
Finally ready to make a choice but I need your help!!


Mar 5, 2016
Hi all,

I recently posted about two diamonds I liked and I am still considering but have added two to the mix and I would love everyones opinions on which they think I should choose:

Number 1 - WF ACA - $7,200 - eye clean

Number 2 - WF - SI2 (Not eye-clean but Gemologist gave me this opinion) - $6,100

The H, SI2, is very close to being eye clean, under normal lighting at 10” I had to look for several minutes at the diamond, rotating it and rocking it, before I saw anything. In fact I had to loupe the diamond first and then look for the inclusion with my naked eye. What I did see was very small, white in color and easily could have blended in with the white contrast of the stone. With this diamond in particular, you would not be able to see these inclusions at arms length. I tend to be pretty picky when it comes to clarity and this is not something that would bother me personally.

Number 3 - James Allen - 1.02 - $5,640 - eye clean


Number 4 - Solomon Brother - 1.10 VS2 - $5,700 - eye clean


I hope one of these is the one.

#4. solomon, no brainer for me. Beautiful and great value and great clarity/color combination. Only criticism I have is I prefer fatter arrows (80% Lower girdle height).. Sure, it has some patches of whiteness here and there... But.. still stunning. :love: :love: :love: great find.

I don't like those inclusion in #1, 2 and 3; not eye-clean at least according to MY definition.

PS. are you irishcanadian???
Thanks flyingpig, it is a great price too and I was a little worried about light leakage but it seems you are not concerned!
Those idealscope images are taken under different backgrounds and lighting conditions. It looks like the bright area appear really red, and light leakage appear really white, compared to other IS images; therefore, any light leakage may appear more apparent.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Even if #4 has the most light leakage, it is still better than many of WF Expert Selection Stones, which costs $2000 more. I would still take #4, for VS2 clarity (i just like 1.0+, I+, VS2+ for engagement ring. bragging right), excellent price, and near super ideal performance, unless if you are planning on any upgrade in future. Then whiteflash... but I don't like those inclusions, even if prongable. A small sacrifice in cut and light performance for a better overall package, in my opinion. Cut is king, but the other 3C still matter.

You probably know by now. A near super ideal 1.1 H VS2 is not a easy find at $5700.
Thanks flying pig, I think its a very good find too...I'm excited :) Yes I am IrishCanadian, my last account was removed for some reason.

I have placed this on hold now so the link no longer works, here are the specs:

6.50 - 6.51 x 3.99 mm:
Carat Weight: 1.02 carat
Color Grade: H
Clarity Grade: VS2
Cut Grade: Excellent
Depth: 61.3 %
Table: 56 %
Crown Angle: 34.0°
Crown Height: 15.0%
Pavilion Angle: 40.8°
Pavilion Depth: 43.0%
Star Length: 55%
Lower Half: 80%
Medium, Faceted, 3.5%
Culet: None
EDIT: Number 4 is 1.02ct not 1.10 as previously posted.
truenorth|1457744452|4003698 said:
EDIT: Number 4 is 1.02ct not 1.10 as previously posted.

LOL. That changes things a bit. I would still take #4...

I really like #3's light performance and well defined appearance with fatter arrows.
Too bad return is not free from Canada.....
flyingpig - It does change things but at the same time I still don't think I will get this quality at this price again...Or if I do I will have to wait a long time, do you agree?

I think out of all of them, trying to balance all the C's (as flyingpig had mentioned that not only is Cut king but the other C's are important too) the 4th one, the one from Solomon Brothers I consider the best one for the value, clarity & cut. It's not a super ideal but it does look to be a pretty stone. Our dollar sucks so bad too & the fact we have to pay an additional 35-36-37% is hard to swallow. If you are not considering an upgrade in future then the Solomon Brothers. one is a good choice. If you had never considered an upgrade till you found PS, stop, & back away slowly. :lol: You'll need to go to WF & call it a day. As for the lower facets, the length is a matter of preference & one isn't better than the other. Many like 80 for the more splintery sparkle & some like Flyingpig like the shorter ones. I'm in the shorter camp although a few of my stones have 80% & I like them all the same. :))

I'm curious about Solomon Brothers upgrade policy. Did they tell you if they even have one? I was trying to find this info & I didn't see it. I'm pleasantly surprised they had an Aset & IS image though.

H VS2 is a stone i would buy for myself. If 1.1c, it would be a no brainer. At 1.0c it is still an exellent choice.

I can find a similar stone at a similar price.
But you are supplied with all light performance images...

Keep shopping or this H VS2.. tough call, given that you have been shopping for long and extremely selective, and still not in a hurry.
Thanks ccunurse and flyingpig

flyingpig - I have asked BN to pull that stone and confirm whether or not it is eye and to also send a photo.

I think with the money I save on the e-ring I will be able to get an eternity ring for wedding band which in my opinion is worth the savings :D
If you are still considering other options, call IDJ and talk to Yukietel and asked him to find a stone for you. Also get a quote for an eternity ring with PS quality stones. Shipping may not be free. But if you are considering an eternity for the wedding band, many will recommend IDJ anyways. There have been some positive reviews on IDJ recently.

For an eternity, buying locally is not a bad idea either. I have seen some rings and loupes with high quality melees, at least in vancouver.