
Dust and mammograms

Sending more dust your way Vapid....strong positive thoughts too!
Dust, dust, dust......
Thinking of you guys!
She has now completed two of three weeks radiation and almost a week on the hormone therapy Letrazole. She is already in less pain and often can walk without the cane!! Also we got the Dr to give her a better pain management. She is now using a fentanyl patch, with Nucyntra for breakthrough pain. Also they have given her compazine for the nausea, and she is eating again. Finally we can sleep through the night. I do not mistake this for a remedy or cure, but it is a step in the right direction. I even had a chance to read some other PS threads and look at a few pretties. Her birthstone is ruby.
VL, I'm very heartened to hear your SO is more comfortable now - I just felt so badly for her being in so much pain, and feeling so sick. I'm so very glad the docs have taken steps to ease her suffering. It must feel wonderful for the both of you to get a decent night's sleep! I'll continue keeping the both of you in my thoughts, and I hope your SO continues to get some relief from the awful side effects of her treatments. *hugs*
VL, I'm so glad that your SO's doctors finally got their act together in terms of attending to her pain and nausea. I hope you've both been catching up on your sleep, and that the rest is making it a little easier to cope.

Continuing to think of you both, and sending as much good stuff your way as is possible!
I'm so glad that Docs have been able to make it more and sleep a double blessing!
Praying for you and your SO, VL. Thank you for the updates, and hoping for a good recovery and a defeat of the cancer.
I'm sending you and your SO lots of prayers and dust, VL.
dust and prayers for you and your SO!
Many thanks, still. I know I've been a little remiss in updating you all. We finished radiation two weeks ago. Better but still there is so much pain. To manage that she was put on a fentanyl transdermal patch. and taking Nucynta for breakthrough pain. Its like living with Hunter S Thompson here! We managed to get her into the trial for avastin with letrazole, (with me biking from soho to chelsea, back again and then all over again to deliver a urine specimen on the last day she could qualify for the trial). Then the computer randomly assigned her to the group that does not get the avastin, the control group. oh well. The oncologist also started her on a once a month Xgeva, a drug for osteoporosis and bone damaged by cancer. next week we go back for a battery of tests. Now heres the odd thing. Our neighbor two doors down, same building same floor
also just diagnosed with breast cancer, though only barely stage two. And another neighbor right downstairs breast cancer last year. All of us in the building for 30 years! Maybe all that toxic dust from ground zero ten years ago? Also in the last ten years 5 dogs with cancer.
VapidLapid|1307676055|2942257 said:
Many thanks, still. I know I've been a little remiss in updating you all. We finished radiation two weeks ago. Better but still there is so much pain. To manage that she was put on a fentanyl transdermal patch. and taking Nucynta for breakthrough pain. Its like living with Hunter S Thompson here! We managed to get her into the trial for avastin with letrazole, (with me biking from soho to chelsea, back again and then all over again to deliver a urine specimen on the last day she could qualify for the trial). Then the computer randomly assigned her to the group that does not get the avastin, the control group. oh well. The oncologist also started her on a once a month Xgeva, a drug for osteoporosis and bone damaged by cancer. next week we go back for a battery of tests. Now heres the odd thing. Our neighbor two doors down, same building same floor
also just diagnosed with breast cancer, though only barely stage two. And another neighbor right downstairs breast cancer last year. All of us in the building for 30 years! Maybe all that toxic dust from ground zero ten years ago? Also in the last ten years 5 dogs with cancer.

Ask the docs about a morphine pump. There's no excuse for her being in pain! :( It's not like the docs have never dealt with it before.

On the cancer, I'm always suspicious of water, so I always install a water filter when I move to a new place;|114|49255|87111&whse=BC&topnav=&hierPath=114*49255*87111*&lang=en-US
Do you have a water tank for your building? It could be anything; excessive chlorine, heavy metals leeching, the pipes, or anything at all. NYC water doesn't taste as good as it used to, if you ask me, and I'm suspicious.
The people doesn't bother me, but the number of dogs with it in your building does bother me. Or it could be radon. I think you can google a radon map, but that usually causes lung cancer.

Here's a whole section of the NYTimes about the drug; I don't think you're missing anything, read the third story.

Dust for less pain, more gain.
You and your partner remain in my thoughts and prayers. This is such a painful process to undergo. It brings me right back to the concerns we had with my mother. I can only offer my sincere support. I have no words of wisdom :cry: I wish the two of you well...
VL, you and your partner have been in my thoughts constantly since you first posted. No words of wisdom or special insight here, just sending lots of compassion and healing thoughts.
Thinking about you both and hoping that you manage to enjoy a peaceful and relatively pain-free weekend together.
Still thinking about you and sending dust! More dust for your neighbor too!
VL, I just came across this thread. I am so sorry for your partner and for you. Best of wishes, stay strong!
Thinking of you guys!! How are things?
Thanks again to everyone for the incredible dust and thoughts.

Real progress is being made. Pain is under control. Bones have been thoroughly irradiated. lumps are shrinking. food is being eaten and staying down. We even walked outside to the parade today and back. I am hoping for more, better news in two weeks when we go to the Dr again. We do still expect the letrazole will be a maintenance drug for the rest of her life, but thinking of that in terms of years, not months.
That's great news VL! Thank you for the update, I've been wondering how your SO has been doing.
It's really good to hear a positive update here. I hope that things continue to move in the right direction and that you can begin to re-claim your more normal daily lives.
Thinking about you both.
I'm so glad things are looking up! Thoughts, prayers, and dust continue. *hug*
I'm so glad to hear this VL!

Hugs to you both! :appl:

Great parade, great reason to celebrate!
I'm so pleased to hear some positive news. Prayers and dust continue to be outgoing...
This is great news, VL, thanks for the update. I'll be continuing to send dust your way for the next 2 weeks until the upcoming visit to the doctor.
What a wonderful update! So glad to hear things are looking (somewhat) up for the two of you!
VapidLapid|1307676055|2942257 said:
Many thanks, still. I know I've been a little remiss in updating you all. We finished radiation two weeks ago. Better but still there is so much pain. To manage that she was put on a fentanyl transdermal patch. and taking Nucynta for breakthrough pain. Its like living with Hunter S Thompson here! We managed to get her into the trial for avastin with letrazole, (with me biking from soho to chelsea, back again and then all over again to deliver a urine specimen on the last day she could qualify for the trial). Then the computer randomly assigned her to the group that does not get the avastin, the control group. oh well. The oncologist also started her on a once a month Xgeva, a drug for osteoporosis and bone damaged by cancer. next week we go back for a battery of tests. Now heres the odd thing. Our neighbor two doors down, same building same floor
also just diagnosed with breast cancer, though only barely stage two. And another neighbor right downstairs breast cancer last year. All of us in the building for 30 years! Maybe all that toxic dust from ground zero ten years ago? Also in the last ten years 5 dogs with cancer.

I just saw this article and knew you'd be interested. Still keeping up and thinking of you and your partner...
Soooo . . .

How's it going over there Vapid? How's she doing?

I keep thinking of you guys, and I couldn't stand it anymore so I decided to ask for an update . . .

Feel free to tell me to shove off . . .
I also wanted to ask, but you were not posting... Good that iLander asked. Any news?