
"Making A Murderer"

Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
Anyone watching it? I am dying to talk about it with someone. I am so torn so I am guessing this thread will contain spoilers!
Not heard of it! Sounds interesting tho!
Netflix just sent me an email recommending it to me. I plan to watch it on my xmas break! looks good.
I had not heard of it so I just looked it up.

This is right up my alley - I just added it to my list.

Can't wait to see it! :appl:

Glad you pointed it out!
I haven't heard of 'Making a Murderer'.

But I just read Kenny's thread about cafeteria food being racist according to the pampered pussycats - whoops! meant to say 'brilliant young minds of our future leaders', and I think one way to make a murderer is to spout nonsense non-stop. :nono:

Kidding ;)
I hope someone watches it soon because I NEED to talk about it. For those of you that enjoyed "The Jinx" of the podcast "Serial," you will love it. I binged watched it because I was so into the story.
december-fire|1450746446|3964549 said:
I haven't heard of 'Making a Murderer'.

But I just read Kenny's thread about cafeteria food being racist according to the pampered pussycats - whoops! meant to say 'brilliant young minds of our future leaders', and I think one way to make a murderer is to spout nonsense non-stop. :nono:

Kidding ;)

I have no idea what you are talking about. :confused:
Sorry, Tacori E-ring.

I had just read the thread started by Kenny called 'Oberlin College Students: Cafeteria Food is Racist'.

Obviously, it wasn't really annoying enough to make me want to kill someone, but it did make me roll my eyes.

To get back on topic though, I'm going to have to check into 'Making a Murderer'. Sounds intriguing.
Christmas vacation starts this week so I will check it out!
I just started watching it !
Re: "Making A Murderer"

I have it in my queue. Was planning on starting it tonight, but DH fell asleep as soon as we finished dinner. Hopefully tomorrow!
I am completely addicted to Dateline and 48 Hours type shows. Something tells me I would find this fascinating.
It is so interesting and I don't who to believe!
Seriously, I am on episode 5 and I have no idea who to believe.
We just finished watching it, binged this past weekend. Absolutely makes my blood boil. There is an entire subreddit on this case, in case you are interested.
kama_s|1450836806|3965100 said:
We just finished watching it, binged this past weekend. Absolutely makes my blood boil. There is an entire subreddit on this case, in case you are interested.

Just finished! WOW... just wow.
Resonance.Of.Life|1450933533|3965622 said:
Just finished! WOW... just wow.

What are your thoughts?
Tacori, we have about 40 minutes left re the whole series. So far I am just :shock: :shock: :shock: .
But not terribly surprised actually. When we finish it I will be back to share my thoughts. Right now my dh and I disagree on some issues and it is interesting debating them. Thank you for recommending this Netflix series.

Don't want to spoil it for anyone so skip if you have not yet watched it and with some time left I could be wrong but I am almost entirely sure...

He is GUILTY. IMO. No question in my mind. A lowlife in every sense of the word.Sure law enforcement is crooked and criminal in their actions too. IMO they are also lowlives. Anyway back to comment more when we have actually finished watching.
Wow, just finished watching this. Thanks for the recommendation! (gap for spoilers)

I have many many doubts as to Steven's guilt and as for Brendan, he is just a pawn in this whole thing. The poor boy, It made me feel really sick when he said he had to get to school to hand in his project and that he would miss Wrestlemania.

How could the jury have been 7 for not guilty and then a guilty verdict? That town just had it in for Avery for making them look bad. So many holes in the whole argument.

How could Brendan not have got a retrial after they were shown that tape with the investigator looking after him? And he had a connection to the victim's family!!!!

Just so sad all round. And in all likely hood there is a murderer still on the loose. The brother always stuck me as cagey, and the ex b/f too. Not saying they were involved but definitely cagey.
(Gap for spoilers again)
missy|1451047363|3966083 said:
He is GUILTY. IMO. No question in my mind. A lowlife in every sense of the word.

Why so? I mean he wasn't a pillar of society but why a low life?
GlamMosher|1451117586|3966335 said:
(Gap for spoilers again)
missy|1451047363|3966083 said:
He is GUILTY. IMO. No question in my mind. A lowlife in every sense of the word.

Why so? I mean he wasn't a pillar of society but why a low life?

I thought I was almost finished with the series but have actually 3 more episodes to watch. So I didn't read your spoilers (thanks for the warning) but from my perspective so far that is how I see him. He tortured and set the family cat on fire killing the animal for no reason other than a good laugh. Yeah not a high quality human being.

That's why I don't see it as too much of a stretch for him to have tortured and murdered that poor woman. IDK if he did it and we have 3 plus hours left to watch but he certainly did torture and kill a cat just for fun so it boggles my mind if anyone thinks he is a good person. He is not. He is a low life. All those law enforcement officials involved in his first conviction are also criminals who IMO should also be in jail and who are low lives as well for their part in the first purposefully wrong conviction. However that doesn't make Steven Avery innocent for this crime.

Will be back to comment after I finish watching the final 3 episodes. When I thought I was almost finished watching the other night we were watching Brendan's confession and then hearing his conversation via phone to his mother stating they did it so that's why I was so sure in my previous post Steven and Brendan were guilty. However after watching few more hours last night I see it is way more complicated than that so yes I will be back after we complete this series.

I want to add the American Justice system is really broken. I knew it before I started watching this series but oh my it is even worse than I could have possibly imagined. Corrupt and broken. ;(
Was reading the new responses and got to "I don't want to spoil it for anyone so if you haven't watched it.." and I clicked out real quick. I saw it on Netflix when JD was scrolling thru last night to find something to watch..he is (sadly) *not* into these shows. But, I've got plenty of time now to watch it this week!
packrat|1451159427|3966483 said:
Was reading the new responses and got to "I don't want to spoil it for anyone so if you haven't watched it.." and I clicked out real quick. I saw it on Netflix when JD was scrolling thru last night to find something to watch..he is (sadly) *not* into these shows. But, I've got plenty of time now to watch it this week!
Watch it!!! You won't regret it. I had to marathon it. When I wasn't watching it, I was thinking about it. Sigh...!
We finished watching the documentary last night and all I can say is I am stunned. I don't want to give any spoilers and not sure if we can want a separate thread discussing it so for now I will just share a few comments. Please stop reading if you have not finished watching.
And I also want to thank Tacori for her recommendation. We watched this over 3 nights and while some parts were a bit tedious it was an overall entertaining series though very aggravating to see how corrupt our justice system truly is (especially in Wisconsin) and to see the suffering of the defendants and their poor family.

I just don't know if Steven committed the rape and murder of Teresa Halbach but I do think the documentary favored and was sympathetic to the defense. I feel we did not see everything pertinent and necessary to make a completely accurate decision regarding the guilt or innocence of Steven and Brendan.

I know a few things for sure however. The prosecuting attorney Ken Kratz and previous defense attorney Len Kachinsky (I mean really? Brendan deserves a retrial just based on Len's defense OMG) are criminals and slimy corrupt characters and overall despicable human beings (from my perspective) as are many of the police involved in the case so I can see why many would have sympathy for Steven and certainly Brendan. My heart goes out to Brendan who I feel was not even competent for trial. From watching the documentary and watching the footage of him I get a definite impression he is intellectually disabled and did not even understand the gravity of his "confession" which definitely looked coerced and most likely false.

What the defense attorneys need to do in order to prove the innocence of Steven and Brendan is find who committed the actual murder of Teresa Halbach. Without that I don't think they will ever be released from prison. Unless they can find a new test to show that there was EDTA in the blood evidence they found in Teresa's car proving they planted it. However, even if they planted some of the evidence (which it certainly looks like they did) it would not prove Steven did not murder Teresa. Just because the prosecuting attorney and the police involved are corrupt does not mean Steven is innocent. Though I will say from the documentary it looks like he might be. My dh thinks Steven and Brendan are innocent (90% sure) while I am split more 50/50 and still have lots of questions.
I agree Missy with all you have said.

Possible spoilers ahead

I do not know if SA is guilty but I do know I could not have found him guilty based on the cock up of a police investigation.

Just so so sad, especially for Brendan. My heart just breaks for that poor boy who thought he was being praised for saying the right thing. I hope something comes of all this publicity.

I see Kachinsky has been wiped from his firms web page. Previously it was in both of their names, in the last few days it is now just the other partner. Him, his investigator, Kratz, and the police involved (the 2 from the law suit and the ones interviewing Brendan) should all suffer for what they have done and is now being seen.

If you want to get lost down a rabbit hole, go look at the redditt thread!
Missy, I agree with everything you have said...spoiler ahead...

I tried over and over in my mind to defend Steven in the cat burning incident. I tried to use the thought process that goes into the idea that psychopaths use animals as practice, therefore they are methodical with the animals and they use animals over and over. It sounds as though the cat in Steven's case is a one time incident and impulsive. I think, too, that psychopaths have above average intelligence. It has been proven that Steven has below average intelligence.

But then it occurred to me that "people vary" and that I don't know squat about everyone in the world. Furthermore, 20 years ago, there was a horrible accident in my house involving a kitten and it was hands down, one of the worst days of my life. I can't even really speak of it. Why? Because I am a cat lover to the middle of my bones. Even if I wasn't such a cat lover, say I was an average person with a normal level of cat liking, it would still be an awful day and I would not be ok with the incident. :-(

To dowse a cat in gasoline is torture enough for that poor animal, but then to throw it into the fire and to watch it burn is a f#cked up act beyond anything I could imagine. My mind never sits in words. My mind makes graphic scenarios and I have pictured this act in my mind and it paints a very different side of this man. If you can sit and watch, as that poor kitty writhes in pain as it burns, what else are you capable of?

One could argue that he was too stupid to feel empathy for that cat, but if he was, then he could be too stupid to feel empathy for Teresa Halbach while he was harming her.

I also felt the documentary was largely biased.

The one portion of this story that burned my blood was Brendan. I hope to God that the publicity of this story gets him an appeal or retrial. That poor kid should have never been locked up. I am wishing for a large $$$$$$ settlement on his behalf.

Did anyone else bubble over with emotion whenever they saw the grandma's face? She looked so exhausted and tired, like all life and joy and been sucked out of her. She looked worse each time they put her on camera. Seeing her face was a testament to the extreme harm that corrupt police department has done to her family.
Got it started just now! I still have about 13 hours of true crime episodes from various shows on the DVR I need to get thru but I want to join in the discussion about this. It's episodes, I see..are they all about something different or are they all about this Steven Avery guy?
packrat|1451243416|3966874 said:
Got it started just now! I still have about 13 hours of true crime episodes from various shows on the DVR I need to get thru but I want to join in the discussion about this. It's episodes, I see..are they all about something different or are they all about this Steven Avery guy?
The same guy. It is all his story.
He doused the cat w/gasoline first? I missed that part. I thought he'd "just tossed the cat over the fire"..not that that's appropriate or anything, I'd've put his eyes out for that, I'm just saying that's all I'd heard. Gasoline first is intentional, not the "harmless just for fun to see the cat fly over the fire" prank he made it sound to be. And you don't have to be a wizard to understand that gasoline is flammable so what would happen, duh?