
Follwing the Steven Avery trial?

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
Investigation and Discovery Channel {ID} will have an hour-long special tomorrow night. This is an update which gives a lot of attention to the Netflix special. It may already be On Demand as it debuted last night.

I'm still up in the air {and leaning toward guilty} for Avery, buy Holy Mother Of God {ouch, sorry :Up_to_something: }, someone PLEASE get poor Brendan Dassy out of prison STAT. Shameful. Those officers should be disciplined.
I watched the Netflix series while sick and honestly don't know what to think about Steven Avery. Will be interesting to see an update.

That kid though, just wow. He had no idea what was going on. No idea how he was fit to stand trial.
DH and I watched the Netflix docu a few weeks ago (I was so anxious to read through the thread you started Tacori, once we'd finally finished it!). Afterwards we did some googling, and it's possible a lot of things that were in the trial were left out of the documentary - things that point to him being guilty.

But Brendan, omg, totally agree. My heart was breaking all over the place. When he asked if he'd make it back to class because he had a test... after confessing, I just lost my mind.
rainydaze|1454370560|3985349 said:
But Brendan, omg, totally agree. My heart was breaking all over the place. When he asked if he'd make it back to class because he had a test... after confessing, I just lost my mind.

I know, right? I completely lost my mind when I saw what they were doing to the poor boy. I read somewhere that the Innocence Project is taking on his case and I really hope they can get a new trial for him. I also found it utterly ridiculous that both Brendan and Steven were convicted of murdering the same person two different ways and without conclusive scientific evidence.

I don't know if Steven Avery is innocent or guilty, but I definitely think that some of the evidence was planted and he should get a new trial. I'm not familiar with American/Wisconsin laws, but can anyone explain why the trial judge can also be the appeal judge?
Steven Avery acknowledged setting a cat on fire. I'm good with whatever happens to him.
lulu|1454371522|3985357 said:
Steven Avery acknowledged setting a cat on fire. I'm good with whatever happens to him.

Was sort of my feeling. He's not this great guy that people are making him out to be.

Watched the show under a pile of cats. I can't imagine that kind of evil. Lock him up, I don't care.

The kid is another story.
lulu|1454371522|3985357 said:
Steven Avery acknowledged setting a cat on fire. I'm good with whatever happens to him.

So much this.
I honestly don't think at this point that anyone will ever be able to know the entire truth about what happened. Not unless someone confesses and shares something else about the case that makes their confession iron clad. I too don't think Steven is as innocent as he is portrayed and the sad fact is that the murdered girl seems to get lost in all of the sympathy for Steven. She was the true victim of someone's twisted mind.

I'm sure the cat incident stuck well with some of the jurors - it's not normal and not easy to just put down to a teenage prank. That type of cruelty is hard to overlook!
As a cat lover and owner, I too am disturbed by Mr. Avery's past crimes. However, based on the evidence I've seen and heard I still don't believe he is guilty of murder.
I'm fascinated by forensic psychology and am one of those people who look at every piece of evidence at every different angle. As a result, I just can't determine, within a reasonable doubt, that Steven Avery or Brendan Dassey had anything to do with MS. Halbach's disappearance and death. For one thing, if she was truly tortured in Mr. Avery's bedroom with handcuffs, there would be signs of struggle, including marks on the posts of the bed and at least SOME blood SOMEwhere, since Brendan claims her throat was slit on that bed. If she was dragged to the garage and then shot, there would be more blood all along the hallway. There would also be blood in the garage where they claim she was shot. If she was then dragged to the fire pit there would be even more blood on the grass. The lack of blood (in this case, there should be A LOT of it!) is a huge red flag to me.

I have other issues with the investigation, but the lack of blood is what really gets me. Like I said, I'm not saying he's an upstanding human being, because torturing animals is a heinous crime. But, he's not being charged with animal cruelty. He's being charged with murder, which I don't think he is guilty of. To just assume he is a killer based on his past crimes is unfair and speaks to the unfairness of our criminal justice system as a whole. And that makes me sad.
No one is a bigger cat lover than I am, but that's... not how laws work in this country. Regardless of past crimes, locking a guy away for rape and then murder he didn't commit? Yeah, I'm not ok with that.
Amber St. Clare|1454374094|3985371 said:
lulu|1454371522|3985357 said:
Steven Avery acknowledged setting a cat on fire. I'm good with whatever happens to him.

So much this.

Yeah I have to agree with this sentiment. Plus I think he is guilty. My gut is yelling GUILTY. However what happened to his nephew that is very unfortunate and I hope that situation gets remediated. Very sad. As far as Steven Avery goes though good riddance to bad rubbish or however that saying goes. I watched the documentary and it was definitely made in his favor. They left lots of stuff out and I think Steven Avery is guilty so I am not crying for him.
I don't think what he did to a cat has anything to do with police planting evidence and not getting a fair trial. That is not a very fair or balanced judgment of what happened. Just because you think he is a 'bad man' for killing an animal doesn't mean he deserves life in prison for something he didn't do (if he didn't).

I still don't know if he is guilty or not. But I certainly don't think that investigation/trial/anything was executed properly. I've looked up about everything on the trial - what was included, what wasn't, what has been happening in the 10 years since he went away, and I think a new trial is in order. However I do agree that I don't think we'll ever know the truth. There were too many loose ends at the time that the cops failed to tie up. Alibis and events have long faded from memory. HIs new lawyer seems like she has something to go on. So it will be interesting to see how it plays out.