
Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the butt!!!


Nov 28, 2012
I'm surprised there is no website that has taken advantage of the gap in this market. I have checked Leibish, DBL, and several other websites for weeks now, trying to find some stones, and have not been satisfied.

I contacted one of the top three engagement ring designers recommended in this forum last month and we entered into a work order agreement where I would supply my own center stone and he would make a setting including 4 "natural vivid pink diamonds." When he sent me a sample of the pinks, they were shockingly far from vivid per the GIA fancy scale. The jeweler agreed and we went through a process where he attempted to order increasingly higher quality pink melee from his vendor ($10,000/ct, $15,000/ct, until $18,000/ct).

I just saw photos of the $18,000 per carat set. This is for a set of four stones about .07 carats in total. I still wasn't impressed. I suppose I may be willing to accept them just so we could move forward with this project. I would say the stones were "fancy" or "fancy intense" in color, at best. The cuts are pretty bad as well.

Two questions for you all:

1. My jeweler wants to charge me more than the $4,400 we originally agreed to for the setting because the pink melee is turning out to be expensive. We previously clearly agreed these would be "natural, vivid pink color" and we also agreed upon the size at 1.8mm each stone, at the time of our contract. Is it standard practice that the stones he will now deliver are objectively not "vivid pink" per the GIA scale and are smaller than 1.8mm, yet he wants additional moneys? I feel that we had a contract and he is delivering less than he agreed but asking for more money.

2. Where the heck can I get better stones?

Also I want to make one important comment. I think this jeweler is great, this thread is not at all to complain about him or badmouth him. His work is good. He has been communicative. I also feel that he is honest. My only issue is, we had a contract. It seems like at the time we made our contract, he thought that vivid pink melee would be much more affordable than it turned out to be. Maybe he doesn't work with pink diamonds very often. Apparently, his vendor catalog had described some less expensive melee to him as "vivid" and after receiving those, he realized that it was going to take a lot more money to get this done as promised. I'm not bringing up the money issue with him because I don't want to upset the guy and create a trust issue between us. It's just very strange to me that I feel we have a contract with strictly defined terms and he doesn't seem to recognize that. Then again, I am an attorney so it's possible that I just pay closer attention to contract issues than others do.
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

Langerman sells them.

I've never bought from them, but I really like how their website seems to make it so easy to shop for FCD melee.

Clicking on the word "Prices" under each pic brings up a handy chart for weight, diameter price for one and price/Carat for just that one saturation.
Unfortunately GIA does not grade FCDs this small so you are at the mercy of your vendor's description.
You really want a vendor you can trust.

They have 4 saturations of Pink.

The lowest saturation:

The highest saturation:

Wow, what a huge price difference.



Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

xizenta|1452224970|3972449 said:
I'm surprised there is no website that has taken advantage of the gap in this market.

Pinks are a completely seperate game from the regular colourless market...
Pink smalls aren't like whites - not only are quality goods incredibly difficult to get because of their rarity...they're difficult to get with any form of consistency/regularity. For example, Argyle now tender all of their parcels of smalls, so it can be very difficult to get goods.
Also, while the price of white smalls stays relatively consistent, the price of pinks can change quite quickly and significantly - for example, if you paid $65k/ct for a parcel of .01-.03pts in a 4P colour a few months ago, this month (if you can even get them) you might have to pay $70k/ct for the same goods.

...The cuts are pretty bad as well.
Pinks are ALL about the colour - especially in the smalls - cut is often sacrificed for weight/colour

Hope this helps
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

Hi xizenta! :wavey: I had a similar situation when I was making inquiries about pink melee a few weeks ago. Some Ps'ers pitched in and confirmed my suspicions.
ADN said:
Pinks are ALL about the colour - especially in the smalls - cut is often sacrificed for weight/colour

Also there are no GIA reports on small stones so you have to take the word of the vendor and colors may vary.

I hope you are able to amicably resolve this with the vendor GL! :))
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

HI All!!

to add to ADN's post-
We buy pink meleé pretty much daily- and I agree with ADN- prices are anything but stable on pink meleé.
When buying these super costly, yet very tiny stones, what makes the most sense ( to me) is to make sure we will use them in a manner which will exploit the color to the max.
That's difficult to achieve, so my feeling is, why spend the additional money unless you know the pinks will really shine in the setting.
If someone spends all that money, and the pinks don't achieve the desired result for any reason, the buyer will not be satisfied. I don't like getting involved in deals that leave the buyer at risk like that.
That's part of why we don;t offer meleé on our site.

As a general note- personally I am super skeptical of sites offering pink diamonds for prices well below market.
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

Rockdiamond|1452286760|3972845 said:
As a general note- personally I am super skeptical of sites offering pink diamonds for prices well below market.

Excellent advice - as the old adage goes - "if it's too good to be true...then someone is definitely trying to rip you off"...or something to that effect...I may be paraphrasing a bit :lol:
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

xizenta|1452224970|3972449 said:
I'm not bringing up the money issue with him because I don't want to upset the guy and create a trust issue between us. It's just very strange to me that I feel we have a contract with strictly defined terms and he doesn't seem to recognize that. Then again, I am an attorney so it's possible that I just pay closer attention to contract issues than others do.

Experience tells us, I think, that this is a very personal issue. The impression delivered is that you have an honest and caring jeweler - you may find that you will have to put a price on what that means to you.
Re: Finding pink melee diamonds is an unreal pain in the but

does it have to be natural pink diamonds?

have you taken a look at lab grown pink diamonds?

or the easiest solution would be lab grown pink sapphire. (obviously not what you want)