
Experience at Tiffany&CO.

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Nov 29, 2003

Thanks for the little education.. I''m clearer on this now... I think what drew me to pricescope was that day after I left Tiffany''s... I was thinking, "No place will ever sell something like theirs. They must have the BEST diamonds, cuz I''ve NEVER seen anything spakle like that." ~~and that one particular one had the most amazing FIRE. Though it appeared darker.. meaning it wasn''t very bright/white. But the fire was amazing! I would have bought it. (Thank god I didn''t)

That''s when I went home.. decided to do some research on the web, why do they have such good looking diamonds... and then,.................. I FOUND PRICESCOPE.

I couldn''t resist, the day I recieved the diamond I bought from GOG, I took it to the mall where there is a Tiffany&CO. to compare and my heart beating faster the closer I got..... and I couldn''t believe what I was feeling for their diamonds: ABSOLOUTLY NOTHING. I even tried on their 3 carat next to the 3 carat I got, and HA! Mine was just as comparable if not more! Because the one I got, it was much more brighter, with more sparkle when the hand moved around... !! I couldn''t believe it! I mean, sure, Tiffany''s sparkle was great! But I was amazed that with each movement mine had way more the sparks coming out at me.

BTW, most people out there, what would you choose? BIC, FIC, or TIC...........
Yeah and your 3c was probably something like $20k cheaper too!
A side bonus!

I love TIC because of the balance...I have a BIC already so if I got another stone I'd want TIC or FIC. I really like the fire in the Regents, so FIC may be really intriguing in a round. But from what I have heard..TIC has the best of all the worlds
I think if I had to choose between the 3- tic, bic, fic, I would go for the bic. More bang for the buck, in my opinion.
Plus, I already have an OMC and a TIC, so BIC (with it's larger table), would be a nice change.

I understand exactly what you mean Leota about Tiffany's. I also think there's just something about owning something name brand. I guess people assume that more expensive automatically means better, and for the most part, it is true.
I originally dreamed of owning a 1.5 F VS1 Tiffany diamond. After finding Pricescope, I wound up with a 2.03 G VS1 ACA and wouldn't dream of ever trading this one up. I truly love this diamond. Even when I don't go out, I sometimes just wear it around the house just to see the sparkle that comes out of it.
Having said that, I did purchase a 7 diamond anniversary band from Tiffany's in June. Why? I guess a little part of me still had a craving for that little blue box, as ashamed as I am to admit that.
In general, I don't think the diamonds that they sell are bad, they are ideal, but you can definitely get a much better cut for less money if you do the research. I also think that the quality and workmanship of their pieces are excellent.
I still shop and purchase things at Tiffany's, just not diamonds.
I think I go for the FIC or TIC. I love the fire!
I have a TIC and if I purchased an upgrade, it would be another TIC. I love the way my stone looks and would want another one for my next eng. ring. I also have another stone that I think is a BIC. It has a larger table and a more shallow crown (would this be a BIC???). . .it looks very pretty and sparkles nicely enough, but not as much as my TIC.


I had to comment on this this thread...

My expirence with Tiffany & CO:

My Husband has bought me MANY diamond pieces from TIC.

I have 2.36 carat engagement ring
3.56 TW eternity wedding band
2.46 total weight stud earrings
1.86 CTW pave ring
1.98 CTW cross pendant
5 carat diamond tennis braclet
1.3 TW hoop earrings

ALL my pieces are VS1 or VVS...all color is either E or F.

All my pieces have been purchased in the last 5 years.

My wedding band has had diamonds fall out of it...yes of course they replaced the diamonds but that required my ring to be gone 2 months the first repair 3 months the second repair (both over my anniversary and holiday times)

because of the above I was always "freaked" about losing my 2.36 diamond...always checking or feeling it....then two weeks ago I was looking at it and it looked like it had a smuge on it..I could not wash off. So I took it to TIC and the gemologist there said it had a chip !!!!!!

I said HOW !!...she said well did you bang your hand on a counter or something????...I said I dont KNOW...I imagine I banged my hand sometime or another but nothing that would cause a diamond to chip....
I was FUMING...!!!! they told me before the diamonds falling out could have been from lifting luggage or something ...UUUGGGGGGG!!!

I said its my wedding I not suppose to wear it daily ?????

I also informed them that I have 2 housekeepers and a nanny...I probably have LESS wear and tear them MOST women...

The Tiffanys "Promise" is a VERY empty promise...I have a 40,000.00 ring that I can never wear again without risking damagaing it even more...YES they will allow us to "upgrade" which is what my H wants to do...(he hates the fact I will spend 3 out of our 5 anniversaries without my wedding set on....THANK YOU TIC ! )
Of course they will give us the value of the ring NOW...I am SICK and tired of hearing about the integrity and quality of TIC

Most of the clients like myself...take it to our lawyers and them deal with TIC....My H will probably do know the publicity and all...ME...HE!! NO...
I will tell everyone I meet about my TIC expirence...
we are into TIC for 100,000's....My H bought there because he believed their Crap...

Oh yea...they have had my ring since 12/1....No one seems to know where it is...last I heard its on a Brinks truck and should be arriving ANY MINUTE (but I have heard that since 12/10)...

TIC is a name ONLY....their sales reps are VERY FRIENDLY...the customer service is plain alwful..

I had no Idea that excellent quality diamonds could chip in everyday life (not a small chip...visible to the eye)...BUY TIC...
DONT WEAR THEM....the rest of my peices are in a safe...It makes me to nervous after my expirence with my pieces...

I was talking to my friend at lunch about this and the lady at the table next to me...has a TIC pave like mine (not the one that lost stones) she has had to send hers back twice (diamonds falling out of it as well) they charged her to replace the diamonds..

Meanwhile..I am wearing my Hilgado stack rings as my wedding band (I usually wear on my right hand...I am right handed) NONE of the diamonds have ever fallen out of those....go figure spend 1000's less...

I am now in the market for another wedding set....

If I EVER see that little Blue Box again...I will THROW it at whoever gives it to me....they can keep their stupid complimentary
daytimer they send every year.....I really feel they should be punished....They totally misrepresent their product...
The Tiffany a Very empty promise....they have NO GARRENTEEs...NONE...
So dont waste your money...imagine if they treat customers like my H like will they treat those that just buy a peice or two??...Funny thing...My anniversry is in 3 days...I have a gotten a TIC peice each one....POOR Hubby...he knows I will FLUSH anything in a Blue BOX ....

SHAME on TIC...they will lose this one (Too many statements of garentees on their web and books)....BUT they still hurt upset and shooed a very loyal customer away...for GOOD...
WOW, that is some jewelry experience!!!!! One great extra argument not to go for all those unwearable jewelry innovations (funny settings, prickly pave, exposed prong settings). I will for ever wander "what were they thinking?" and wear my bezel set sapphire cab rock climbing just as well as durig the past four years or so!

PS: Isn't "TIC" = "Tolkowsky Ideal Cut"?
Wow, MyDiamondHe!!...What a story! It certainly doesn't speak well for Tiffany's but I'm laughing at you flushing any little blue boxes from now on! I can just see you husband diving into the toilet screaming, "NO!"

I think that the people on this thread were using the initials TIC to indicate Tolkowsky Ideal Cut whereas you are using it as an abbreviation for Tiffany and Co., right?

Tolkowsky Ideal Cut = GOOD
Tiffany and Company = BAD
Yes Tiffany would be T&Co for abbrev or just plain Tiff.

I personally would forgo all the Tiff jewelry just to end up with 2 housekeepers. Jealous!
I'm trying to finagle a visiting cleaning lady 2ce monthly for our new place. Three bathrooms? NO WAY.
I went into our brand new T&Co store today for the first time to browse their earrings. Needless to say, I had a grand ol' time chumming with the sales rep. But the 1.31 tcw H VS1 RB studs I tried on were $10,600, and the 1.5tcw emerald studs I tried were $16,800! The jolly sales rep really couldn't tell me diddly squat about the cut other than it fell within the T&Co standards. The stones were not certified by anyone other than T&Co since they were less than 1c each.

Without even trying, I can find 2 loose stones to make 1.4tcw H VS super ideal cuts for $5k, and if I shop around, I can probably beat that! this case the premium is more than double from an online vendor who can give me LOTS of details about the cut quality.

I think I can skip the blue box.....
OPPS....New to this forum..or any jewelery forum...
I did think TIC...was Tiffany & CO...

Here's my update...
So Coast Plaza Store ( costa mesa CA) sent my ring friday 12-12 to Beverly Hills via Brinks amored truck...its 6:30 PM 12-15 and They have NOT recieved the ring yet ( mind you there is about 40 miles between stores....aprox 50 minute drive)..I may suggest a police report tomorrow
considering the "value" of the ring.... doubt it takes 3 days to go 40 miles...BUT then again...They have had the ring for 15 days
they KNOW this will be my 3rd annerversary WITHOUT my wedding set...and THEY DONT CARE.......
right now I HATE Tiff's

...dont be infactuated with a name ....alot of diamonds sister in law bought a 2 carat that sparkles just fine....we got engaged 4 months apart...her ring has not CHIPPED....and she does her own housework....OH YEA she pad 8,000 for it....
My H is a total sucker....he actually believed Tiffany's diamonds are so special and different...he wanted me to have "the best"
Tiff is NOT IT !!!...cant fault hubby he meant well...BUT I find it funny Tiff does not want to talk to me...just to hubby
(because he wanted to "Upgrade")....

I will update you all tomorrow...lests see if the missing "Brinks" truck shows up...

I am also filing a complaint with the FTC....Lucky me too bad for Tiff's I have the orginal reciepts and GIA reports...Oh and their "special" garantees

Does anyone know of Comsumer type shows I can tell my story too ???....It is BEYOND the money's the principle issue

I know some people may really over extend themselves for a Tiffany ring....They need to be accountable or CHANGE their sales tech and policies....JMHO....can you tell I was a such a 60's child ????
We have '7 on your Side' on ABC you have anything like that? It's a segment during the evening news...Michael Finney helps people who get screwed by companies. Gives the companies horrible press.

Also, consider filing a complaint with the BBB. Pretty official that way.

We get a few people here and there who want 'the best' for their fiance-to-be...this goes to show that the name does not always mean the service will match the price.
Ohmy, MyDiamondHe..

That is just horrible!!
I know how you must feel.. Yeah.. I took the ring I got to the South Coast Mall too the other day. Great, friendly smiles... but when I asked them if I wanted a ring and if they have it in my size (supposedly all their rings ONLY come in size 6 and I wear a 3 1/4), they said they didn't know and they'll have to see. And I asked info on their stones, they had NO IDEA what they are talking about. Made me feel really good about my purchase with GOG.

And I'm sure their policy is ridiculous. They don't really care once they sell you the ring. Well, even though you're in all this mess with your jewlery and them, I hope you still have a wonderful anniversay!

Maybe you should introduce your hubby to this site.. and he can start making purchases here for all you gifts!!

Sizing my ring was not a problem...5 1/4 recieved my engagemment ring sized..
My wedding band had to be made (diamonds all the way around)..

another funny thing H REALLY wanted to upgade my ring to 5 carat 2 years ago...they could not find that size diamond locally ...they had it in Beverly Hills in 48 hours for our viewing (think it came somewhere from back east)...Oh yea they brought the ring to US..we did not have to go to the store...I just cannot carry off such a stone ( I am not a big person...looks fake)...I liked my size its perfect..3 carats max for me..

Its kinda funny how they cant transfer a ring for evaluation in 15 days just 40 miles away...yet they can get a ring 3000 miles away for < then 48 hours...

I am really H does not know what to do...he knows I am hurt..GOD I prey he does not do something stupid like upgrade..
I wish he did have the time to research...unfortuantly he is too busy running his time..
he depended on tiff's claims...

he is yakking Harry Winston...I am thinking Cubic least you know what your getting

WHO can you TRUST ????
On 12/15/2003 10:55:18 PM MyDiamondHe!! wrote:

He is yakking Harry Winston...I am thinking Cubic least you know what your getting. WHO can you TRUST ????----------------

Harry was a good man, but the brand has little to do with that... and I did not stryke oil lately
You can trust diamonds: they can't really lie about their sparkling personality...

Well, what's in a name? After all, neither Tiffany (yet) nor HW cut these diamonds. Chances are that you will purchase a stone cut by the same guys as one of the sellers here does. I understand that brands may be a social duty though... but that's not all that funny: diamonds have no idea of all that after all. I don't know what grade is your diamond: but it could have been a D-IF cut by a wizard to shame the lamps, for the same price. After all, what does one do when Tiffany is not good enough any more? Did you ever travel Asia (preferably for business)? You will hardly see any "branded" goods glittering at a board meeting. To some extent, the same is true in London (ok, I do not know New York). EightStar cut the best round diamonds on the market and can also serve you an even higher premium than Tiffany. Get one, have it made by a world class master jeweler and leave the windows at Tiffany look dark! I surely hope that all the history of jewelry-making does not end to the epitome of a declassee brand! C'mon, this is the same Tiffany who sells silver rings for 300. The good times are gone.... Would you consider inventing your own jewelry? It's fun! Oh, and time is a problem, there are plenty of better shops in town
Here is one of my favorite US stops.
just a bit of advice which will allow you to avoid this kind of ugly problem in the future. make sure that your everyday jewelry (your engagement ring, your wedding band, and your diamond studs) are insured as individual line items on your homeowners policy, and be certain that all documentation is included on the endorsement (certificates etc). most reputable insurance companies will write a personal articles floater for diamond jewelry, and will not hassle you if you have an occasional loss. i am in the trade, and my mother had a similar problem with her diamond ring....she had a beautifully cut 2plus carat fvs1. somehow she chipped it....the insurance company offered to either replace it, allowing me to source and chose the diamond (this is what i do for a living), so long as i could buy it better than they could... which was not a problem. they also offered to allow us to recut the stone, and then pay her the difference between it's original value (2plus), and it's "repaired" or recut value, which was substantial, since it fell below 2cts.

i understand your frustration, and expectation that they make good on their reputation..... truth be told, the awful experience that you had is really pretty unusual. that said, it doesn't change what has happened to you. buying and wearing beautiful jewelry should bring you pleasure....

I dont know what you mean about "what happened to you is unusual" Meaning my ring chipping or Tiff's wonderful customer service.

I have surfed other sites....seems alot of others have had very simular expirences with Tiffany's (
This is when I got STEAMED...because I realized I was NOT a fluke...

Also we have not purchased a piece or 2 from Tiff's we have purchased alot of expensive pieces. My 2.36 ring was also Vs1 but it was E in color it was 5 years old...

WELL here is an my "FLUKE"....funny its a simular story to the girl on Diamondtalk....
Beverly Hills NEVER recieved my ring (day 16) left the So Coast store appears Brinks is driving it to NY
THAT WAS NOT IN THE ya think Tiffany did this by accident????? HOW does one mistakely send a ring to NY instead of BH??

Tiffany & CO is Satan....I have almost 200,000 worth of their stuff and they "mistakenly" sent it to NY...which means by the time they get it and send it back it will be another 2 weeks....and they have not done ANYTHING to the ring...they would have had my ring for 5 weeks just to LOOK at it...

Professional question to rocks and other jewelers...

How does one Chip a diamond of that so called quality??? especially when I never felt an impact (you would think I would have felt something...and what about the diamonds FALLING OUT of my wedding ring??? TWICE !! I know I am not hard on my stuff...I wear ALOT daily all diamond....NEVER lost any stones nor visibly chipped anything....I have worn alot of jewelry for 24 years....I have NEVER broke any of it....not even my softer stone jewelry ( emeralds)...
Tiffany's solution to this was to turn the stone so the chip was UNDER one of the prongs....they have TERRIFIC customer service..
To answer your question on the are far from invincible. Diamonds over time get myriad small chips along the girdle which is not uncommon with an exposed prong setting. But bang it a little harder than usual right on a thinner spot on the girdle and could have yourself a big ole chip. I don't know what your girdle is like, but if its thinner in some areas and it's exposed in something like a 4 or 6 prong setting, that may have been the problem.

I would never not insure my expensive jewelry, regardless of what store policy is. Nor would I expect my jewelry store to replace my stone because *I* chipped it. This is not to speak directly to you, but in general to anyone. If I am wearing my ring out and about and I chip it--that is no fault of the jewelry store's...especially if I have had it for 5 years or more. I don't know what Tiffany's policy is on this but chances are if its really vague, you are lucky they want to even deal with it at all. Tiffany or any store should really not be held responsible for what I do with my ring in my spare time. I wear my ring everywhere, and I take that chance that something would happen to it.

This is why I have insurance...if something happens to my stone, my insurance company handles it and that's it. I get a new stone. Period. I wouldn't want to hassle with sending it out somewhere or worrying about something happening to it, or having the big chip set under a prong.

20/20 least better to know this now than 20 years down the line when you had alot more invested.

Good luck!!

How do we get our jewlery insured? What if I live in an apartment? Where do I call to insure just the Jewlery? And do you know what it would cost to insure say.. about $30,000??
Carmen, I got mine insured through Chubb which is an excellent company, a little more expensive but they cut you a check if something happens to your item instead of other companies which mostly try to 'replace' your item with a 'like item' which doesn't work for me, being a cut-nut obviously.

There are some varying respones recently on Chubb and getting direct insurance...I just called them and got a jewelry policy. What they charge depends on where you live, in the Bayarea here it's something like $2.00 for every $100 or $20 for every $1000 to make it easier for math purposes. Our area is one of the most expensive, so if you live elsewhere chances it's cheaper. But for around $30k in this area would equal $600 a year.

StateFarm and other companies were slightly cheaper, for that same $30k it may be more like $450 a year. But I wanted the 'check cutting' policy and was willing to pay more for it.
Run some searches on 'insurance' here on Pscope, tons of threads, and alot of threads on Chubb too.
Good luck!
thanks for the info..

I will look them up tonight and give them a call tomorrow. Do I give them the appraised value? Or the invoice that I bought?
They asked me if I wanted to use appraised or invoice....we used appraised because it was not that much more than the invoice.

Also don't let them tell you that they won't insure you unless you get a renters policy with them, that's bull. You may have to call around to a few other agents...but they WILL do it. I don't know why they give people that runaround. I originally just called Chubb directly, but I have heard now that they don't really allow that?
On 12/15/2003 7:19:32 PM MyDiamondHe!! wrote:


The Tiffanys 'Promise' is a VERY empty promise...I have a 40,000.00 ring that I can never wear again without risking damagaing it even more...

I had no Idea that excellent quality diamonds could chip in everyday life (not a small chip...visible to the eye)...BUY TIC...

If I EVER see that little Blue Box again...I will THROW it at whoever gives it to me....they can keep their stupid complimentary
daytimer they send every year.....I really feel they should be punished....They totally misrepresent their product...
The Tiffany a Very empty promise....they have NO GARRENTEEs...NONE...
So dont waste your money...----------------

If I may be blunt, I think you whine too much.

First, I don't think Tiffany promises that its diamonds are harder, stronger or more durable than diamonds you might buy somewhere else. Second, I don't think Tiffany promises that your jewelry will never be damaged. I was never under the impression that Tiffany promises these things (and to me, the thought of Tiffany guaranteeing these things is absurd). I don't understand how Tiffany misrepresented anything to you or your husband.

Yes, excellent quality diamonds can chip in everyday life.

Yes, you take a risk every time you wear your jewelry.

May you find a jeweler who lives up to your expectations! Failing that, may you find an insurer who will insure you against forseeable risks (that's how the rest of us mortals approach these things).
hahah.. it's funny..

they just told me that right now when I called to get a qote..

but anyhow, they said the agent has gone for the day buy can get back to me tomorrow.
Also more note on the small diamonds falling out, prongs do loosen. Jewelers normally suggest you get your prongs checked once or twice a year to ensure that all is tight and snug. I get mine checked every 6 months. My ring is eternity and has 25 stones plus the big stone. Lot of prongs to worry about! Our jeweler has alot of stories of small stones falling out. So that is not atypical either.

Find a good jeweler and get your items checked every 6 months. It may set your mind more at ease in the future.
jeweler's mutual is also a really great company. They have a similar policy, but you need to send in an appraisal. They have "like kind" policy, but it is pretty specific as to what that means. we have an eightstar diamond, and it states that on the policy. They aren't as much of a hassle really, most jewelers can give you the necessary information.
I do have insurance...just like the "rest of you mortals do" to quote you.

You are wrong...THEY DO TELL you that their diamonds ARE THE BEST, and NO one has Better diamonds (I will be happy to PM you my sales reps can ask her yourself about tiffany's diamonds)...they also tell you the have the TOP 5 % of the diamonds IN THE WORLD (quality that is). They take 1 diamond for every 398 diamonds they look at. They tell you they are TOP in quality...and will will NEVER get a better diamond....
Maybe your Tiffany's sales rep tells you they are just like everyone else of course they mark up their product by 40% or greater (a figure I read here) for the blue box

Also...BLUNT is not the word you are RUDE...VERY RUDE...I have several pieces of jewlery ...NOT all are Tiffany's and have had good luck with all my other...and for some reason the jewelers are NOT upset to see me nor my H

As I said...I was not aware good quality diamonds can chip...I was under the impression that a diamond was the hardest stone available and that a good quality one gave the diamond more integrity....BUT bad me...I just buy..I never even really understood
all the alphabet and numbers...until I had this latest episode with Tiffany's and I did "research"..I wanted to UNDERSTAND how this can happen with such a "good quality stone" one that "the integrity and quality" will be there for me to enjoy for YEARS to come (another sales line from tiffs)
I will NOT file this with the insurance co..for several reasons...ONE it will cost me more with premiums (for filing a claim)because of all the pieces and its NOT just jewelery that is insuranced on those policies...we have it for catastropic loss such as a fire or robbery on my person (where I may lose several pieces)...BUT us NON mortals dont really think.. do we

I have Tiffany's "service" my Tiffany pieces 2-3 times a year...I do take very good care of my stuff...I know I am lucky to have what I do...I am sorry if I came across "snobby" I gave the info I did to demonstrate that I am NOT hard on my me
I have snobby associates....they would just have the lawyers take care of it...or eat the ring...NOT try to find out what the hell happened like I am..

So now I know...
Good diamonds do chip, just wearing them everyday...even Tiffany's ...

I would never have even been upset about this if I had not had the other problems with my wedding band.....just seems too wierd
of all the pieces I do have...It's only the Tiffany pieces I had a problem with
My first wedding set I wore 18 years is still intact..1.5 ct. round brillant...never lost a stone in that eternity band either in 18 years.. I switched 5 years ago to platinium(sp) went with Tiff at that time. maybe I will have the other reset I dont even know the quality of that stone...but it is intact.
Thanks for the info...I think with my replacement ring I will insure it separate from the rest of my stuff...especially now I know that diamonds chip ...I would be dumb to file a claim on my homeowners we pay a fortune for it and a claim would skyrocket our policy..for along time...
Ignore this post.
Double post due to a browser crash.
Yes definitely suggest carrying your jewelry on another policy...separate...that way you don't have to fear claims later.
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