
Dust for my Chihuahua, please....

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Dec 16, 2007
Sadly, my Chihuahua''s teeth have started to go bad...this, from what I''ve heard, is pretty common in toy breeds--but if left untreated can actually rot the jawbone.

Chupacabra was my little rescue boy, so accurate facts on him are pretty much unknown...we have no idea how old he is, what his living conditions were...but he''s never really enjoyed having his teeth brushed or mouth touched at all. He''s never bitten, snapped, or even growled at me or anyone else...his disposition is so sweet. But on his yearly vet check up, the vet noticed his teeth are extremely loose and in a years time his gums have become very compromised. Poor boy must be in pain all the time because it''s not just one or two teeth, is many, many teeth that need to be extracted.

I''m embarrassed because I never noticed this. I brush his teeth every other week, and when he gets groomed once a month, he gets brushed there too. Never was this mentioned to me. And because he fights me when I brush him, it''s usually an in-&-out job with no time to poke around in there.

So Friday he''s having his teeth cleaned and extracted. I know this is relatively a low-risk thing, but he''s older and I''m just worried.

Thank you all in advance, I appreciate it.
~*Dust for you & your puppy!*~ I hope he (and you!) gets through every fine - pet health issues can be so stressful! They''re like little kids who can''t talk and tell you how they''re actually feeling and I know for me that makes it so much harder because you don''t know what level of discomfort they''re in.
Dust to you and your little furbaby, Italia.
I know that you are never more anxious as when it comes to the well being of a beloved pet!
Wishing you both all the best!!
Dust for the pup!
Aww, Italia, poor Chupacabra! Sending lots of dust his way!

You are so diligent...I need to work on brushing my chi''s teeth more often! He is not a fan
Sending lots of dust! We do dentals in work daily and they all go fine. Your dog will be so much happier afterwards.
Dust! We had a similar problem with my FI''s cat, and it definitely made her much happier.
Aww, poor puppy. Lots of dust!

And LOL at his name, that is adorable!
Awww poor little baby. I''m sending all the dust to your little one!
Hi Italia,
One of our pugs had his teeth cleaned and a couple extracted a few weeks ago. Our pugs absolutely hate getting their teeth brushed so I know how much of a struggle it can be. But the cleaning/extractions will go just fine and your doggie will be better off in the long run. I''m glad you''re having the procedure done so as to avoid any pain that your puppy might have to endure in the future due to the gum issues.
Awww...sorry to hear about your baby. Tons of dust to him - I''m sure he''ll come through with flying colors!

And please don''t beat yourself up for not noticing - animals are notoriously good at hiding when they are in pain, I''m sure if he showed signs you would have noticed them.

It must be breaking your heart! Chihuahuas have weak teeth anyway, so don''t beat yourself up more than you already have.

Dusting your pup!
sending lots of dust!
Poor little doggie! Dust for him to recover quickly!
I second the suggestion of talking to your vet about antibiotics before hand.

I''m sending lots and lots of dust your way.
My boy Pierre, who is also a Chihuahua, is 10 and we have never had his teeth profesionally cleaned because he would have to be put under and I refuse to let them put him under, #1 because he is so tiny and #2 because of his age. Even if 10 doctors told me I had to have them professionaly cleaned, I wouldn''t, I just don''t trust putting my little baby in their hands. Is there anything else that can be done?
Awww, Italia, dust for your sweet Chihuahua.
Oh poor doggie- lots and lots of dust Italia!

Can we see pictures of him when you have time? My family has a Chihuahua (we''ve had him for 12 years now) and I adore the breed
Thank you everyone for taking the time to dust my little boy...I''m a wreck, truth be told, he''s my baby--and he''s been with me for a while now, and we''ve been there (he''s actually curled up with me right now)...and I just want him to be okay...So, thanks.
Dust to your little babe!
Omg I
his name! Anyway, dust dust to him and hugs!
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