
Favourite Comfort Food when Sick

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Jan 20, 2006
This was posted on another forum but i thought it would be neat to see if we differ from country to country in what makes us ''feel better'' when we are sick.
Here is my list:
Soup preferably zucchini or pumpkin
Grilled cheese on toast with great bread really good mature cheddar with a dash of cayenne pepper
Welsh rarebit (prepared by someone else as too much effort for the ill)
Vegemite soldiers
Date: 3/24/2009 12:33:17 AM
This was posted on another forum but i thought it would be neat to see if we differ from country to country in what makes us 'feel better' when we are sick.
Here is my list:
Soup preferably zucchini or pumpkin
Grilled cheese on toast with great bread really good mature cheddar with a dash of cayenne pepper
Welsh rarebit (prepared by someone else as too much effort for the ill)
Vegemite soldiers
Hehe!! If it's a stomach bug none of that would do.

Are we talking about a cold, or the flu??

When I am sick, I have to have chicken broth steaming hot, and saltines.

If my tummy is queasy, gingerale, chicken broth and saltines.

Flu? I am so miserable, I barely eat anything.

When I faked sick as kid, well that's a whole new thread!!!!
I had it down to a science.
Not taking my food ''limitations'' into account?

Creamy tomato basil soup with a side of thick-cut, crusty bread for dipping.
Chicken Noodle Soup!!!

Your list of "feel better" foods would be the last things I would want when I''m sick! No offense, LOL!!! I''m sure it''s a cultural difference- I''m in the US.
This is not queasy stomach bug food but flu and feeling tired and achy.
Cold -- chicken soup and hot tea.

Flu -- ugh! Food? Phooey! Jello, maybe. Two days later.

Depressed -- chocolate of course! Or ice cream.
Soup either chicken or a veggie of some kind and cups of tea with lots of honey in it.

Flat lemonade always makes me feel good as well :).
Cream of Chicken soup is the best, but any soups will do.
Chinese rice porridge.
Hot tea with lemon and honey.
Tom Yum soup
Hungover sick - full Irish fry

Sick tummy - crisps and cheese or toasted cheese sambo with mayonaisse

Cold/flu- soup.
Vegemite on toast
Hot steamy chicken soup with loads and loads of noodles!!!!
Date: 3/24/2009 12:59:21 AM
Author: HollyS
Cold -- chicken soup and hot tea.

Flu -- ugh! Food? Phooey! Jello, maybe. Two days later.

Depressed -- chocolate of course! Or ice cream.

Me, too!
Firstly, what''s "welch rarebit?"

My comfort foods for a cold are:
Chicken Soup w/ white rice (homemade) OR Ramen noodle soup that I hide way in the back of the pantry so my FI doesn''t see it because when I''m sick I don''t care if it IS packed w/ msg and preservatives...
Grilled cheese and tomato sandwich
Pizza (I know, Im terrible)
Crackers w/ butter and berry preserves

When I have the flu the last thing I want is food.
Mmmm Welsh Rarebit is like cheddar cheese fondue over toast. It''s got cheese and beer in it. It''s so yummy!

Cold-Campbell''s chicken noodle soup, Premium brand saltines, and Canada Dry ginger ale

Flu-Maybe tea and toast if I can stomach it (usually not though)

Hangover-Mama''s pancake breakfast from Cracker Barrel

Stomach bug-toast/crackers and ginger ale
Date: 3/24/2009 6:41:25 AM
Author: bee*
Hungover sick - full Irish fry

Sick tummy - crisps and cheese or toasted cheese sambo with mayonaisse

Cold/flu- soup.
I''m surprised at the posters who want cheese when they''re sick. Is this a U.K. thing? Kind of ''how you were raised''? I avoid milk products with a sick tummy. Shoot, I avoid food!
Okay, kinda gross but I ALWAYS want Top Ramen when I have a cold. Not sure why. Haha.
Mine are chicken noodle soup, but ONLY from Eat N'' Park (seriously, there is nothing like their noodles, but I think they only exist on the east coast) and peanut butter toast, or toast with butter and jelly.
If I have a cold I want some sort of spicy asian noodles (typically the kind that come in a box which you can microwave in 2 minutes, but not ramen), or grilled cheese and tomato soup. If I have a flu bug there is no way I want to eat anything for at least 24 hours, and after that I have little to no appetite for days... If I''m stressed out or depressed I seem to crave fried foods or my favorite pizza du jour. I''m in the U.S.
I think cheesy potato soup...

Also, mac and cheese- the home made kind.

If I am throwing up- WATER. The above are just if I am feeling lousy..
ice cream.
Well, it used to be tomato soup, but I had an unfortunate experience with trying to eat that too soon after a recent stomach bug

Probably my all-time top favorite is regular pasta, small shape (I love the small shells, and normally only eat whole wheat pasta), with just a little bit of butter and some salt.
mmmm...chocolate is food, right?

And anything hot and filling, like soup... I love tea when I''m sick, too.
When I am sick, I crave my mother''s homemade potato soup. She always made it for me when I was sick as a kid. She would cut potatoes into small chunks and cook them in milk until they got soft, and add butter, salt and pepper for flavor. It is such a simple recipe, but it has never tasted right when I make it.
Date: 3/24/2009 4:10:41 PM
Author: Lorelei
ice cream.
LOL, me too!
Husband would make me toast w/strawberry jelly when I had a yucky butter or anything b/c Dr said dairy would make it worse. And Progresso chicken noodle soup b/c it has more flavor than Campbells, in a big coffee mug so I can sip the broth first. 7up and crackers. The achy/fever/chills kind of flu, I think it would be about the same, b/c when I''m achy like that it hurts to chew and even to pick up anything to eat it, so it would have to be simple foods.
So I think we can say that when we have a cold illness soup seems to be the universal cure all
Of course the Aussie PSers know the therapeutic benefits of Vegemite
to Dandiandi
Mrs. Grass''s Chicken Noodle Soup. It''s the best, I couldn''t even give it up when I was a vegetarian. Also, plain pasta with a little butter, or oatmeal.
Date: 3/24/2009 2:17:47 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Okay, kinda gross but I ALWAYS want Top Ramen when I have a cold. Not sure why. Haha.
Because Top Ramen is good! Haha, don't let my mom know I still eat the stuff

Hangovers - Pedialyte along with Hot and Sour soup delivered form a Chinese restaurant.
colds- chicken soup from the can or mac and cheese

I recently had two bouts of strep throat! Och, could eat/drink a thing but I lost 10 pounds!
stomach problems- 7up and saltines
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