
Flynn to testify in exchange for immunity...


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Ruby--ha, ha!
Azstonie, the ignore button is that way _____________________}

I suggest you use it.

LOL. Actually if you click on a a screen name with this new format you can ignore them right in that pop up. Quick and easy.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying what needed to be said.

I do not believe that mean things needed to be said.

I do not believe that mean things needed to be said.


Agreed. I really enjoy most of the posters here and sometimes I cringe when stuff like iLander's post to Ruby happens. I am just as guilty as the next person of losing my temper and posting in the heat of the moment, though. I've said not nice things here, and I understand the passion that drives people to just let loose and let someone have it. That said, I feel like all the animosity does nothing to fix the problem; in fact, I think it exacerbates things and further polarizes all of us. Two wrongs don't make a right--it doesn't seem productive to hate on Trump supporters and point out their perceived inadequacies. We are all in this together even if it doesn't seem that way much of the time. The right AND the left both truly believe they have everyone's best interests at heart. They just have different approaches. If I don't like Trump's methods and his general f*ckery/p*ss-poor attitude, all the more reason for me to be a kinder and more empathetic person. I don't want to be like him, ever.

Agreed. I really enjoy most of the posters here and sometimes I cringe when stuff like iLander's post to Ruby happens. I am just as guilty as the next person of losing my temper and posting in the heat of the moment, though. I've said not nice things here, and I understand the passion that drives people to just let loose and let someone have it. That said, I feel like all the animosity does nothing to fix the problem; in fact, I think it exacerbates things and further polarizes all of us. Two wrongs don't make a right--it doesn't seem productive to hate on Trump supporters and point out their perceived inadequacies. We are all in this together even if it doesn't seem that way much of the time. The right AND the left both truly believe they have everyone's best interests at heart. They just have different approaches. If I don't like Trump's methods and his general f*ckery/p*ss-poor attitude, all the more reason for me to be a kinder and more empathetic person. I don't want to be like him, ever.


What scares me more is - does she really think I am a Russian spy pushing Trump's agenda.

I ask because I do not see any humor in her post so I seriously question whether she actually believes it.
Deb and Moni, it's nice when we can agree on something other than jewelry.

If Congress gives Flynn immunity the Justice dept,(FBI etc) will not be able to prosecute him for anything they may have such as his not registering as a foreign agent for Turkey. He discussed openly whether or not he(they) should kidnap the Turkish dissident that lives in America and that Turkey wanted the US to extradite . He has also lied to the FBI. The FBI and the justice dept get to make the decision on immunity. They learned during the Iran-Contra hearings the dangers associated with Congressional immunity. Its really too early.
There are many on here I enjoy reading. I don't ask for brilliance, just some cogent thoughts. I like Jaaron who really told us the immunity was coming. I am not stuck in a party, but someone who can't reason, but is stuck thinking only one way doesn't deserve my time. I understand ILanders frustration. Some things are really not hard to understand. Better to be rude than +++++

I disagree Smit. As Red offered, one can always ignore.
Smitcompton you contribute to discussions and we agree at times and other times we don't. That said not all people converse in the same way so if someone bugs you ignore it or them entirely rather than being nasty. There are other forums for being nasty. We should police ourselves and our actions instead of taking up Ella's time. Disagreement is different than taking a stance that another person is unable to reason - that is your opinion.

Ilander, :clap::clap::clap: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying what needed to be said. AND NO MATTER HOW MUCH MARTYR YOU GET IN RESPONSE, please do not tender the 500th apology offered up by others.
Oh, I have no intention of apologizing, Redwood is a troll, plain and simple. She thrives on the attention, even if it's negative. She focuses in on what she wants to answer and ignores truth, direct questions, logic, and anything else that will not give her more attention. Thinking is not her strong suit. So, no, I call her as I see her. Troll.
My hero? What are you talking about? I am no fan girl.

As far as what Flynn did, do you have access to any classified information the rest of us do not?

Flynn is a big boy who had a past before Trump.

But I look at it this way - Don't you think that if Flynn knew something that could involve Trump they would have handed him his immunity along with the keys to the city. That is in fact when they grant immunity - when the person can give them someone higher up on the ladder, a bigger fish to fry.

And they turned him down flat.

As far as my "smelling like beet soup." again you have lost me. Unless you are referring to borscht. Then yuck.

As far as me being a Russian, yes that is where my grandparents came from - Kiev in what was Russia and now is part of the Ukraine I believe.

Oh, I have no intention of apologizing, Redwood is a troll, plain and simple. She thrives on the attention, even if it's negative. She focuses in on what she wants to answer and ignores truth, direct questions, logic, and anything else that will not give her more attention. Thinking is not her strong suit. So, no, I call her as I see her. Troll.

I need no apology from intolerant people. You can join the white dog person now. Please put me on ignore so we can both enjoy PS from now on.
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I really struggle with plea deals.

Sure, get the bigger fish.
But, the smaller fish deserves exactly what (s)he deserves ... not less.
Telling the truth shouldn't make you a special snowflake entitled to an extra special fluffy golden parachute.

I thought my post was clear.

I thought my post was clear.

Ha! My Will Ferrell/Ron Burgundy gif was directed really at no one in particular. I almost posted a "that escalated quickly," but got distracted by Ronzo. Ain't he cute and on point? :lol:
Not too cute, but I do like a mustache that covers the upper lip. :clap:

OK, so Schiff has now seen the same documents as Nunes.

So left us now see if
I need no apology from intolerant people. You can join the white dog person now. Please put me on ignore so we can both enjoy PS from now on.

Apparently that one does not understand the definition of troll - someone who swoops in and tries to derail the conversation by attacking people.

Well now she can argue with herself.
For those interested in the issue at hand :lol:

A very interesting thread on immunity in general and Flynn and immunity in specific

Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson
(MEGA-THREAD) RETWEET if you or anyone you know wants to understand the legal implications of Mike Flynn seeking immunity from prosecution.

6:26 PM - 31 Mar 2017
216 replies4,646 retweets4,104 likes

    1. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      Replying to @SethAbramson
      (1) What follows is analysis of a news story, not legal advice or the practice of law. If you need an attorney, seek one in your local area.

      3 replies125 retweets355 likes
    2. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      (2) Certain legal concepts discussed in this thread have been slightly simplified for the purposes of explaining their contours via Twitter.

      3 replies78 retweets287 likes
    3. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      (3) There are 3 major types of immunity: use immunity, derivative use immunity, and transactional immunity. The first is worst, last best.

      4 replies128 retweets338 likes
    4. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      (4) Transactional immunity means you can't be prosecuted for any crime involved in a discrete course of conduct. Defendants love/want this.

      3 replies116 retweets287 likes
    5. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      (5) Use immunity says testimony in a criminal case can't be used to charge you with a crime or as evidence against you. Prosecutors love it.

      3 replies106 retweets294 likes
    6. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 14h14 hours ago
      (6) Derivative use immunity means your testimony can't be used against you, _nor_ can any evidence discovered as a result of that testimony.

      4 replies105 retweets283 likes
    7. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (7) Defense attorneys always ask for transactional immunity. Prosecutors always say no--unless it convicts a major figure, like a president.

      2 replies128 retweets360 likes
    8. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (8) As to Flynn, it seems the FBI already has the goods on him for making false statements. So use immunity doesn't help him on that charge.

      15 replies138 retweets417 likes
    9. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (9) Flynn could seek use immunity on a crime no one knows about yet. But with so many investigating, he knows they'd get him by other means.

      2 replies99 retweets304 likes
    10. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (10) And of course it doesn't make sense to seek use immunity for a crime you committed that you know _no one_ will ever find out about.

      2 replies92 retweets272 likes
    11. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (11) Meanwhile, Flynn and his attorney would have known that it's too early to get transactional immunity. There's more investigating to do.

      7 replies95 retweets285 likes
    12. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (12) All of which makes Flynn's immunity offer bizarre. (a) They're never made publicly; (b) there are 3 entities investigating him, so...

      12 replies115 retweets323 likes
    13. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (13) he'd need immunity from all 3 to make it useful; (c) it's too early to ask for transactional immunity unless he can deliver POTUS; (d)

      8 replies110 retweets338 likes
    14. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (14) he wouldn't ask for use immunity on a charge he's now dead to rights on; (e) he wouldn't ask for _any_ immunity for a crime he knows...

      1 reply85 retweets262 likes
    15. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (15) no one will ever discover; (f) his attorney has no info on what the feds have, so how can he determine how much danger his client's in?

      10 replies88 retweets286 likes
    16. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (16) And (g) before immunity is given you make a proffer--a broad statement of what evidence you have--but it seems we don't have one here.

      7 replies91 retweets273 likes
    17. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (17) For those who think this is mere theater, think again: attorneys can't make misrepresentations to the feds. So this is a "real" offer.

      12 replies145 retweets453 likes
    18. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (18) All of which means: (i) Flynn is seeking use immunity on a _bigger offense_ than the one the feds already have him dead to rights on...

      8 replies171 retweets456 likes
    19. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (19) which already carries 5 years in federal prison; (ii) Flynn's either delivering a bigger fish (POTUS), a _huge_ number of smaller ones,

      9 replies142 retweets401 likes
    20. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (20) or a slightly smaller one (say Manafort or Kushner) who committed a _much_ more serious crime than anything Flynn did; (iii) Flynn...

      8 replies123 retweets378 likes
    21. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (21) thinks he's about to be in an "immunity race," in that he must beat out many other co-defendants in seeking immunity from the feds;...

      10 replies119 retweets389 likes
    22. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (22) (iv) Flynn may have committed a crime worse than "false statements" that would be difficult to prove other than with his testimony...

      5 replies97 retweets302 likes
    23. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (23) which is true for crimes largely based on words (e.g. threats, promises, oral agreements) with largely unavailable (foreign) witnesses.

      5 replies75 retweets259 likes
    24. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (24) Flynn making an immunity request this early lets investigators know that if they hit a wall, he likely has _something_ that would help.

      7 replies123 retweets352 likes
    25. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (25) And not to be morbid, but you'd tend to make a _very_ public request for immunity if you thought you might be killed by a co-defendant.

      33 replies289 retweets727 likes
    26. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (26) Flynn so _publicly_ implying he has the goods on Russiagate greatly _increases_ the risk of discovery for anyone trying to silence him.

      11 replies155 retweets442 likes
    27. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (27) Let's be clear: Flynn's immunity request _very strongly suggests_ there was a criminal conspiracy at the highest levels of government.

      18 replies383 retweets809 likes
    28. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (28) Let's be clear on this, too: Flynn's request all but confirms Russiagate as the most serious political scandal of any of our lifetimes.

      23 replies492 retweets1,029 likes
    29. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (29) Flynn may yet get his immunity. He will if prosecutors hit a wall--if they reach a point where only Flynn can give them what they need.

      8 replies90 retweets324 likes
    30. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (30) Flynn's offer is also an implicit--if inadvertent--encouragement for other defendants to flip with better terms (or targets) than him.

      15 replies111 retweets399 likes
    31. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (31) The National Security Adviser to the President of the United States indicating he has criminal culpability means America is _changed_.

    32. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (BONUS) _No one_ in this scandal is getting pardoned--ever. The general theme (treason) is _so_ hot that _no_ politician will risk a pardon.

      93 replies382 retweets1,173 likes
    33. Seth Abramson‏Verified account @SethAbramson 13h13 hours ago
      (BIO) I was a criminal attorney for 7 years in 2 states, representing thousands of clients in that time in cases up to first-degree murder.

      68 replies120 retweets693 likes
jaaron...whoa. Thank you for posting that. Not being a lawyer nor having casual access to my law prof uncle, (and he's a law prof - getting him talking is dangerous, brevity is not his strong suit), means that I'm pretty much out of anything resembling depth in these matters. This is fascinating. I'll be copying it to my husband who will also find it so.

Thanks again!
I have no access to what jaaron posted. Perhaps because I have had Facebook and other social media blocked on our computers due to my daughter's misuse of it. Is there any way for anyone to reprint the material here?

I have no access to what jaaron posted. Perhaps because I have had Facebook and other social media blocked on our computers due to my daughter's misuse of it. Is there any way for anyone to reprint the material here?

Deb, what jaaron provided is a reprint of a twitter account. You can access the entire thing here
I cannot see that, Matata.
Right, I blanked out on what you said earlier. Sorry. In any event, what you see is what is posted on the tweeter page.
(25) And not to be morbid, but you'd tend to make a _very_ public request for immunity if you thought you might be killed by a co-defendant.

I said to the CB the minute I heard about Flynn's request for immunity that he better hope he doesn't find himself sleeping with the fishes. Remember that "heart attack" had by the operative who wrote the dossier that included Pvss Grab's golden shower adventures? I'm sure Flynn is hoping right now he's not going to have a "heart attack" of his own, in a black Lexus in a parking lot in Moscow or otherwise.
(25) And not to be morbid, but you'd tend to make a _very_ public request for immunity if you thought you might be killed by a co-defendant.

I said to the CB the minute I heard about Flynn's request for immunity that he better hope he doesn't find himself sleeping with the fishes. Remember that "heart attack" had by the operative who wrote the dossier that included Pvss Grab's golden shower adventures? I'm sure Flynn is hoping right now he's not going to have a "heart attack" of his own, in a black Lexus in a parking lot in Moscow or otherwise.

Dee*Jay, what/who is CB?
Current Boyfriend?
Citizen's Band, aka HAM, radio?
Cock block?
Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 3.20.13 PM.png
Dee*Jay, what/who is CB?
Current Boyfriend?
Your CB, citizen's band, radio, aka HAM radio?
Cock block?
Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 3.20.13 PM.png

CB is Chicago Boyfriend. He became the CB when I was down in Kansas City. I had been there only a short time and had made reference on PS to my boyfriend. Well someone got all in a snit because I'd only JUST gotten there and ALREADY I had a boyfriend (slvt!!!) so I clarified that I was talking about my Chicago boyfriend. Madelise (if I recall correctly) then started referring to him as CB consistently and many years later here we are. I figure it will remain useful for (a) the next time I move out of Chicago or (b) if I replace him with a boyfriend from a different locale, in which case I will refer to THAT guy using different initials to indicate his geographic origins. That does take a whole slew of locations off the list though; so like no new boyfriends from Cleveland, etc.
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... like a sailor, with a little 'sumtin-sumtin' in every port? :wink2:
You GO gurl! :dance: