
fancy deep yellow diamonds

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Feb 2, 2007
it hard to find market values of fancy deep yellow diamonds some articles say that they are "shunned upon in the fancy yellow diamond industry" gia rates them between intense and vivid for color saturation . how com i am having a hard time finding a 1.5 square cut and any price realtions. or should i stay away from fancy deep.
There are several here, as well.
Fancy-colored diamonds have almost no black & white answers (pun intended).

Deep yellow diamonds aren’t “shunned” but we rarely see them. If you’re looking for similar tone you might consider very slightly greenish yellow or very slightly orangy yellow (the last color in the description is always the main one). Colors with the most saturation will be fancy intense and fancy vivid.

From an appeal standpoint, vivids are absolute barn-burners but they carry a notable premium.Fancy intense is stunning at a lower price, but you may be after something different.For hues other than yellow GIA grades saturation as ‘faint,’ ‘very light’ and ‘light’ prior to fancy light. For yellow/brown these diamonds fall into the K-Z color range (just beyond Z they become fancy light).

As for shape, the cut cornered radiant is generally considered the best for holding color in your size range. This is a situation where you want to work with someone who is seeing the diamonds considered; even better if you can see them yourself.
Anyone who tells you that Fancy Deep yellows are "shunned" is blowing smoke up your tailpipe. They are not as highly prized as Fancy Vivids, but they can be both very attractive and very expensive. The difference is largely one of tone: a Fancy Deep can be almost as saturated as a Fancy Vivid (and more than a Fancy Intense) but will be somewhat darker.

A fancy color diamond has to be judged on its own merits.
thanks for the response i am looking at a 1.52ct cushion gia cert fancy deep yellow si2 g/g med blue florences. but i have no market gage for price for carat can you help. thanks hill
thanks for reply , but what are fair market price per ct of fancy deep yellows
hi thanks for the reply i could not find any fancy deep yellows just wanted to know market rates for 1.5ct squares price per ct thanks
thanks for the quick reply hard to find stones and their market values since their are not that many
thanks for the info. still looking for 1.5 ct square fdy hard to find and also trying to find a fair price
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Date: 2/2/2007 8:54:47 PM
Author: zjhog
thanks for the response i am looking at a 1.52ct cushion gia cert fancy deep yellow si2 g/g med blue florences. but i have no market gage for price for carat can you help. thanks hill
If you read Captain Aubrey above it applies directly to your question. One fancey deep yellow may be worth considerably more than another and each will need to be judged on its own merits, depending on the quality of cut clarity and in this case, the color will be the most demanding of the 4 c''s. There is an infinite range of colors and fairly major and minor variations that have tremendous impact on the pricing may occur within each of the GIA color descriptive grades.

Each stone will be judged, and priced, on its own merits, there is no Rap sheet with any validity for color.

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