Hello!This is my first time to visit this site. Nice job by the way, on constructing this. The entire site is very informative and I have learned more on the internet about diamonds then I have ever learned in jewelry stores over 12 years! I have a dilemma, and I would like to very kindly ask for anyone's opinion: Here goes: I am in the market for an approximately 1 carat round diamond. I have found two stones, both seem very comparable. Which one to choose? And why? Your opinion?First Diamond:
1) GIA Cert.
2) Superb Cert H&A cut
3) 0.93 carat
4) Polish = Excell, Sym = Excellent
5) Color = F
6) Clarity = IF
7) Floresence = Unknown at this time
Brilliance Scope = Unknown at this timeSecond Diamond:
1) GIA Cert.
2) Superb Cert H&A cut
3) 1.00 carat
4) Polish = Excell, Sym = Excellent
5) Color = D
6) Clarity = Si1 (eyeclean)
7) Floresence = None
Brilliance Scope = VH2, VH3+, VH2
9) Table = 56.1 Depth = 61.0
10) Crown 11) Cr. Height = 15.2 Pavil Depth = 42.7
12) Culet 0.3% very small
13) Girdle thickness 1.6%
Assuming the 0.93 carat stone comes back with comparable BrillianceScope readings, which diamond would you go with? On one hand, it would be nice to go with the D color, but then I have only and Si1 clarity. Yet, the other stone is Internally Flawless, but has an F color. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Both stones are priced almost the same. Any thoughts?Once I get back the readings on the 0.93 BrilliantScope readings, if there is a significant difference, I will probably choose the diamond with the higher readings, since most people prefer the diamond with the hightest BrilliantScope readings. Would you concur with this "logic"? Assuming both diamonds have the same BrilliantScope readings, then which one to go with? Help!Thanks. PaulPS I am assuming the size difference to the eye from a 1.0 carat diamond to a 0.93 is insignificant, since it only represents about a 3.5% decrease in diameter size from one "perfect cut" stone to the next. Any thoughts?
1) GIA Cert.
2) Superb Cert H&A cut
3) 0.93 carat
4) Polish = Excell, Sym = Excellent
5) Color = F
6) Clarity = IF
7) Floresence = Unknown at this time
1) GIA Cert.
2) Superb Cert H&A cut
3) 1.00 carat
4) Polish = Excell, Sym = Excellent
5) Color = D
6) Clarity = Si1 (eyeclean)
7) Floresence = None
9) Table = 56.1 Depth = 61.0
10) Crown 11) Cr. Height = 15.2 Pavil Depth = 42.7
12) Culet 0.3% very small
13) Girdle thickness 1.6%
Assuming the 0.93 carat stone comes back with comparable BrillianceScope readings, which diamond would you go with? On one hand, it would be nice to go with the D color, but then I have only and Si1 clarity. Yet, the other stone is Internally Flawless, but has an F color. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Both stones are priced almost the same. Any thoughts?Once I get back the readings on the 0.93 BrilliantScope readings, if there is a significant difference, I will probably choose the diamond with the higher readings, since most people prefer the diamond with the hightest BrilliantScope readings. Would you concur with this "logic"? Assuming both diamonds have the same BrilliantScope readings, then which one to go with? Help!Thanks. PaulPS I am assuming the size difference to the eye from a 1.0 carat diamond to a 0.93 is insignificant, since it only represents about a 3.5% decrease in diameter size from one "perfect cut" stone to the next. Any thoughts?