
Dust for my kitty.... a bit worried.


Feb 6, 2009
I'm just worried and would love a little extra dust if you can spare it.

She vomited once on wed night and vomited a couple times yesterday and had a bit of diarrhea. Didn't touch much of her dry food, but I gave her some wellness canned and she ate that. She is acting fine - her normal self, but still makes me nervous. I called the vet and they told me to wait until today or tomorrow and if she is still having a problem to bring her in.

But I'm stuck here at work, worrying about her. I have no idea if she just had a little stomach upset or ate something. I think she might have drank some of the water in the tree base - didn't see her, but my cat will drink any water anywhere no matter what it is. I looked this up and even if there isn't preservatives in it the sap leeched into the water could cause upset. The base is now covered just to make sure.

I'm probably worrying way too much - but I lost another kitty about 5 years ago very quickly and this just makes me so upset....

anyone have any insight or ideas? If she has vomited or any loose stool when I get home today its right to the vet we go, so no worries about that, but still, I would have brought her yesterday, but thats probably me just being an over concerned kitty parent.....
I will send tons of kitty dust your way. And there's no such thing as worrying too much when it comes to our furbabies. They can't tell us what's wrong, so it's up to us to help them, so you're just being a very good kitty parent.

That being said, I'm sure she's fine, she may have had a little obstruction but it sounds good that she's eating and still acting OK. I know it doesn't help much, but just try to make it through your day and go home to her. She'll probably be back to her old self by then.

Thank you very much! Just any reassurance is good now!

I am just a worrier! I know there is nothing major wrong, and I'm doing everything right, but my mind automatically goes to worst case scenario ALL the time.... ha!

Thank you for the response, eases my mind a little more. :-)
like you've i've lost kitties suddenly and as a result, i'd probably take this kitty in and have some blood tests done, perhaps urine as well just to make sure. but that's me and i'm particularly paranoid right now given the loss of another cat last sunday [not suddenly]. while your cat may appear fine now, it may be the beginning of a serious disease. or it could be nothing. won't know until some basic tests are run.

i'd take even if there were no symptoms.....but like i said, i'm super paranoid.


eta: if no symptoms i'd make an appointment next week to get basic tests done just to make sure. but symptoms could be none today and then over the weekend back again....sometimes very hard and more expensive to see a vet on weekends.
Sending kitty dust as well!

I don't know if this applies to your situation at all, but one of my cats will always throw up if he eats his food too fast.

I hope you find out what's wrong with your kitty!
Kitty dust!

I hope everything works out okay!
Get better kitty dust for your little one...I hope she is feeling better. Us PS folks really worry about our critter friends.
Just got an update from the DH. He got home and all her food is gone, she didn't throw anything up and only solid poo in the litterbox. He said she just tossed one of her toys down the steps herself and then went barrelling after it. Came back up with out it and meowed at him as to say "you go get it" then flopped down on the floor to promptly wait for him to get it. lol

Will call vet anyhow and do a phone consult and bring her in if they suggest.
"happy dance" glad she seems to be better.
KITTY DUST! I hope your kitty feels better and it's just something she ate and nothing serious. HUGS!
Glad to hear she is feeling better. I understand your concern. I have a 14 year old kitty with Irritable Bowel Disease that used to throw up constantly until we got her on medication. Recently she's had a few bouts of constipation, so we've had to add even more medication. It can be hard to tell if it's something serious or not, as they are usually not able to let us know that they are in pain. Sounds like she's got some pretty awesome kitty-parents! :))
Lil Misfit|1292620211|2799804 said:
Glad to hear she is feeling better. I understand your concern. I have a 14 year old kitty with Irritable Bowel Disease that used to throw up constantly until we got her on medication. Recently she's had a few bouts of constipation, so we've had to add even more medication. It can be hard to tell if it's something serious or not, as they are usually not able to let us know that they are in pain. Sounds like she's got some pretty awesome kitty-parents! :))

Oh boy poor kitty! Sounds like youre a great kitty mamma tho!

Will keep close eye on my furbaby and hopefully all is well.
I hope she's okay! My cat when through a phase of a couple weeks where he'd throw up whenever he ate dry food. He was fine with wet, though. I wondered if the food had gotten some germ in it or something and switched it, but the same thing happened with the new stuff. The vet said there was nothing physically wrong with him, so the little brat just got a lot of wet food for a couple weeks...and after awhile, when we tried out the dry food again, he didn't have a problem with it. And no problems since, knock on wood! I still don't know what caused it, but hopefully it will just be a short-term thing for your little furball, too!
Kitty dust. Wellness did NOT agree with my kittens at all. They loved the taste but it caused all kinds of issues on the other end for both my kittens. I wanted so much to use it because it looks great on paper but my vet told me that based on their symptoms I needed to switch.

I posted recently about my kitten having bloody diarrea. I took her to the vet right away and the vet found nothing wrong with her. Tested for all kinds of parasites. Told me to switch foods slowly and gave me a probiotic to get her tummy back to normal. She is fine now. No more problems. My other kitten had really soft poops and I just thought that was normal (these are my first kittens). And the other kittens poop firmed up too. Much easier to deal with the litter box now and I don't have any more worries about them not having stuff left in their furry butts after they go.

I hope your solution is as simple as mine was and she is all better soon.
rhbgirl24|1292620307|2799807 said:
Lil Misfit|1292620211|2799804 said:
Glad to hear she is feeling better. I understand your concern. I have a 14 year old kitty with Irritable Bowel Disease that used to throw up constantly until we got her on medication. Recently she's had a few bouts of constipation, so we've had to add even more medication. It can be hard to tell if it's something serious or not, as they are usually not able to let us know that they are in pain. Sounds like she's got some pretty awesome kitty-parents! :))

Oh boy poor kitty! Sounds like youre a great kitty mamma tho!

Will keep close eye on my furbaby and hopefully all is well.

Yea, I call her my "sick little old lady" - LOL She's got all kinds of spunk and attitude, so you'd never know she was as sick as she is! :bigsmile:
Dusting your kitty rhb!

I'm so glad to hear that she seems better :)) I hope the vet consult goes well!

Lil Misfit - you're a good cat parent ::)