
Dust please!!!


Jun 3, 2008
I desperately need all the dust you can spare for my dog. Biko (pronounced BEE-ko) is almost 15 years old, and he has really started to have some trouble over the last few days. His appetite is basically zero, he's having more and more trouble getting around, he hasn't been drinking much, he feels very warm to the touch (like he might have a fever), he has diarrhea and he's been having accidents in the house (which is VERY unlike him). Also, he is on medication for congestive heart failure, and we haven't been able to get him to take his meds since he's not eating anything.

We have an appoinment with the vet at 9:45 this morning. I'm hoping they can figure out what's wrong and get him better. Please, please, please . . . we need as much dust as possible!!! I'm so worried about him! :blackeye:
Oh Irishgrrrl, i'm so sorry, i'm sending you lots of dust and well wishes to Biko to get better soon!!

So sorry to hear about this! I hope poor Biko gets better soon! Lots of doggie *DUST* headed your way! ;(
Dust and prayers outgoing for you and Biko! Hope all goes well and he's feeling better.
HOT, Tuckins & Charbie, thank you for the dust! =)

Well, the news is somewhat good and somewhat bad. Biko's temperature was 104 degrees (which is very high), and he was dehydrated. The vet did some blood work, and his liver enzymes were VERY high, but everything else looked good. They have admitted him to the hospital and are administering IV fluids and antibiotics. We're expecting that he'll be in the hospital for about two or three days, and we're hoping that we'll be able to pick him up on Friday. So, PLEASE keep the dust coming!!!
Irish - I'll be thinking of your puppers!!! Lots of dust and prayers that way!!!
As the owner of a pet who is slowly slipping away I send you mega dust and hugs..............
Doggie dust comin your way!
DF, Amber & Dani, thank you! I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I hear something from the vet's office. They said they would call us with updates, and encouraged us to call them and/or stop by to see him, so I'm sure we'll be doing that!
Sending him tons of dust , prayers and positive vibes Irish. Big hugs!!!
A boat load of dust is on the way!
Sending you extra special Dutch Dust!!!!!!
Lisa, Marian & Debby, thank you! :))

I just called the vet's office to check on him. The vet tech was giving him his treatment, and she's supposed to call me back in a few minutes to let me know how he's doing. {fingers crossed}
missydebby said:
Sending you extra special Dutch Dust!!!!!!

That's the best kind ;))

I sure hope your boy is feeling better Irishgrrrl!
(((hugs))) I know this is so hard... much glows for strength for you and your puppy!
Any updates on the pup?
Thanks again, everyone! =)

I spoke to the vet at about 5:30 last night. He said Biko's temperature had peaked at 106.6 degrees yesterday afternoon (which is insanely high!), but that it was coming back down. Also, he had not vomited since about 2:00 p.m. yesterday, although he did still have diarrhea.

I called to check on him this morning, and the vet tech I spoke to said he was sleeping very well (snoring! LOL!) and that his temperature was down to 104.5 (still not great, but much better than 106.6!). He didn't have any diarrhea overnight, but he did throw up a little bit. She said he seems to be more comfortable at least.

DH and I are going to visit him after work today, and I'm hoping we'll see an improvement!
Just got back from the vet's office. He's still very lethargic, but his temp is down to 101.5, so that's good! The vet said he would like to see his temp stabilize and not continue to drop to the point where it's below normal (that's a very bad sign), so we're hoping that his temp stays put. At first, he didn't seem to recognize us, but I think he was just still mostly asleep. After we'd been there for a few minutes, he did perk up and look at us.

While we were waiting for the vet tech to take us back to see him, there was another lady in the waiting room with her little boy. Evidently, they were working on her dog (some kind of emergency I think?) and then the vet came out and gave her the very bad news that her pup had passed away. It was all I could do not to cry! ;(
Continued DUST! Get well soon Biko!

I'm sorry your precious dog Biko is sick. A 1000 buckets of <<<DUST>>>

I hope that his temperature stabilizes and he is able to come back home happy and healthy!!!

Get well Biko!!! :wavey:
Thanks, everyone! The dust seems to be WORKING!!! I called the vet's office this morning to check on him, and they said he's looking brighter and more alert this morning. He had vomited a little bit right before the office closed last night, but he didn't have any more vomiting or diarrhea overnight. And his temp has been NORMAL since yesterday! YAY!!! They're going to do some physical therapy with him today and they're going to see if they can get him to eat something. Keep praying!!! :halo:
Prayers outgoing for you pup, Irish!!!!!!! *HUGS*
Good news! I had to teach a riding lesson tonight, so I couldn't go see him, but DH did. He's doing better! He was much more alert, and he was glad to see his Daddy! He even ate a little baby food for DH, which is huge! The vet techs did some physical therapy with him today and yesterday, and they're going to continue to do that with him. They said the vet thinks it might be hepatitis, but they're not 100% sure yet. He'll be in the hospital for a while longer (probably until Monday), so hopefully they'll be able to tell us for sure what's going on and how to treat it. The dust is DEFINITELY working!!! :appl:
We will keep the dust coming. Thank you for sharing your good news!
Thanks, Marian! =)

And I'm happy to report that he's doing EVEN BETTER today! I called this morning to check on him, and the vet tech told me that he was up walking around and even went outside! Also, his temp is STILL normal, and he's been eating a little canned food for them! :appl:
We visited him at the vet's office again tonight annnnndddd . . .

HE MIGHT BE ABLE TO COME HOME TOMORROW MORNING!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :appl: :wacko: =) :)) :D

PS dust is awesome stuff!!! :mrgreen:
YAAAYYYY!!! I hope you get to take your baby home tomorrow. :)) :appl: :))

Have you gotten to talk to the vets about care? I wish I had known more to answer your questions, but hep is one thing with pups that I've never experienced. I hope he gets to come home to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I spoke to the vet this morning, and he can't come home today after all. :blackeye:

She says he's still doing VERY well, and she's EXTREMELY pleased with the progress he's making. However, she checked his liver enzymes again this morning, and they're currently at 500. When he was admitted on Tuesday, they were at 1,000, so 500 is a HUGE improvement. But, they should be around 100, so they're still pretty high. She wants to keep him on fluids and antibiotics for the rest of the weekend, in the hope that she'll be able to get his liver enzymes down into the normal range. She's about 99% sure that he'll be able to go home on Monday. I'm actually glad she's keeping him until Monday . . . I would hate to bring him home today and then have him get worse because he should have stayed in the hospital longer. So, I totally understand her wanting to keep him until Monday. I'm just soooo thankful that he's made so much progress! =)
DUST DUST DUST to keep the progress going!