
Every year, we drive around and look at Xmas Lights...


Nov 30, 2010
We live in Dallas but are both from Houston and will be spending the holidays in Houston. Every year we've known e/o even before dating, we would drive around fancy neighborhoods and just look at pretty xmas deocrations and lights.

The way I asked her to prom even involved xmas lights. She got home in high school and I had laid out rose petals and candles up her walk way outside to a sign that said "try the backyard". And when she walked into the backyard, I turned on all the xmas lights that lit up her entire yard (white lights) with me in the middle of her yard asking her to prom.

She absolutely loved this and still talks about it to date (5 years later)

I'd really like to do something involving xmas lights... she LOVES Christmas time. Like, absolutely adores it and just gets happy decorating and being jolly and listening to xmas music and all that. So, this is the time of year I knew I'd ask her to marry me. I just don't have an exact idea yet!

Any tips? Something involving Christmas lights. But it's not like I can just ask her driving down the street of some random rich neighborhood street ya know? That'd be lackluster.

I'd love to gather up her entire family and mine at a restaurant waiting.... and once I ask her (however that may be), I say I planned a special date for us and drive up to the restaurant to have all our family and friends waiting and having a celebratory dinner.

I just need to think of a good way to ask that would lead into this.
I think it'd be really sweet to incorporate the prom scene somehow. Maybe not outside, since it's freezing...but you could do that indoors. If you want a private proposal, you could do it in your home. If you want to incorporate her whole family, you could talk to a restaurant about reserving a room and run down what you want to do (lights to decorate the room, similar to the outdoor prom scene) and maybe rose petals on the table. I think it'd be nice to do this with just the two of you (again, reserving a private room in the restaurant). Whatever you choose to do, good luck! It sounds like you're a romantic so you're half way there. ::)
So, here's a thought I had.

She absolutely loves the snow and even one year jokingly said "if it snows, go ahead and feel free to propose". She loves snow and christmas lights and all that cheesy stuff. (we've seen a lot of chick flicks... but I won't lie, I don't mind a chick flick here and there)


we take our dog out to this park in our area for walks all the time. We live in a younger area in the city it's very beautiful and we really enjoy it. My idea is IF it snows one day (it snowed A LOT in Dallas last year), I'd like to plan a nice dinner date and just do a basic date we've done many time. Then we get home and she will almost certainly insist, "let's take **** on a walk!!! It's snowing! She can play in the snow!"

We'll go on a walk in the snow with our dog (who loves the snow by the way), and arrive at the park.

I want to put Christmas lights up in one corner of the park where we walk our dog. This would kind of reminisce back to the Prom asking night in her backyard with the Christmas lights I noted to in the original post. When we're walking the dog, she'll be all happy because it's snowing and white (we don't get a lot of it where we grew up in Houston so that's why she freakin loves it haha).

When we get toward the corner where the xmas lights are... I'll hopefully be able to plug them in and light up that corner. But I only want to do this if the outlet is close and she's turned around or not paying attention to me while I'm plugging it in or that would be weird haha. (hopefully there's an outlet nearby ha) So, she'll see it all lit up and turn to me with the "whoa whats going on" look on her face and see me on one knee with the ring in hand.... to where we're both right in the middle of where the xmas lights are shining in the white snow at night with our beloved dog (would be a great photograph :() Who could take this picture though???

Then we go home to Houston to our family and friends for the holidays and we're engaged :bigsmile:

This sounds pretty good if a lot of things work out.

1.) it has to snow... and be good snow not gross mushy dirty mushy snow
2.) hopefully there's an outlet near this area of the park so I can put xmas lights up
3.) she has to be in the mood to go on a walk... sometimes she gets all tired when we get home from date nights. But this is fixable as if #1 happens, she won't turn down the walk in the snow
4.) there can't be TOOOOOO many people at the park. Specifically if people are near the area where I would propose... I'd have to wait for them to leave. My gf told me she wants it to be as private as possible, so this is a must. So, this part does worry me..... as it is a public park where a lot of people go.

hopefully there aren't any other things I'm missing...?
Your idea sounds romantic and very sweet.

But...I lived in Dallas for seven years and it snowed only once in that entire time. I think last year was a fluke.
Yeah, I'm afraid of that.

It's really roughly tentative right now (I don't even have the ring yet!)

Last year was record breaking, I know.... well what if I said I'll only propose if it snows and take it as a sign? :)
Is there anyway to go out of town for the weekend to some place that snows? Do you guys ever go skiing, etc?
I thought about doing that, but boy is my wallet gonna be hit :)

Would be nice though.....
what about going to a great park with a christmas lights display, or a trail of lights or something? maybe you could set up a sign or something too if you wanted :)

ETA I wouldn't wait for snow, it's not likely to happen (am from TX as well...) I would hate for you to be holding onto the ring forever and it might not snow and then you would miss your Xmas lights proposal! Whatever you pick will be special (and hey, if it snows, bonus!)
Do you happen to know anyone who lives in the neighborhoods you drive through? My immediate thought is this-

Arrange with the home owner to decorate the lights in a certain way...maybe spell out "marry me" or something on the lawn? Not sure...but have those lights off. Then, when you walk/drive by, stop in front of that house and say something about how it looks like the lights are broken. That way she is really paying attention. Then you would have the home owner turn the lights on, and you could pop the question. Not sure if any of this is possible, but it would be pretty cool.