
Faux Tacori Price Drops?

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Feb 9, 2008
So I have a question about a really odd experience recently with a Tacori wedding band purchase. Last year I bought a Tacori engagement ring in February and was told that I was buying at a good time, because retail prices were going up the next month (not sure if they meant everywhere or just that particular store) due to the value of platinum - of course they encouraged me to buy the matching wedding band at the same time and I declined...I thought I wouldn''t lock my soon-to-be fiance into a wedding band, haha. Anyway, the engagement goes as planned, she says yes, and we plan a May wedding (can''t believe it''s almost here!). We go back to the store in late December to inquire about the possible matching bands for her engagement ring and the sales manager shows us the two possibilities recommended by Tacori, and then mentions that we should come back the first week in February as the new pricing will be coming out and it will be lower since the price of platinum has fell. (Someone''s fiscal year must begin in March with all these price change stories, haha). I thought it was sort-of decline a sale and tell us to come back later...but I thought "okay cool, maybe the guy is really being genuine here...and it gives me a few more months to put some extra cash away."

In the end, we went back this week to place the order, he puts it into the computer, calls the rep at Tacori to get a confirmation number, and the price is the same as it it has been (on Tacori''s website) since I began investigating the matching bands online back in August of '' definitely nothing has changed, he''s just lucky we came back to his store to buy.

So...I just want your opinions on what this guy was thinking back in December when he told us to come back in February...first of all it gets our hopes up that the price may drop a little since the value of platinum has fallen since last year...second of all, when does a jewelery store manager ever decline a sale and send you out the door when you are ready to lay down the cash? Seems strange to me...
when does a jewelery store manager ever decline a sale and send you out the door when you are ready to lay down the cash? Seems strange to me...

I can''t answer the rest of your question regarding platinum pricing, etc.

However, I can tell you from personal experience as store manager at several high end shops, I would do this on occasion. If I knew a customer would probably become a repeat, I would clue them into deals and hint around as to when a better time to buy would be. I did this because I would gain their trust, it establishes a relationship based on the fact that I am looking out for their best interest. It''s another form of good customer service. If I go into a store and a person tells me that the price of what I want is going to be dropping shortly and I should come back in a few weeks/months and save a good amount of money, you better believe I''ll be going to them again in the future. Not to mention the next time a customer comes in and I''ve established a relationship with them, they are more likely to buy more.
Is it strange that someone in this economy would say that? A bit, yes. You have been to that store at least 3 times, they know you, and they know that they can make a repeat customer out of you in the future. When you go looking for anniversary presents, upgrades or anything of the sort, why wouldn''t you go back to the place the tried to help you save some money on your purchase?
That is strange but then again maybe he was being honest. I think times are tough and people want to help others get the best deals if they can? i don''t know. I do wish you many best wishes on your upcoming wedding!!!
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