
EGL Fancy Color Diamond Report without watermark


Sep 24, 2014
Hi All,
I know that EGL International basically collapsed and re-built itself under the name EGL Platinum. I realise that this makes the report I have from February 2014 as worthless as the paper it's printed on. However, I'm still very keen to know from anybody who has a similar report whether or not these EGL International reports are watermarked.

My report states at the bottom: "EGL watermark will appear under UV source"

I've looked under various UV sources, looking through the paper, from the front, behind etc. and I don't see any watermark.

Here is a link to a PDF I found which shows a report with the exact same layout as mine:

Does anybody else have a report like this and does it, indeed, have a watermark? If so then mine was faked.

Thanks to all in advance!
Sorry, I can't answer your question, but ...

If I owned an FCD that did not have a GIA report I'd send it to GIA to get one.
I'd want to be as sure as possible of what I had, regardless of what report it came with or what I paid.

In FCDs very subtle color differences can make a huge difference in value and GIA is widely recognized as the most trusted authority of what you have.
+1 to Kenny.
Please don't waste a lot of time with the EGL report- it's worthless under any circumstances.

What is the color and clarity grade on the report? Ad the size of the diamond?
Once I know that I may be able to offer more specific advice.
Thanks for the replies, this seems very sensible.

The color is Fancy Yellow, the clarity is VS1. I've had a good look around the stone and the clarity seems to be correct - only one very small mark internally which cannot be seen without a loupe. It's the cleanest diamond I own now. The facets at the bottom don't exactly match the picture - the cut is described as cushion but there are 4 almost rectangular facets at the bottom, as if the culet had damage and was reshaped down to this. Also the other facets at the bottom are in a different configuration to what's shown. Should the cut diagram be exactly matching or is it just a very general guide for locating inclusions?

The main concern, obviously, is that the color could be more than 1 grade out. To me it looks like Fancy Light Yellow - which I wouldn't be unhappy with. I got a great price and the sparkle and fire are really very good. The color is very pure when it shows with no brown or other tones. It's a tick over 1 Ct. looks very nice all around, but obviously a GIA Fancy Yellow would have much higher value than a W - Z color, which I'm not discounting at this stage :shifty:

For the moment I'm just happy to enjoy the stone. If I come to consider selling it in the future then I'll have to send it off to GIA for a true grading. I know the EGL report is worthless - just somewhat uncomfortable to imagine it could be fake!
Best of luck with the stone!
In my experience, a cutter will never submit a diamond to EGL for one grade.
The market discounts diamonds without GIA report by a huge margin – therefore if a stone was fancy light yellow, the cutter would have submitted to GIA in my experience.
The price can sometimes be an indicator. If a dealer is selling an EGL graded stone for a low price it generally is because of a very generous EGL grade.
Interesting reply - thanks. From now on, then, I assume I have a low color diamond which was drastically over-rated by EGL. If I ever come to wanting to sell it I'll get a grading and report back. If it comes back "fancy" anything then I got a great deal.

If anybody happens to find an old EGL International grading report with or without a watermark in the meantime, I'll be quite interested to find out! :)
My pleasure!

I can tell you that in terms of consistency of documentation- EGL is not all that great.
Even GIA has changed formats over the years- but with EGL, you have different locations publishing different forms, plus EGL offers a number of different you may have a tough time verifying the report you have.