
Electric Blue Topaz Ring Design


Jun 10, 2015
Hi Everyone,
Doug Menadue cut an electric blue topaz in an antique round for me and it is just lovely. The specs are 10.29 mm round and 7.77mm deep. I found a ring setting I just loved and David Klass is doing the design. He sent me the first CADs and I like the overall shape of the ring, but the diamond shapes are a bit elongated due the the depth of the stone. That was the part of the setting that really drew me to the ring originally. Unfortunately, I am not loving the diamond shapes and want to get rid of the little stirrup piece of metal on both sides (underneath the side leaves). Sorry, I'm not sure what that area is called. I like Art Deco and Edwardian styles and would love some input and suggestions, especially in regard to the sides of the ring (gallery?). I also had a couple of questions about the differences in color and mixture between David's 14k and 18k white gold. Do I need to request the gold mixture without nickel?



1st CADs


I'm no help, when it comes to CADs, but I wanted to say that topaz is gorgeous! :love:
I will happily be following this thread to watch your progress.
Re: the diamond shapes, is there a particular type of shape you're more drawn to? Geometric shapes/straight edges and angles, or something more swirly, like a flourish of some kind? Personally I would drop the squares/diamonds and change the vertical lines into something more swoopy, maybe like an inverted Gothic arch, to retain that antique feel and keep the basket open.
What an amazing cut and colour. Congrats with your new stone from Doug. I am not an expert in reading CAD's but I love the idea and inspiration!
Thank you Elle! I have LOVED the designs you have come up with and David Klass' beautiful work! I really wish I could think outside the box when it comes to design:)

Thank you also Acinom! Your journey for the natural blue and electric blue topaz (along with the other ladies sister stones) are what inspired me to request the topaz from Doug. Your ring collection is amazing and I have really enjoyed your design process!

Ltypel: I really like Art Deco for the architectural lines and Edwardian for the romance - so it is a conundrum (unfortunately I don't have a corundum lol)

Here are some arches that I found on PriceScope and Pinterest. Is this what you were talking about:


Hi Everyone,
I do like the overall silouette of the ring - here are some other ideas as well - I think the depth 7.77mm is going to be the deciding factor - I don't want the ring to appear top heavy, but rather vintage elegance
Here are some other rings that have different elements:


Hi Everyone,
Here is the 3rd set of CADs. I really like the overall design and gallery. I am wondering about the shoulders on the sides. The original ring inspiration had this type of shoulder (see 3rd picture.). I like that the silhouette goes up on the sides, but am leaning toward the shoulders on the second inspiration ring (see 4th picture.) Any thoughts or suggestion???




Different Views - 2nd inspiration ring


Your ring will be spectacular!
You cannot go wrong with the shoulders. Personally I am leaning towards the shoulders of the second inspiration ring.
What have you decided?
Hi Acinom,
I really like the direction the ring is heading in;). I have asked David Klass to modify the ring shank/shoulders to the second set of pictures. Here is what he has come up with so far:

I am wondering if the shoulders should come up a little more (as seems to be in the inspiration picture-however, my perception could be a bit off)

Also, if I want to have the diamonds in the shoulders, would that show in the CAD or are the diamonds put in toward the end of the ring making process with milgrain/engraving. I've never done this before and am learning so much!

Please anyone chime in;)



I love the direction of your ring - it's very pretty! :) Can't wait to see it finished. :appl:

Just a few questions:

-Your eyes are accurate about the shoulders. I'd tell him you want the bottom to be flush with the shoulders (and attach your inspiration picture again)
-How, exactly, do you want the diamonds in the shoulders? Just a regular melee? Halfway around or something different? That detail doesn't usually show up in the CAD stage. However, I'd make doubly sure he knows what you're wanting and where.
Hi Sparklies,
Thank you for your feedback on the CADs. I am going to ask David to increase the depth of the shoulder a bit to try and balance the ring a bit more. I would like to go with the diamonds as shown by the inspiration pictures. I think it is melee. I need to go back to the beginner colored stone thread. My internet was down today, so I did not get a chance to email him about the changes. Hopefully, these will be the last changes:). It is so funny that I started out with one idea for the topaz and am going toward something different-lol. David is so patient.
Wow! It really comes together doesn't it!
I agree with placing the shoulders a bit higher. Your ring will be stunning!
You're welcome. Yep, it does look like melee - I just didn't know if you only wanted 3-5 down the shoulders or more. haha I've been there too! It happens. David is great that way.
Hi Acinom and Sparklies,
Yes, it is coming together! Thank you both so much for your input. I emailed DK this am regarding making the shoulders flush with bottom, increasing the height of the shank, and the melee. Hopefully, this will be it;). Typically, once CADs are done-how long is the process to craft a ring. This is really a fascinating process!
Great! :) Super exciting. I know this answer stinks, but it really depends how much he's got going on. I'd say anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks. I know that doesn't help. Hopefully you have other stuff to keep you occupied in the meantime. ;)
Sounds good :appl:
David will not mind if you ask for an estimate of the timeframe. He usually works really fast, especially after the CAD is approved. It usually only takes 2-3 weeks, but he seems to be very busy as he has become the real PS darling: high quality, low pricing and great customer service.
Surprisingly, I am not in a rush for the ring, mostly curious about the rest of the process. I wish we could see the fabrication-I think that would be really neat to see:). I liked being able to see your Danburite ring being made, Acinom and the design discussion about your beautiful Paraiba, Sparklies! Now, I just want to make a bunch of new rings-lol

I saw this new to me Art Deco ring-onyx and zircon...I just love it!!!

Ok, so now we just have to wait for the new CADs!

Newest CADs


I unfortunately am no help with CADS either, but just wanted to say your stone and setting ideas are gorgeous and I'm excited to see how your project turns out!
I received the pictures from DK this afternoon;)




A few more:


Hooray! What an amazing outcome! I saw this on his FB earlier and immediately fell in love (and hoped it was a PSers so I could drool over more pics haha). Can't wait for hand shots. Are you in love already???
Yay!! Like Lovedogs I saw the pics on DK's FB a few hours ago. I love the outcome!!!
It looks even more beautiful than I could imagine seeing the CAD's. The beautiful
center stone and the beautiful detailing of the setting come together in such a
stunning way :love: :love:

Looking forward to see your own pics :appl:
I thought that might be yours when I saw it online! ;) :clap: :love: Love it! Can't wait to see your pictures and hear your thoughts (once it's on your finger).
Eauphelia: Thank you! I have been really looking forward to the ring:)

Lovedogs, Acinom and Sparklies: I LOVE IT! When I got the email with pictures-my kids gathered around as I opened the pics and my 11 year old daughter called dibs on it!!! She will get it....eventually :love: The ring should arrive tomorrow or the next day and I can't wait. It is funny - I was fine on the wait as the ring was being created, but now that I saw the picture - I WANT IT NOW!!! lol Acinom, I really admire your ability to wait for longer periods of time! I'll post pictures as soon as I receive the ring!
Better not show my 10 year daughter the pics of your amazing ring. Her birthstone is topaz and there is no doubt she will covet your spectacular piece. Can't wait to see your photos when the ring arrives!!! :love:
I'm so jealous of all these rings. I'm patiently waiting on my pendant. :saint: :saint:
Rothschild55|1462334586|4026935 said:
I received the pictures from DK this afternoon;)

Gorgeous ring Rothschild! It looks even better than I imagined. :love:
More pics!

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