
First Impressions!


Sep 23, 2011
What were your first impressions of your SO? His of you?


Dec 23, 2010
Hmmm. I thought he was cute! I remember the first day I saw him (he started work where I worked). Well dressed, a good sense of humor, the whole package. I started to enjoy going to work, I had some f-i-n-e eye candy! I had a bf at the time though, and I knew better than to pursue him. We talked as friends, and found out we had a lot in common. I was surprised to meet someone my age who had NEVER been married and had NO KIDS. So I jokingly told him "We 28 year old never-married-no-kid types are a rare breed, we need to stick together." 8 months later I gave my go-nowhere relationship the boot, spent time with him, and a month later, we were officially together.

He's told me many times that his impression of me was that he was intimidated by me. He said "You were hard to approach because you're so beautiful and I'm so shy. Plus, I knew you had a boyfriend, but I just couldn't stay away from you." He found every excuse to come visit by my desk, etc etc.

The funny thing is, at the time, his aunt was my boss. She kept telling me to hang out with him, and her assistant kept pressuring him to take me on a date. How funny that other people can sense compatibility long before you do.

I'm glad I listened to my heart and had the strength to end 6.5 years of time wasted with the wrong guy. I couldn't be happier than I am now. Every day I when I wake up, I look at him and smile and wonder how I got so lucky.


Oct 2, 2008
I knew he was a catch from the second I met him. I was in a relationship at the time that had been going on almost 5 years at that point and things were declining (and had been for 1-2 years). Meeting him let me know that there really were true, honest, wonderful guys out there who were respectful, patient, kind and loving and that actually had things in common with me without finding me boring (my ex's favorite descriptor for me).

But since I knew I wasn't available, I actually tried to set him up with my best friend! It took two months but they finally went out, for lunch. It was awkward and they weren't a good match. Nothing ever happened. We met in October 2010, they went out in December 2010. From October through the time of my breakup with the ex in June 2011, we talked a lot more (only as friends). We got closer in April 2011 when things started getting really bad with the ex. He became my confidant and was really supportive and always offerred a friendly ear when I needed to talk something out. And when I got sick of talking about my problems, we just chatted and learned a lot about each other. We have everything in the world in common and agree on just about everything.

In May 2011 (prior to my breakup) I knew I had fallen for him. I distanced myself then because I knew my feelings for him (and his for me) were becoming inappropriate. But after just a few days of not talking, I missed him. Really missed him. That was when I knew it was really over.

It took another month before we were officially over (dealing with the end of leases, etc.) but when it was finally over I wasn't upset at all. I was relieved.

We started spending a lot of time together after the breakup but it remained friendly for a few weeks. I wasn't ready to start dating again right away after being with the ex nearly 6 years. But after a few weeks I knew it wasn't worth not dating for the sake of not dating. We both had fallen for each other, hard. Months before the breakup. One evening hanging out in June, I kissed him. Two weeks later (due to work issues and other conflicts) we went on our first official date in mid July 2011. We've been together ever since.

And I agree with MBKRH, I feel like the luckiest woman in the world every morning waking up with him by my side. I love him and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

ETA: forgot to add his opinions of me! He is SOOOO shy. He didn't even remember my name for the first 3 times we met. He'd never been in a relationship and never had a girlfriend before. He also knew I was taken and was actually friends with my ex. He told me when we started talking that he first really noticed me in December 2010 when I was talking to him a lot about my friend. He said he noticed how beautiful I was and that I was something special. He never said anything to me and probably never would have. I learned all this after the fact. I'm so glad I took a leap of faith and told him I had feelings for him and was even happier when he said he felt the same way. :love:


Dec 23, 2010
audball|1350087836|3284208 said:
I knew he was a catch from the second I met him. I was in a relationship at the time that had been going on almost 5 years at that point and things were declining (and had been for 1-2 years). Meeting him let me know that there really were true, honest, wonderful guys out there who were respectful, patient, kind and loving and that actually had things in common with me without finding me boring (my ex's favorite descriptor for me).

But since I knew I wasn't available, I actually tried to set him up with my best friend! It took two months but they finally went out, for lunch. It was awkward and they weren't a good match. Nothing ever happened. We met in October 2010, they went out in December 2010. From October through the time of my breakup with the ex in June 2011, we talked a lot more (only as friends). We got closer in April 2011 when things started getting really bad with the ex. He became my confidant and was really supportive and always offerred a friendly ear when I needed to talk something out. And when I got sick of talking about my problems, we just chatted and learned a lot about each other. We have everything in the world in common and agree on just about everything.

In May 2011 (prior to my breakup) I knew I had fallen for him. I distanced myself then because I knew my feelings for him (and his for me) were becoming inappropriate. But after just a few days of not talking, I missed him. Really missed him. That was when I knew it was really over.

It took another month before we were officially over (dealing with the end of leases, etc.) but when it was finally over I wasn't upset at all. I was relieved.

We started spending a lot of time together after the breakup but it remained friendly for a few weeks. I wasn't ready to start dating again right away after being with the ex nearly 6 years. But after a few weeks I knew it wasn't worth not dating for the sake of not dating. We both had fallen for each other, hard. Months before the breakup. One evening hanging out in June, I kissed him. Two weeks later (due to work issues and other conflicts) we went on our first official date in mid July 2011. We've been together ever since.

I just about fell out of my chair just now. Audball, your story could be mine. Right down to the time frames. Except I broke it off in May, and we began dating in June of '11, and the ex and I were together 6.5 years. Close enough, though, that's so crazy! :shock:


Mar 18, 2007
I thought he was cuuuuuuuuute!

I saw him in a coffee shop and decided my friend and I needed to stay long enough for him to notice us. When it looked like she was about ready to leave, I went and bought a pot of tea so we could stay there longer. That was a year ago (today!) and I am so happy my little ploy worked.

mary poppins

Apr 10, 2010
Mr. Poppins and I don't specifically remember meeting each other (we met as a result of spending time with a group of mutual friends) or what our first impressions were.
However, we each thought of the other as a good friend.
Neither was interested in dating the other.
For many years.
Then we dated for about three months before getting engaged.


Nov 4, 2009
I thought he was incredibly interesting. He wasn't as cute as I thought he would be (we met online), but I wasn't complaining. Listening to him talking, I was like, omg this guy is one of those intellectual laidback hipsters, and had just a minor internal freak out. But, I kept the date loose and casual, with no expectations or hopes, and we had a great time. Talked the entire night. I had no idea he would invite me for a walk around his town, and I had worn for the occasion. The second the date ended, I immediately took my shoes off in the car, drove home barefoot, and walked like a 90 year old lady the next day. I had to pop a few blisters, but it was very much worth it!

Turns out, he's not a hipster at all, but still very intellectual. He actually has a pretty crude/crass sense of humor which is sometimes hysterical and sometimes wtf, and in certain situations he's a lot more uptight than I thought (though he will NEVER admit this quality about him). But what I love about him is how low key he is, and how well he knows himself. Even with him being uptight, he recognizes that he is having a moment/emotion, and does what he needs to to get over it without putting any of it on me. He's also really good at reading how I'm feeling and being there for me, so it's a win-win for me :bigsmile:

When he met me, he thought I was smart and beautiful. But what he loved most was how I was able to talk about anything and had so much compassion and love for life. One year later, he knows I have the typical girl insecurities, and some family issues, but he still sticks by me, and supports me when I'm going through tough stuff. Now I feel like we work as a great team to be there for each other to celebrate the good, and work through the bad. He really does make my heart smile, and I can't wait to marry him!

Madelise, share your story! I'm very curious!!


Jul 30, 2011
We met in a student ministry at college. I was a junior and had been attending the church for 1 year already, and he was an ickle freshman. :twisted: We were introduced by a friend who was also already a member of the church on a Wednesday night service. My first thought was "tall." He's 6'4". :lol: But honestly I didn't pay him much attention during service. It's always busy and packed with new people so it's hard to really notice anyone in particular. After service, he left a few seconds before I did (coincidence) and we happened to be walking the same way. I recognized him from behind and shouted for him to wait up (our minister was getting on the existing church members' backs to make newcomers feel included and welcome. But it was so out of character for me and I'm still not sure what made me do it! Fate? Somehow knowing you've found your soulmate? I dunno...) and we walked and talked and got to know each other better since we hadn't gotten to talk much during service. He told me how he wanted to go to law school and go into state politics and I was like "Wow, I've never met someone so sure of what they wanted in life." I was impressed and I just thought he would be an interesting person to get to know. And then he said he had to get to a group meeting for a class. We had a quick hug and I was basically struck dumb by how good he smelled. That's one of my biggest "things" with guys since I have a stronger than average sense of smell. I walked away in a haze (coming out of it just enough to ask him his last name. When he asked why I had another uncharacteristic burst of extroversion and said "I'm gonna facebook friend you.") and spent the rest of the night talking to my roommate about this guy I met at church and we facebook stalked his photos. :rolleyes: Not long after I got into a relationship with another guy that lasted 2 months before I broke it off. He waited 1 month before actively pursuing me and then we were dating 2 months later.

When asked he said that his first thought when he saw me was "Beautiful." :D I'm not sure if he was feeding me that line though. He still likes to flirt shamelessly. And then he says he thought "She's older than me and out of my league, but I gotta try." I'm sooo glad he did. LOL

And I feel awful for wasting that time with my idiot ex. :oops: The only good thing it did was show me that BF was way better. Granted I was completely oblivious the whole time. I just thought he was being nice.... It never occurred to me that someone so great would actually want me. He was walking me back to my dorm, giving me his jacket (it was winter), holding me at the bus stops so I wouldn't get cold, and we got into tickle fights on a regular basis. Yikes, I was blind. LOL. It still took months before I realized what was going on.


Jun 21, 2011
My first impression of my husband was that he was very cute, had a good head on his shoulders, was cool and down to earth, BUT he was waaaaaaaayyyy too young. I didn't even think to go there. I found out later that he WAS interested in little "old" me. :lol:


Apr 19, 2004

Tall, muscular, blonde, with chizzled good looks; oh and well educated and kinda quiet to boot. Worked out in the long run.... :bigsmile:



Sep 23, 2011
LOL! I ask because I didn't have the best first few impressions of SO :lol:
Before even meeting him in person, I thought he was a stuck up jerk from the way his friend was describing him.
Then I thought he was socially awkward, or shady.
Then I thought he was definitely gay.

Yeah…. we had a fail few first meetings :lol:


Sep 4, 2011
I love all the 1st impression stories .

I met SO online , when we first met i just wasn't attracted to him. I thought he looked like uncle fester, he was a cocky little s*** head that some how won me over.


Sep 30, 2010
First impression? In order:
1. He's HOT! :oops:
2. He must be conceited :???:
3. He IS conceited. ugh :rolleyes:
4. He couldn't want someone like me. 8)
5. He must only want to get in my pants then :nono:
6. After actually talking to him: WOW, he's smart, caring and is everything I want in a guy! :appl:


May 9, 2012
He he madelise and BeautyQueen, real love at first sight! :twirl:

I thought SO was UNBELIEVABLY handsome, but figured he would be sort of.. unlikeable due to All The Beauty (completely out of my league). I also thought he would be eons more liberal than my conservative self, based on the fact that I met him after he played a show in a punk rock band, and the group of friends I met him with.

I was wrong.. our first date was to church. :lol:


Jun 12, 2012
I can't really remember my first impression upon seeing my OH for the first time. I was probably a bit overwhelmed, as I had just moved to Australia from England and started at a new school, so everything was new. It was probably 'that guy is really tall' (he's 6'8). The first time I can remember really interacting with him, he was trying to hook me up with one of his friends who I wasn't interested in. I thought my BF was cool in a platonic way as he was dating someone else at that time. About a year later was when we got together, by then we were in the same group of friends. I don't think I was ever really keen on him at first, but was rather drunk and we got on really well....after that he asked me continually to be his girlfriend but I kept saying no, I also kept on kissing him at parties etc as I did like him, I was just nervous about being in a relationship at that time. Eventually I just thought 'what the hell' and we officially got together. I never expected it to work out the way it has! I don't know what his first impressions of me were, I want to ask him now!


Sep 23, 2011
Chewbacca|1350945977|3290453 said:
He he madelise and BeautyQueen, real love at first sight! :twirl:

Haha. "Love at first sight".. sure! Stories to tell the grandkids :naughty:
"Grammy thought pappy was in the closet!"
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