when the tips aren''t bright white. There are several polishes that can be used, and I have also had a manicure where they went over the white with another color.
Well I asked this question in another thread. I hunted every store in montreal but no one has essie line. I use the normal mabelline white, with two coats of sheer innocence from revelon. After bottles and bottles of unused polish, I''m finally at peace with the way they look.
Have you checked out

Also, here''s a link to a short "how to" video guide:

Here''s a photobucket account of a MUA (Makeup Alley) member with lots of pics (and names of products used) of french / american tips:

M_grace tips

As far as colors go, you can get things MUCH cheaper online! Look here:

For easy-peasy french mani''s, look at the kits at the bottom of this page (for example):

Sally Beauty Supply carries Orly brand, so a trip in there if you have one nearby may be worth it!

If you have anyplace that sells OPI near you, there are a few 2-color kits for frenches. Also I''ve seen many references to OPI''s Desire as a "not too white" tip white.

Why not treat yourself to an actual professional mani (or even just a pro polish application)?

Hope that helps - good luck, and we''ll be looking for hand pics!
I''ve had them do the white tips, but then pink over it and it looks more natural. I''m really hard on my nails though so they only last a couple of days for me.

Here''s hoping this is useful manicuring!!! Can''t wait to see the ring!
Here is my favorite (I posted in a previous thread)

For those girls looking for a subtle French manicure, the following was gleaned from an article in Town & Country:
Apply one coat of Essie "Allure" all over nail. Paint tips with Essie "Waltz", then top all with one coat of Essie "Fed Up".
I had the same feeling about the white tips looking too artificial and started using a slightly off white polish on the tip - which looked so much better and more natural. I totally agree it improves the look.
I don''t like the white-out look either. My favorite combo is Essie Marshmallow (soft cream white) and Mademoiselle. I''m pretty sure that''s what they''re using in the video clip Ecf8503 posted.
chicagolawyer - i get the american manicure when i get one. it''s just like my natural nails, only better. they aren''t bright white nor bright pink. good luck! can''t wait to see your ring!
I don''t like bright white tips either.

I don''t get professional manis, I always think I can do a better job! Too picky.

My trick is to paint the underside of your nail tip with your white nail polish,
then polish the top with a sheer natural color or pale pink. You will get nail polish all over your finger tip,
but you can clean that up after you are done. I use those hard pointed q-tips to polish under the tip, works
great. My nails look horrible now, but when I take the time to pamper them, this works for me.
Ann that''s a great tip. THANKS.

I think I''ll try it for a party I''m going to on Sat.

It should really help with the chipping thing right?
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