
e ring take 2...

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Jun 19, 2007
hi all, this is my first post. I''ve been reading the forum rather intensely fro a few weeks doind some research around upgrading the stonein my e-ring. My fiance bless him thought that a 0.28ct/E/IF/H&A was a good size and never consulted me. he has been very lovely when I admitted it was completely underwhelming and has said that I can get whatever I like.

This forumhas been SO helpful and I want to thank all of you for the contribution you make to the diamond knowledge freely available on the net. Thank You!!

This is the stone that I think I will choose. Just want to run it by you guys first:

table 55%
depth 61%
pavillion angle 41
no culet
thin to med girdle
no fluoro
polish VG
symmetry excellent
surface graining
HCA 1.3

GIA cert 15471034

Setting in a handnade 6 prong classic tiffany platinun total cost 5300USD.
The store says it is H&A but the cert does not mantion this. Shoudl I be concerned?
Does the surface graining make much of a difference?
Should I feel fairly safe on this being a good looking stone?
Am I missing anything here?

I can''t actually see it because I am trading in my old ring and the store is isn a different country.

Would appreciate any comments!
Looks like a nice stone, but you can save a LOT of money to put toward a larger stone by downgrading the color and clarity. For example, you could get this beautiful 1.02ct H/SI1 and a white gold Tiffany setting for roughly the same price after you take the discount into consideration. Or this 1.03 I/VS2, which saves you even more. The I/VS2 scores 1.5 on the HCA, and the H/SI1 scores 1.6.

EDIT: I should have read your whole post and realized you were trading it in at a store...well, take a look at these diamonds anyway to get an idea of the what size you can afford by going lower in color and clarity.
Ditto. The numbers are great, but the stone has clarity and color overkill. An eye clean SI stone will look identical to an IF and cost a lot less. Diamonds in the G range are also still very icey white. If you want purity for religious reasons or something, then this stone is probably lovely.
Thanks for the replies! I thought about going up in size at the sacrifice of colour/clarity, but I am psychologically stuck on having a highly spec''d stone. Also, 1ct seems really big to me! My ring size is about a 5 and I decided that 0.6-0.7 was big enough. Maybe later in life I will trade up, but right now, this is enough for me!
My main concern is that the store is telling me it is a ''Power of Love'' (branded) Hearts and Arrow diamond, but the GIA cert does not mention that it is H&A. My question is: is that possible?

Thanks again!
Date: 6/21/2007 12:09:12 AM
Author: tumbelina
Thanks for the replies! I thought about going up in size at the sacrifice of colour/clarity, but I am psychologically stuck on having a highly spec''d stone. Also, 1ct seems really big to me! My ring size is about a 5 and I decided that 0.6-0.7 was big enough. Maybe later in life I will trade up, but right now, this is enough for me!

My main concern is that the store is telling me it is a ''Power of Love'' (branded) Hearts and Arrow diamond, but the GIA cert does not mention that it is H&A. My question is: is that possible?

Thanks again!

Yes. It is very possible to have H&A without it being mentioned on the certificate. What store are you going through?

Mu fiance bought the ring when we were living in Bangkok through a B&M store in a ''prestige'' mall. The store is called D''mond. They have a website

I did try to warn him about these kind of places but he felt safer with a brand name store because neither of us were very good Thai speakers and didn''t feel confident finding and then negotiating with a manufacturing jeweller in Bangkok.
Bangkok has some lovely jewelers that you can visit later on. Try Johnny's Gems...Johnny does beautiful work and is SO friendly (and has very good English skills). I don't know that he does diamonds, but he's great for coloured stones and semi-precious jewelry. I have a gorgeous necklace from there that I will post in the Jewelry forum once my camera is working again. I speak no Thai, and Johnny and I get along great! I love going into his shop to play...bring your fiance, and Johnny will loosen him up with a beer or two
. Also, I think the jeweler is called Lotus on Wireless road...they're supposed to be fantastic and are where a lot of the embassy people go.

Just some places to keep in mind for later when you want to expand your collection.

Anyways, your stone sounds like it's going to be very, very pretty!

ETA: I just noticed you talked about Bangkok in past tense. Oh well...ignore me. But in case you visit again, check out these places. Johnny's is great for loose stones, too.
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