
during a long flight...will you be able to fall asleep in a plane ?

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Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
Never... I actually get RLS (restless leg syndrome). It''s terrible!
Never, it is very annoying since I go back and forth from NY to Germany. At first I thought I couldn''t sleep because I was worried about my dog who was under my chair, but even after taking to benadryl, nope still wide awake always. There are very few comfy positions in those seats!
Within about 1/2 after take off, I also have this skill for drives as well - as long as I am not behind the wheel
I can curl up just about anywhere and sleep!!
Which is fortunate because I''ll be on a plane for five hours tomorrow morning
When I didn''t have kids, I couldn''t sleep on the plane nor at a hotel. Now that I have children, I have no chance to sleep on the plane if I am travelling with them. Now that I have children, I can fall asleep on the plane when I am travelling alone because I am so tired that I can sleep almost anywhere.
Supposedly I have insomnia but if you pin me down in one place I''ll pass out pretty fast. So yes, I can sleep on planes, short, long whatever! I tend to bring a neck pillow and a rolled up blanket which helps.

On my last trip to europe I took an ambien. Knocked me out from Chicago to London. I barely remember the flight but I woke up refreshed!
i can never sleep on planes, even after taking medication

And come this june, i have a 8 hour flight to look forward too..... blah.
Only if the flight is ridiculously early in the morning and I''m exhausted to begin with (the flight to the honeymoon comes to mind...and that was only about 2 hours!)
Almost never. I fly multiple times a month and I can count the times I''ve actually been able to sleep on one hand. It''s not a big deal on short flights, but on the long ones I definitely wish I could sleep! I took a red eye to Germany once and didn''t sleep a wink. Now I''ve learned I''m better off taking the whole day to fly to Europe to get there at night so I can sleep in a hotel (and my inability to sleep in hotels is a whole ''nother story)
yup. and my neck hurts when I wake up.
I can fall asleep in cars on occasion, but it''s a really light sleep. I can''t sleep on planes at all. For me sleeping comes with being horizontal. In cars I can put my seat down. Planes, not so much. And the worst part is when you drug yourself and you STILL can''t sleep. There''s nothing worse than that loopy half-out-of-it feeling...
The only time I have ever slept on an airplane was from Las Vegas to Chicago last July...

On our way to the airport, I started to feel "fluish" and by the time we took off, I was running a fever and had terrible aches and chills. I ended up curling up in my seat trying to get comfortable, and fell asleep.

When we got home I was in much worse shape...and within the next two days was in the hospital with a bacterial infection.

Nope. Never can. It is so frustrating!
hell no.

Usually I have to take a little shot of a little ''something-something'' to take the edge off. Since I don''t drink a lot, that usually does the trick.

I hate flying.
Only in business class
On a long flight, I can sometimes sleep for 2-3 stretches. But I can *always* sleep with a couple of Benadryl. I take it at home sometimes when I have insomnia for a few days in a row and need the rest!!
Date: 3/6/2009 9:54:49 AM
Author: TheBigT
On a long flight, I can sometimes sleep for 2-3 stretches. But I can *always* sleep with a couple of Benadryl. I take it at home sometimes when I have insomnia for a few days in a row and need the rest!!

Good idea on the benadryl. I could not sleep when i cam back from Korea
I was up for a total of three days by the end of the trip!
Sadly no, unless I stayed up the night before to catch an early flight. I was wired and wide awake on my 8 hour flight to Tokyo and back a few months ago - which I guess is good for getting past jetlag, but makes for a really crappy flight.

I think I''ll definitely do sleeping pills on the next long flight.
I can sleep on long flights, short flights, almost anything!

I''ve actually fallen asleep before take off and woken up during landing on many a red eye flight. As long as I have a window seat, I''m golden.
Double post! Sorry.
Yes, thank goodness. I have family in England that I visit regularly. The last time I went over there I had almost an entire center row to myself (well, shared with my mother) so I slept really well!

I have a flight to the Cook Islands from LA coming up in September. I really hope that I can sleep during that one.
Date: 3/6/2009 10:24:58 AM
Author: Clairitek
Yes, thank goodness. I have family in England that I visit regularly. The last time I went over there I had almost an entire center row to myself (well, shared with my mother) so I slept really well!

I have a flight to the Cook Islands from LA coming up in September. I really hope that I can sleep during that one.

Cook Islands??? That sounds awesome! I''d love to go there sometime - is this for vacation? How long will you be there?
Nope. Can''t sleep in a plane, and rarely even in a car on a long trip either. Wish I could though.
I''ve never fallen asleep on a flight, but if I did, it would be after taking something like Xanax to help me relax.
Date: 3/6/2009 6:47:15 AM
Author: jcarlylew
i can never sleep on planes, even after taking medication

And come this june, i have a 8 hour flight to look forward too..... blah.
me too; I have the hardest time, sometimes on long flights I only sleep an hour; other than that, nope. Hubby on the other hand can sleep, though!! I always want to say wake up wake up, I am awake, but of course I don't. hehe I take my ipod with me which helps relax me but those flight attendants are always walking around or people are getting out of their seats to get something from above, etc.
I am such light sleeper so all those things keep me awake.

eta: I can't sleep in first class either
I can NEVER sleep on a plane. And usually, I''m on 24+ hour flights (not non-stop, ofcourse) to the other side of the world. I just can''t sleep on an airplane....EVEN WHEN I TRAVEL FIRST CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I land, I''m a zombie.Thankfully, my university all-nighter days have me somewhat accustomed to this no-sleep thing.
Yup. Often even before we take off. I joke that I''m like Pavlov''s dogs...I travel so much that even if I am not tired, once the engines gun up, I find my eyes totally drooping and I drift off. I''m just trained to pass out on planes - can''t even stay awake to read a good book.
I hate flying (something about the pressurized cabin and the smell of bad coffee) so the more of it I miss, the better. I can sometimes sleep on flights. I try to schedule red-eye when I can, so I''m more likely to get to the other side feeling rested.
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