
Flourescence vs. Clarity

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Aug 9, 2002
I have done an exhaustive search online concerning the subject of flourescence vs. clarity and have encountered conflicting opinions EVERYWHERE.

Some people think that flouresence can alter the clarity of a diamond causing an oily or milky appearence in sunlight or other UV source:

1)Some people say this is an extreme case that only applies to "overblue" diamonds and all other diamonds are fine. (extremely flourescent diamonds = oily diamonds)

2)Some seem to believe that this is a graded scale of murkiness corresponding to the relative strength of flourescence (stronger flourescence equals more murkiness).

3)Others seem to say that murkiness is relatively independent of flourescense strength, and the clarity varies individually by diamond (not merely based on flourescense strength-- E.G. some strongly flourescent diamonds might not be murky, but another medium or strong one might be).

Even the GIA study on the matter came up with conflicting results, saying some experts thought flourescence affected clarity, and some didn't.

If experts can't agree, what are mere peons like us going to do?

BTW- I've read the tutorial on flourescence (on pricescope and many, many, other websites) and none are in agreement on this matter.

Maybe the confusion =""> less demand => lower prices for flourescent diamonds?

Why are people not worried by the possible effects of flourescence on lower color stones? I know its supposed to cancel the yellow, but if ur diamond is "oily", who cares if it's whiter by a grade?
Oh, and if there was a solid and firm link between flourescence and negative clarity effects, why on earth were "blue-white" diamonds so popular years ago?

Who would want oily diamonds?
Hi Roksinmymind,


It is better stay away from diamonds that look oily because of fluorescence. Otherwise, fluorescence doesn't hurt but helps with lower color grades.[/u]
I have seen very few oily diamonds in my career.
They hardly warrant the time to make classifications and rules as to their grading.

It is very obvious that they are inferior, and De Beers and all the merchants down the line usually will direct this rough to industrial applications.

Blue white is still being considered. Tom Tashie is palying around with using it on over blue diamonds with stones that are true D-E color graded in light with absolutely no UV, and with strong blue flouro. I think it is a great idea :)
Each of my 3 stones have a range of faint, medium, strong blue fluor- F,G,I respectfully. I would not buy a stone unless it had fluor. JMHO Frankly, I have not talked to a jeweler or diamond coniseur (sp?) who did not find fluor at the very least curious.

Go with what you like. It was my opinion that the GIA article surprisingly found that most people preferred the fluor stone over non fluor.
Hey thanks for everyone's advice. *sorry but i'm still a bit confused*

Cut Nut-

Are you saying that the oily stones are usually weeded out early in the process and so we don't really have to worry about it?

Is it really obvious, almost like a black and white phenomenon- it's either oily or its not?

Or have u ever seen a subtly oily stone? something with just a hint of this so called negative clarity effect?
at the really subtle level it is usually in an I-L color and is an advantage.

You have 100 times more chance of being hit by an aeroplane while asleep. Leave it be and look at the stone :)
got to tell you, I purchased a 1.4ct D color radiant cut about 6 months ago. It has medium fluorescence. Like you, I checked ALL available info on this subject! I was very worried that I might see some sort of oiliness once I saw it outside--I fretted for 3 weeks while it was being set. No need to worry!!!! It is incredibly sparkly, and even MORE gorgeous in fluorescent light or outside. (It could pass for 2 carats inside Home Depot har-har.) I will never again purchase a diamond without at least faint fluorescence. People comment on how pretty my diamond is all the time--never happened before with my good quality round 1ct. There is definitely a large # of "Fluorescent Fans" around. These diamonds are extra special!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Huge fan here. Maybe it's just me - but I think they have extra or unusual color. My eye is always drawn to the Fluor stones.
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