
found this site too this diamond gonna be crap?

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You could just have her tell them she "upgraded" for a better cut or you received an heirloom or something!
also...i noticed that clarity enhanced...bumps up 1 clarity grade.....would it be possible to fracture fill this thing or whatever to make it look good..then i would know exactly what the process was....and can this glass type stuff be bought online?...also the black deposits..i read that they could be bleached?

i have not seen i do not know what type of flaws are present
that diamond is enhanced.........
from your previous posts, you seem like you didn''t want enhanced (recommended)
not at 1st...but it might be a better long as its pleasing to her eyes and sparkles she dont care
Aren''t we jumping the gun here? It''s prudent to discuss a possible return; but, it may not be necessary. People often say it''s crap just because the price is too low. That is simply not conditionally true. Why don''t you wait until it arrives to make your decision. It may be fine for your eyes & budget.

Good luck, consider your options in the meantime, and let us know what it looks like to you when it arrives. Consider returning it if you are unpleased. But, you will have to pay the shipping to you (as well as the shipping back to the vendor), the ebay fees, & a restocking fee, which could be as high as 30.00. All in all you could be looking at over 50.00 to return the stone.

BTW, just because it has an EGL cert *does not* mean that the specs aren''t the specs. I have an EGL certed stone. Upon appraisal, the stone was closer to a better color and a weak SI1.
I don''t know a whole lot about pears, so I can''t begin to opine about what of these aspects is more important than the others.  But you should take a few things into consideration--first, whether the stone is beautiful to your eye (ultimately all that matters) and how perfect you feel the stone needs to be on paper.  For some people, especially around here, it is really important to have that magic combination of numbers that gives top cut ratings.  Other people just want a diamond that they think is pretty.  Neither attitude is better than the other--it''s just personal preference.

If you fall into the latter category, I wouldn''t worry about the stone too much if you can''t find the inclusions, it looks pretty and you think the color is great face up.  If you fall into the former category, I guess I would return the stone and start a search for the absolute perfect pear-cut diamond!

My pear has a thick girdle and I chose it that way deliberately because I didn''t want it to have any risk of chipping because of the delicate point on pears.  It is also slightly shallow (58%) and again I chose that over deeper stones so it would look larger spread (to compensate for the thicker girdle).  Pears don''t sparkle as much as round diamonds, but mine has incredible fire and is the prettiest diamond I''ve ever seen.

For fancy shapes especially, the dimensions/percentages don''t always tell the full story.
can you email the seller and ask them what types of inclusions this stone has? that may give you an idea of what you are going to see when it arrives. aka ask if they are black or white and if they are very eye visible.

if they are not very eye-visible and the cut is decent, it may be an okay stone. honestly for $500 you aren't going to get much better i would keep my fingers crossed and see what happens. cuts are harder to define on fancy cut stones, so i tend to think that an okay cut is masked more by the 'fancy shape' of the stone than a round brilliant is.

if it arrives and it's horrible, take advantage of the return policy right away! don't doze on that..or else it may expire (not sure how long it is).

lastly, i agree with nicrez that if $500 is literally what you have in the account, and you had to sell other items to get that...i would tend to suggest that IF this diamond does not pan out, to wait a bit after returning it, and beef up your finances before spending anything on stone. diamonds are luxury purchases, not necessities and if your gal has this cz that is working fine for her now....why not continue to wait a bit. i would hate to think that the diamond came before something else and if an emergency happens (aka car breaks down) then you would be regretting spending money on a luxury vs a necessity.

anyway my two cents. good luck!
it will be here tomarrow...i''ll post pics if i can..but i dont see a image uploader here
AS for clarity enhanced stones, their APPARENT clarity is enhanced, but their clarity on paper will remain excatly the SAME. An I1 is an I1. Maybe it looks like an SI1 after the treatment, but it will always be graded as an I1.

Also, there is a price for such treatments, and I have no idea how much it is, but considering how much your budget is, I would consider getting one with a clarty enhancement already. Usually it occurs by a laser drilling through the table of the stone (90% of the time) and although it will get to the inclusions, and they can often be bleached, or the feathers filled with molten glass. When you see the stone from the side view, you will notice the laser drill hole. From the table up, you won''t notice the laser drill hole with your eye, unless you have a loupe or a trained eye. Every stone has it''s characteristics, even "clarity enhanced".
i emailed him..and asked if the inclusions were white or black...heres his response

Hi Jamie!

yep, it seems like it will be there tomorrow, pretty good for UPS ground isn''t it ?

Trust me with this diamond, it is a great one! no black spots at all! and if i remember correctly i almost could defined it as Eye clean.

let me know when you get it! i''m excited for you...:) lol

i got it today...all worries are looks great!! its clear and real sparkly...i cant see any defects as of yet..there mapped out on the certificate..but when i look threw the top it looks very clear and pretty!
Good for you! That must be a real relief. Can we seen some pictures?
I am so happy this worked out for you. You have probably gotten one the the few deals on ebay. Good for you!

The most important part of this story is that you purchased this stone out of love for your fiancee and sacrificed to do so. The diamond is made beautiful by these virtues alone.
Congratulations sounds like it turned out great for you. Can''t wait to see some pictures
i took like 50 pics..but its hard to get a clear pic without it reflecting the camera..any ideas on camera settings?...the flashed pics just look white ...heres a couple i think they look like crap


trying black background...all the pics show as cloudy or camera is very clear looking...and after different lights and 2 sets of eyes..only thing i can see is like a tiny mark threw the side at certain angle and not very noticable and not sure its there sometimes..but threw the top..i cant really see anything...but i'm a newb...just looks clear and shiny dunno..but i'm happy..i gonna get it looked at localy

i give up on the camera thing..they just dont do it justice...i''m amazed at how clear this thing is...i had looked at horrible pics expecting the worst..wheeew

heres the stuff that comes with it

not bad for 500 bux!!!

Wow. You have managed that rarest of things, a real, bona fide diamond deal on e-bay! Congratulations, that looks lovely.
Very pretty!
Let us know what the appraiser says. It really does look like you got a real deal!
glad it worked out for you! if you want closer pics, does your camera have a macro setting?
wow, you got lucky!! congrats- i am sure she will love it!
glad you''re happy with it!
Congratulations! You bought what you can afford at this time and did not buy on the installment plan. It looks like a very pretty stone and a great buy. Also, most people expecting to pay about $500 for a stone would not have bothered to call the vendor to make an offer on a stone listed at a much higher Buy it Now price. Maybe in this case, it is fortunate that you did not find Pricescope before you bought this ring. Most people would have discouraged you and you would have missed out on a great deal in your budget range.

You must be a great negotiator. Best of luck.
brought it in was .91 1/2...he said i did good...couldnt get a appraisal done..but he checked it out pretty well

gona have it put on her cz setting
I''m soooo glad everything worked out for you!!! It looks like a beautiful stone. Congratulations!
Congratulations, you got a real steal!! The diamond looks beautiful in the picture.
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