
Feedback on Blue Nile diamond purchase

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Feb 17, 2003
Hi, I''m new, tried to add a note a second ago and don''t think it took. Sorry if this is a duplicate. My wonderful man popped the question on Valentines day and now I''m looking for a diamond ring. Here''s one I''m interested in from Blue Nile - info is from GIA report

.64 carats
VS2 clarity
G color
Depth 60.1%
Table 62%
Medium to slightly thick girdle
very small culet
Excellent polish
Good symetry
No floresence
Comments: surface graining is not shown
Price: $1688

Any comments from the pros out there? Should I be worried about the comment on surface graining? Any help would be greatly appreciated !! Thanks

My advice to you is to get educated. The best thing you and your fiance can do is find a reputable jeweler in your area and learn about the four C's. Based on the information that you provided, the diamond you are considering is not cut that well. If your goal is to buy the most beautiful diamond for the best price you better get educated. Don't you think you would be more confident about your purchase after being educated and KNOWING what you bought rather than HOPING that you got a good deal?

K. Maxwell Ohnezeit
First question:

What is the Length to Width ratio on this Oval?
Calculate this by dividing the first mm number by the second mm number(found in the measurements section).
Optimal L/W for Ovals is 1.4 to 1.5 as this allows for more
light output. Anything under 1.4 is problematic as
it will be stubby and Cut quality has probably been sacrificed by the cutter to maximize weight retention.

Second: Are the shoulders rounded or squared off?
Rounded is better as it minimizes light leakage.

In general, 'numbers' don't tell the story on fancy shapes
and unless you've seen this diamond in person or
had a qualified independent gemologist evaluate it,
be careful and ask the vendor whether more information
i.e.; BrillianceScope, ImageScope, Diamcalc can be
provided to you so that you can "see" what you're buying.


P.S. Don't worry about the surface graining. It's
the least of your concerns.
Kelster2 and 1Maxwell1, welcome to the forum

Based on the information that you provided, the diamond you are considering is not cut that well.
Why do you think the diamond is not well cut?


It might not be enough of course because of other factors but looks like a good start?

Barry you gave good advice but you're pefectly aware that Blue Nile doesn't do Brillianscope measurements.

Thanks for the response. The length to width ratio is 1.38. In looking at the tutorial for this site it suggests a ratio between 1.33 to 1.66 is ok. Do you disagree? I don't know about the other info you discussed.

I am looking for a good quality diamond, this is my second time around and I'm more interested in spending money on my new house and less on the diamond.
Another question, when I went to my local Ben Bridge jewerly store the salesperson was really pushing SI quality. What are your thoughts on that?

Thank you.
I very much appreciate your compliments and support regarding the advice I give consumers on this forum.

RE: BScope. I'm fully cognizant that Blue Nile
does not provide BScopes. But they can either have
their vendor obtain one, or alternatively since they provide
a 30-day return policy, the purchaser can make arrangements
to have one done. Ditto for the other tests that I mentioned.
An enterprising consumer should not have much
difficulty obtaining information to assist with their purchase.

Kelster: RE: L/W ratio of 1.33-1.66 on the tutorial.
Again to reiterate, fancies are very difficult to interpret solely on the numbers. In my experience L/W ratios
ranging between 1.3-1.4 and from 1.55-1.66 are not beauty and light-output maximized. That is not to say that your 1.38 is not a great-looking diamond, but I'd have to see much more data than what you have provided in order to make
an assessment.

The Ben Bridge jeweler is correct if the Cut on the SI
is very good to excellent. SI inclusions in diamonds of beautiful cut tend to masked, with the result that you are getting the SI price with the VS look. Don't dismiss this point.

The proportions sound nice, although the stone seems to be a little 'fat'. Can you get a sarin report?
Also, graining should be negligible and minor.

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