
Father-in-law has passed away

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Nov 19, 2004
I wanted to tell all of you because you have been my virtual support system. Yesterday morning, he had a terrible pain, and we discovered that the spleen had torn (it was very distended from the cancerous cells). At that point, the only option was medical treatment, and keep him comfortable. He passed away this morning at 11:43, with his immediate family all around him, and some of his brothers in the room nearby.

On one hand, it went so fast, and on the other hand, the last few hours were agonizing for my fiance and his family, because every breath, we thought it was the last. But they were all there until the very end.

They talked all night, my fiance and his father. And yesterday, when I saw him (he was still conscious) he told me that he loved me, and that we would have beautiful children together. He told my fiance that he wanted us to get married, and that he would be there to watch over us. This morning, he was starting to lose consciousness, but when I came he opened his eyes briefly and said "Ma belle Alice" it was such a horrible effort, and it makes me cry, because he always, always said that to me.

I feel so comforted by the fact that I know he loved me, and that he approved of the choice his son made.

Thank you all for the prayers you sent to our family.

aww alley, so sorry for your loss, your fiances and his family. There''s nothing anyone can say right now to take the pain away, but time really does heal.
Prayers for you and your family. I''m so sorry for your loss.
Oh, honey. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending out hugs to you and your family.
Ally, I''m so so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your fi and family. You''ll all be in my prayers. (((hugs)))
I''m so sorry, Ally, hon. Your touching words have me in tears. My deepest condolonces to you, your FI, and both of your families.
Oh Ally, I am so very sorry, my deepest condolences. Sending you a hug and prayers during this time.
RIP: he will always be your father-in-law.

hugs ally...we are all here for you.
I am deeply saddened to hear that.
Prayers outgoing.
Awww, Ally! I am so sorry! But how very, very precious that he had the chance to say those words to you that you''ll never forget! I''ll pray that all of you will find peace and comfort in this time of loss.
I''m so sorry for your loss. Your story made me cry, it''s so good to know that he loves you both.
Yes, God Bless. My thoughts are with you.
Ally, hugs upon hugs for you and hockeyguy. Tears sprang to my eyes just reading your words. There isn''t anything that has been said to me over the past 3 months that has comforted me yet, but if I ever find words that do, I will share them with you.

We''re all here if you need us.

I''m so so so sorry for your loss.
Ally, I''m so sorry. I''m sure he knew how loved he was, surrounded by you, your fiance, and the rest of his family, and I hope that is a tiny bit of comfort. My thoughts are with you all.
I''m so sorry for you all Ally
Sorry for your loss, Ally...
Ally I''m very sorry for your loss and wish you and your fi and his family nothing but the best.
I''m so sorry ally!! Sending hugs.
Ally, I am so very sorry. My deepest sympathy for you and your FI family.
I''m so sorry, Ally. ((((HUGS))))
Date: 2/14/2009 1:28:33 PM
I wanted to tell all of you because you have been my virtual support system. Yesterday morning, he had a terrible pain, and we discovered that the spleen had torn (it was very distended from the cancerous cells). At that point, the only option was medical treatment, and keep him comfortable. He passed away this morning at 11:43, with his immediate family all around him, and some of his brothers in the room nearby.

On one hand, it went so fast, and on the other hand, the last few hours were agonizing for my fiance and his family, because every breath, we thought it was the last. But they were all there until the very end.

They talked all night, my fiance and his father. And yesterday, when I saw him (he was still conscious) he told me that he loved me, and that we would have beautiful children together. He told my fiance that he wanted us to get married, and that he would be there to watch over us. This morning, he was starting to lose consciousness, but when I came he opened his eyes briefly and said ''Ma belle Alice'' it was such a horrible effort, and it makes me cry, because he always, always said that to me.

I feel so comforted by the fact that I know he loved me, and that he approved of the choice his son made.

Thank you all for the prayers you sent to our family.

And well you should ally. That is a great thing.

I am so sorry. Sending prayers for you and fiance, to give you the strength you will need in the days ahead.
I''m so sorry for your loss. We''ll keep you close in thought and prayer.
Please accpet my deepest condolences. I am so sorry Ally. What he said to your was so precious and sweet. He''ll be watching over you and your dear FI. My thoughts and prayers go to his family as well. Big HUGS!!!!
Oh Ally - I am so sorry...please accept my condolences...
My prayers and thoughts will be with you and your fiance and his family at this time. May time heal you and may you hold on to those special moments and know that when you walk down the aisle to marry his dear son - that he DID approve and loved you!! Oh what a special feeling that must be!!! HUGS and prayers, Ally - we are all with you in thought .
Thinking of you Ally!
Ally, I''m so sorry for your FI''s and your loss.
Peace be with him, and your family.
I''m so sorry to hear of his passing. What a nice compliment he paid you.
*Hugs* Ally. I am so so sorry.
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