
E-ring pictures on facebook?


Mar 22, 2010
hmmm, very interesting topic. I was a sophomore when my college got FB, but now I'm almost anti-FB. I don't post updates and I think the last time I actually posted pictures was over a year ago. My BF and I are linked and I'll change that to say "engaged" when the time comes.

The only way a picture of the ring will make it to my page is if a friend posts any pictures from the engagement celebration.

All of my friends are a touch older than me, a few married and a few engaged. I don't think anyone posted obvious ring pictures. The farthest one couple went was posting the professional pictures from the actual engagement. He did it in front of the fountains at the Bellagio in Vegas and made sure to have a photographer there to record it. Maybe one picture was a hand shot with the diamond (which was a 2.06ct princess in a solitaire but who's counting? :naughty: )


Mar 31, 2010
I was a senior in college when facebook was brand new...still only available to four or five schools in Boston, and nowhere else. So I've been on facebook forever, and it was nothing like it is now. There were no status updates, no games, very limited photos (I think only profile pictures in the beginning), and you could really only friend people you saw every day in real life anyway. You did have full access to the profiles of everyone in your network though (at your school). That was the original purpose of facebook: to meet new people and make friends within your university. It wasn't about keeping in touch with anyone else, anouncing relationship statuses, telling people when you're at the grocery store, or anything like that. And it certainly wasn't about showing off your engagement ring.

I do use facebook now for keeping in touch with many friends and relatives all over the world, and I love it for that. But I know I'd be slaughtered if I broadcast my engagement via facebook instead of calling people, and I know my close friends and family would consider it extremely tacky if I posted pictures of my engagement ring, especially as my profile pic. I'm surprised so many of you and your friends do. I've really never seen anyone do that. Couple shots/engagement pics, yes, but ring pics? No way. No one wants to see your jewelry. Except on PS, of course. And on PS, I think it's okay precisely because no one here knows me in real life.


Apr 28, 2010
Re: Re:

shihtzulover said:
maebelle said:
shihtzulover said:
Thanks for the link to the poll thread. I don't go to that board yet, so I didn't realize that this was already discussed there.

I'm a little surprised to see that some of you don't have any friends who post pictures of their e-rings. I would say that at least 3/4 of mine do (close-up hand pics), and probably at least 1/2 post them as their profile pictures for awhile.

I don't think I'm going to make mine my profile picture, but I will post maybe one hand shot.

Don't worry too much. I was a freshman in college when facebook was new, so my age group was the target market. Everyone in my age group posts pictures of engagement rings (handshots) but no one I know has made *just* the ring their profile pic.

I can't wait to post a tasteful handshot :)

I was also a freshman in college when facebook was new - maybe this explains why most of my friends also post hand shots. Several of my friends have posted their e-ring as their profile picture for a few weeks or so though - mostly smaller ones, but a couple of them who did this do have larger sizes.

In any case, I think I've decided to just post one hand shot (not as my profile picture), and leave it at that.

Eh, I don't agree. I was a senior in high school when FB started coming around and nobody I know posted pictures.


Dec 29, 2006
I've never seen anyone put pictures of her ring(s) on FB. It's not something I'd choose to do either. Here, sure. Other sites? Naw.


May 2, 2008
I put up one picture of my ring in the album I had for pictures from our engagement/anniversary trip. I have sorority sisters and friends all over the country, and they all really wanted to see it right away. I had kind of forgotten about it until I read this topic! Maybe I should remove it now . . .

I'd say most of my friends who have gotten engaged have put up a picture or two of the ring, and I've never seen it as overly braggy or over-the-top. I'm always very excited to see everyone's beautiful rings! I will say that I haven't seen one as a profile picture yet, though--I might be a little taken aback if I did.


Apr 28, 2010
Anyone who asked me to post pictures on facebook (because I do have friends all over the country)....I just sent them an's as simple as that.


Jul 21, 2009
I will put one, because I know when my friends get engaged I realllllllly want to see like ahora. And later.. in person too : )

Boyfriend is a photographer and already has planned out how he wants to take pictures of it. Like I mean the type of backgrounds and lights, etc. So I think I'll post one of those : ) or maybe a couple mixed in with other happy things.

People put "the wedding band" shot. The one's with the bridal set and husband's band. Everyone I know that is married has that picture.

I have no intention of captioning it "Tacori setting number that I can't remember right now because it's crazy long, 1.05ct G clarity. blah."

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
shihtzulover said:
What do you ladies think? Will you post your e-ring pictures on facebook? Will you use one as your profile picture?

It seems like most of my friends post pictures of their e-rings on facebook, and over half of them use their e-ring as their profile picture for awhile.

I definitely want to post pictures of mine, and I am considering using one as my profile picture. I love what my SO and I picked out and I want everyone to see how lucky I am, but I also don't want to look like I'm showing off. Mine is definitely on the larger end of what I see amongst my friends and acquaintances (1.5 carat princess cut solitaire, although I have seen another one that size, and also a couple of other blingy looking ones with 1 carat center stones with other small stones - but the rest are smaller).

go ahead and show it off :appl: be proud of your beautiful Ering.


Jun 18, 2010
I honestly don't see the problem with it. I mean I wouldn't put it as my profile picture or anything...

I see the ring as part of the engagement, so if I'm announcing the engagement, I'd probably put a picture of the ring.

What I wouldn't do is post information about the engagement before telling people in person.


Mar 31, 2010
I am going to post my pic on facebook only because my family leaves four and five hours away. I will filter it like another PP posted to only family and close friends.


Sep 3, 2008
I did not, and would not. Just a thing about security/privacy. You never know who is looking at those pictures.


Nov 17, 2009
beezygal said:
I was thinking about this before. I don't think I will. I don't want people to think I'm showing it off. I'll only show pictures on PS online. It's normal to show your ring here. No one will think I'm trying to show it off. :love:

People here WANT you to show it off!!! :lol:


Sep 16, 2009
As far as my group goes, its about half and half. I don't think posting pictures is tacky exactly. It really depends on how you do it. If its just pictures and no stats then I think its fine.

Just a cautionary tale...

My FI posted pictures from our engagement photo session on Facebook. One of the shots was a shot of us holding hands and the ring was very visible. His ex was able to view the pictures and posted some rather interesting remarks about how lucky he is to have found me because she would have never settled for that type of ring...blah blah blah. It turned in to a bit of a fire storm where our friends were commenting on how lovely it is, and she was coming back with snarky things to say. FI eventually noticed (he's not on Facebook all that often anymore) and he made it so she couldn't see his pictures and comment.

My point is that there are possible issues with posting your ring and you never know who could be looking at it.


May 20, 2008
Definitely not. I love having PS as a place to show off my ring, because I love it and I'm proud of it, but posting it on FB would feel like I was bragging, and I wouldn't want to come off that way at all. I have a few friends who have posted one or two pictures, but I don't know any who have used it as profile pictures. In my group of friends it's just not common, so I wouldn't do it.


Apr 28, 2010
chemgirl said:
As far as my group goes, its about half and half. I don't think posting pictures is tacky exactly. It really depends on how you do it. If its just pictures and no stats then I think its fine.

Just a cautionary tale...

My FI posted pictures from our engagement photo session on Facebook. One of the shots was a shot of us holding hands and the ring was very visible. His ex was able to view the pictures and posted some rather interesting remarks about how lucky he is to have found me because she would have never settled for that type of ring...blah blah blah. It turned in to a bit of a fire storm where our friends were commenting on how lovely it is, and she was coming back with snarky things to say. FI eventually noticed (he's not on Facebook all that often anymore) and he made it so she couldn't see his pictures and comment.

My point is that there are possible issues with posting your ring and you never know who could be looking at it.

People like that truly disgust me and it is very evident she is jealous. I'm sorry that happened to you :(


Sep 16, 2009
Thanks Autumnovember, its really fine. In the end she just made herself look bad so it doesn't bother me! She has a point that my ring isn't traditional, but I picked it out and there was no settling involved!

I was just posting to point out the fact that it can be easy to see pictures, even if somebody isn't on your friend list. In this case, a mutual friend had commented on the engagement album and she used the link on that person's page to comment on the picture. Apparently you can sometimes open an album if one of your friends have commented on it, even if you are not friends with the person who posted the album. Preventing someone from doing this needed to be set up in the privacy settings. I don't know if the latest version of Facebook has changed this or not. The privacy settings are pretty confusing and it gets more confusing with people who are in your "network" (ie went to your school).

My point is, that if you are at all concerned about privacy, don't post your ring on Facebook because people outside of your friend list may be able to see it. Its not necessarily a safe place.

If you don't care about who sees it, then post pictures! I just think an album of ring pictures along with stats is a bit much for Facebook, more suited to Pricescope!


Mar 8, 2009
I wouldn't post a pic of my car, house, new bed, redecorated kitchen, favorite dress, or any other material possession, so I also would not post one of my ring. Further, I find my e-ring to be a very personal piece of property that has it's own meaning for me -- I don't want to share that with anyone but the most important people in my life. Others looking at a diamond on platinum just see $$$, which has nothing to do with my e-ring. So for me, I don't think it's appropriate to post pics of jewelry on FB. And for others, I personally find it tacky to post e-ring pics. (I also find naked pregnant belly pics (although beautiful), bathing suit shots and promiscuous photos to be inapprop FB material as well.)


Jan 8, 2008
My cousin put hers as her profile picture to kind of announce her engagement (it was a huge surprise to everyone since they'd been dating a week or two). I did not think it was flaunty at all since hers is silver and mother of pearl, however I think if I posted mine up there (2+cts) it would send an entirely different message. The cost was $18 and she is happy to brag about that fact, it's the sentiment behind it that makes it so special (plus it IS very pretty). Somehow I think it would be fine after your married to do handshots of the couple with their rings on. That's tasteful and commonly taken by the wedding photgrapher.


Apr 28, 2010
megumic said:
I wouldn't post a pic of my car, house, new bed, redecorated kitchen, favorite dress, or any other material possession, so I also would not post one of my ring. Further, I find my e-ring to be a very personal piece of property that has it's own meaning for me -- I don't want to share that with anyone but the most important people in my life. Others looking at a diamond on platinum just see $$$, which has nothing to do with my e-ring. So for me, I don't think it's appropriate to post pics of jewelry on FB. And for others, I personally find it tacky to post e-ring pics. (I also find naked pregnant belly pics (although beautiful), bathing suit shots and promiscuous photos to be inapprop FB material as well.)

Ditto to this!


Apr 28, 2010
kelpie said:
My cousin put hers as her profile picture to kind of announce her engagement (it was a huge surprise to everyone since they'd been dating a week or two). I did not think it was flaunty at all since hers is silver and mother of pearl, however I think if I posted mine up there (2+cts) it would send an entirely different message. The cost was $18 and she is happy to brag about that fact, it's the sentiment behind it that makes it so special (plus it IS very pretty). Somehow I think it would be fine after your married to do handshots of the couple with their rings on. That's tasteful and commonly taken by the wedding photgrapher.

Agree as well


Apr 11, 2008
misskitty said:
I won't be posting mine on Facebook. I feel okay posting pics here because it's a diamond forum (and y'all would kill me if I didn't post in SMTR!), but ring pics are not at all common among my Facebook friends, and I would feel like a show-off.

I agree with this. I didn't and I would never. I think it's totally showing off, and quite tacky. My close family and frineds saw it in real life and if anyone was far away, I emailed them a picture.


Jun 18, 2010
megumic said:
I wouldn't post a pic of my car, house, new bed, redecorated kitchen, favorite dress, or any other material possession, so I also would not post one of my ring.

When I bought my new place, a lot of my friends on fb were asking for pictures, so I created an album. It's not about showing off material possessions, but sharing a major life step with friends.


Apr 11, 2008
When you post on Facebook and say "GUESS WHAT! We got engaged last ngiht!!" that is how you share your moment with everyone! (Meaning friends from high school you never see, etc.)

But jewelery, uh NO. And the new Coach bag I got for Xmas? And the new car? Again - no.

I just don't get the engagement ring picture part.....The people that matter to you will see it IRL!
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