
Feedback on a diamond I am considering from PS experts pls


Jul 29, 2014

I was hoping to get some comments and thoughts from those who are way more experienced than I am on a diamond I am looking at.

At this stage I only have the GIA certificate which I have attached.

I am working on getting the ASET and IDEAL scope images and will post them when I have them.

But the diamond falls within all of the specifications I understand I am to look for:
Table is 55%
Depth is 61.4%
Crown angle is 34
Pavillion angle is 40.8

The HCA score is 1.0 within the TIC range. 3 excellents with "very good" spread.

Can anyone tell me whether the above specs will work well together and hopefully result in a nice looking diamond?

Also can anyone comment on the inclusions? The first inclusion is a feather. I understand this is a crack. Should feather's be avoided altogether or are they ok in some circumstances and if so, for this specific diamond does it look ok?

I am also a little confused about why it says "additional cloud is not shown". Why would this not be shown? Can I assume it is small and would not be noticeable?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Re: Feedback on a diamond I am considering from PS experts p

The numbers look good so far. You need a magnified image of the stone to tell more about the clarity. Not every inclusion is plotted. What is the clarity of the diamond? We will know more about cut when you get idealscope or ASET images.
Re: Feedback on a diamond I am considering from PS experts p

Hi diamondseeker

Thank you so much for your reply.

Firstly, I am absolutely in love with your diamond. When I discovered it for sale the other day I almost died. If it was this time last year, I would have bought it but I am in Australia and with the change in exchange rates over the past 12 months, what would have been a $30,000 diamond ring is now over $40,000 and I simply cannot justify that. I really hope someone buys it though and you find what you are looking for.

In answer to your question, the clarity is VS1.

I will post the ASET, ideal scope and magnified image asap.

Re: Feedback on a diamond I am considering from PS experts p


I have managed to get a magnified image and ASET.

They are attached.

Can anyone provide any thoughts/comments on whether it is a nice diamond?

I can't see any inclusions ie the additional cloud which is not plotted on the GIA certificate and the feather (but it may be hidden by the tweezers).

The ASET seems alright to me but I am not an expert so I would appreciate the views of those who actually know what they are looking for!

Thank you so much!


Re: Feedback on a diamond I am considering from PS experts p

It looks good! I see no issues.