
Dreaming of my cushion halo…. (the process)

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Sep 19, 2006
So, I am in the process of having my custom cushion halo created with Engagement Rings Direct and have been posting a little about it here and there on other peoples threads. However I had a request (by dianne) to keep a running thread of my own about the process, so that’s what this will be.

I began helping my boyfriend (now fiancé) look for the perfect stone a few months ago back in October or November and I had my heart set on a cushion. Through Pricescope I came across Mark Turnowski who post after post was listed as THE guy for cushions.

It took a LOOOOOT of convincing to get my boyfriend (and his mother) to trust a NY online vendor! They first rejected the idea, they claimed all NYC diamond dealers were shady and con artists, and insisted on going with a jeweler out of Miami (we are from Tampa) who one of their family friends had worked with multiple times and highly recommended. To make a long story short he was HORRIBLE. He was very deceptive and a down right swine! He told my boyfriend there was just no no no no way he would ever find a 1.5-2ct cushion for 10,000 and proceeded to try to sell him uncertified diamonds while lying about the clarity and color, etc.

So, after much convincing I finally got Mark back in the running! My boyfriend called Mark and told him what we were looking for (a 1.5-2.0 cushion, eye clean, color h or better a premium cut, a square – or almost square – ratio, chunky facets not “crushed ice” etc.) Mark got back to us within the week with 3 options and emailed over the GIA reports. We looked over the reports and they all looked awesome, so we chose our favorite and called mark about it. He assured us it was a great, great cut and very sparkly and lively. We thought it sounded good and asked him to send it down to make sure it was in fact the stone for us. It was PERFECT! I still can’t believe that we got such a great stone. And, did I mention it was about 1,000 UNDER the budget we gave mark?!?! I think that speaks to his character that we told him our max budget and he stayed significantly under price and still got as an amazing diamond.

Also, the diamond was being sent down just because we wanted to make sure we liked it before proceeding with the setting but my boyfriend had mark place it in a temporary setting just for insurance purposes. Well, as soon as my boyfriend saw the most perfect diamond AND it was conveniently already set, he just couldn’t wait. So, he proposed in December while we were on a ski vacation.

So, now I’ve been wearing the ring in its temp. setting for almost 2 months and am itching to get it set in its final setting. We are now trading emails and phone calls with mark discussing the setting.

I L-O-V-E the Winnie setting (search Winnie on PS) that many here have had replicated, however I have just a few tweaks I would like done. Basically, I want my wedding band to sit flush and I would like to incorporate a cathedral band. I would also like the stone to sit as low as possible to give the ring a low profile.

I have taken some pictures off of PS and the internet to try to describe these changes with Mark and will be talking to him either tonight or tomorrow to see what he thinks of my proposed changes.

I will let you know what he thinks!

Sorry this is so long, it’s really just for whoever cares to read it. I know its probably pretty boring to most.

Also, here is the link to pictures of my stone in its temporary setting as well as the stats:
here is a picture of the winnie design by ERD

winnie 2.jpg
MMM - Your cushion is beautiful and I think it will look gorgeous in a Winnie-like setting!
Here is the band I am leaning toward (it is wobbly hedgehog''s, also by ERD) -- but I without the split shank. And I would like the halo to remain like that of the winnie (no gap between halo and diamond). But it looks like the wedding band would sit flush and i like how the bands come up to right below the halo.

ring to modify.jpg
MMM, thanks for starting this thread! I''ve been looking for run throughs of the custom process, and not many people do one in one convenient thread, so this is GREAT for those of us contemplating the same process!

Good luck...sounds like it will be a stunner!
I love thread like this that let us in on the process. So glad all has gone smoothly thus far and I can''t wait to see the finished product..
Date: 2/21/2007 2:53:53 PM
So, I am in the process of having my custom cushion halo created with Engagement Rings Direct and have been posting a little about it here and there on other peoples threads. However I had a request (by dianne) to keep a running thread of my own about the process, so that’s what this will be.
MMM, Thank you so much for creating this thread. I can only imagine this will be interesting to many others, like me, who don''t know how this process works step-by-step. You are very kind to allow us to walk through this with you.

I have been following the postings you had here and there and was trying to keep up with you the best I could. I could relate with you because you got your cushion from Mark only a few weeks before I got mine. When I read that you would be creating a custom setting I was thrilled and wondered what you were considering. I find I am doing the same thing, finding examples from PS and online, to compile the most information for Mark. Sounds like you know exactly what you want and you explain it very well. It will be a already have an amazing center stone! Just gorgeous! I am so excited for you!

Thanks, also, for the background on what has already taken place with the purchase of the cushion. I had a wonderful experience with Mark, as well, but did not have my diamond put in a temp setting. I have told Mark I am anxious to decide on all the setting details and have it made before I attach the diamond to my ring finger with superglue.

I''m keeping my fingers crossed for you that the custom process goes as well as the diamond purchase. I''ll stay tuned....
I for one will be following this thread - I may go for custom wedding bands with ERD, so whatever knowledge you pick up will come in handy. The ring looks luscious. Are you going with WG or platinum for the setting, and if plat, do you know the alloy and percentage that ERD uses? (Slightly off topic, I apologize.)

There''s a lengthy runthrough of the custom process w/ Mark Morrell somewhere, I will try to find it and post. But I haven''t seen any on ERD, so this is super.
Date: 2/21/2007 2:53:53 PM

Sorry this is so long, it’s really just for whoever cares to read it. I know its probably pretty boring to most.
See....not boring at all. You will have many "followers" a non-stalking kind of way, of course!
So my fiance and I talked to Mark today by phone (remember we are in Tampa and Mark in NYC) and I tried my best to describe the changes I wanted, as I posted above, and he seemed to really follow everything I said.

He then sent me an email with two cad dawings. One of the cathedral style, flush fit band (although the cad drawing had a split shank which i have decided to stay with the normal, single band) and then a second of the winnie to show the difference between having one row or diamonds (as shown on the split shank drawing) or two around the halo.

I looked at the two cad drawings and at photos of rings on his website and decided on the double row, because i like the side view when the diamonds wrap around the side.

2.21 cathedral shank.JPG
the double row halo

2.21 halo.JPG
after i looked over the pictures and such and decided what i liked about the rings, which parts to combine and which parts to loose I called Mark back. He said all of that could be done no problem and that he could get started as soon as he recieved the ring!

So, I am mailing it back up tomorrow!!!!!!!!!! He said he will call again when he recieves it (probably wednesday) and we can go ever everything again.

I feel really comfortable that he understands exactly what I want and I am soooo excited!!
Oh yea, i am really sad about saying good bye to my ring for a while : (
I ordered a fakey $20 Sterling silver and CZ ring off line to have to wear in the meantime. heh.
Its a plain channel set eternity band. I just wanted something that wont stand out too much. I dont want people so say, "I love your ring!" and then having to explain.....

Plus I am going to europe for 2 months this summer so i wanted something cheap to wear while i''m backpacking from country to country.
Congrats on getting started! The earlier you send it to him, the earlier it can be made, and then it will be back safe on your eager little finger!!

Can''t wait to see how it turns out! exciting. I like the single band with single halo. I saw your beautiful cushion. I think a single halo will just look divine.
MMM - This is my first official pricescope post! A friend turned me on to PS; I was reading all the posts to learn more about cushions and recently ordered the double row halo from Mark Turnowski at ERD, so I think it''s about time I join the chat.

I live in Chicago. It''s a long story, but basically we were trying to work with a custom designer here who is the husband of my fiancee''s co-worker. There are no cushion brilliants in Chicago, only modifieds. I don''t like the look of the modifieds. After many frustrating sessions I was willing to fly to see Mark at ERD. I called Mark and within 2 days he shipped a stone for me to look at. After seeing it I knew it was my stone. I worked with Mark via email and phone to choose the setting and now I''m anxiously awaiting the finished product.

Your second CAD drawing looks like the one I picked. It is pretty much "Winne" and "Fatguy"''s ring. I personally like how Fatguy''s looks over Winne''s (not to say there is anything wrong with the Winnie of course). Maybe it was just the lighting in the photos. I also think the pave flows better on Fatguy''s ring. I must admit I am really nervous to see the finished product since I obviously have not seen an example of the setting in person, but based on the pictures I''ve seen on all the PS postings, I have faith in Mark''s reputation. Of course I''ve been telling my fiancee how Mark is practically famous on PS and there is nothing to worry about, so I''ll be in the doghouse if something goes awry. It sounds like your fiancee was also a little nervous about using someone so far away. I just hope I asked all the right questions and the setting looks like Fatguy''s when it''s done. So that''s the skinny!

Also - your ring is gorgeous!
MMM: the cads look great. If I ever went custom I''d seriously consider Mark not only because his rings seem superior but also because his process seems so easy for the consumer to be involved making sure everyone is on the same page.

welcome to PS KMW, please post pics of your ring once you get it. it sounds wonderful.
kmw - i originally fell in love with the winnie through winnies and fatguys posts on PS as well!! i think they are basically the same - as far i as could tell - but fatguy just got some amaaaaaaaaaazing pictures of his ring. i cant wait to see yours finished. you need to post pictures pronto!

speaking of fatguy, when i called mark yesterday he told me fatguy had just left the office. i thought it was so funny mark just knew i would know who that was. What if i wasnt a PSer? I would have though he was calling some man FAT! hah! i dont think ive ever mentioned to mark that i ready PS, but somehow he could just tell : ) i guess, logically, it was because i sent him photos of his own rings taken by users, but still. i thought it was cool fatguy happened to be there -- and that means hes having another piece done and mayyyyybe we will be lucky enough to see it. but i dont think he comes on anymore : (

also, LITEBRITE... i will be having the setting made in platium and mark uses 0.95
MMM- too funny that Fatguy was there. When I mentioned Fatguy to Mark he knew exactly who I was referring to and he chuckled a little.

I definitely promise to post pictures as soon as I get the ring! The wait is killing me!
Any new updates you can share with us? Hey! I''m trying to be patient
....with YOUR I hope the process is going well for you. I have two settings I am struggling between right now so Mark is patiently waiting on me to decide. Let us know how it''s going, pretty please.
No updates from me just yet. Mark mentioned the ring might be ready this week. I hope that is the case since I will be traveling to NYC this weekend and would love to pick it up when I''m there. I believe it''s been about four weeks now, so hopefully it will be ready soon. Can''t wait! I promise to post with pictures once I receive it.
hi again,
sorry i ha vent been updating, but we are basically in the waiting process right now.
mark received the ring last wednesday but then had to go out of town until monday (yesterday). he called yesterday, as promised to go over what i wanted again, and he said he will be begining the cad drawing right away! i''m not sure how long that takes, but he said as soon as they are completed he will email them to us so we can sign-off on the design.

so, really no exciting update on my end, except that he is starting! and i will be sure to post the cad drawings when i receive them.

also! mark is on to me! he called my fiance this afternoon saying that he hears that i have been posting away on pricescope under an alias! hehehe.
he said he''s been getting phone calls and people kept mentioning MMM, and he was like who is this??? And then someone from Canada called and said they''d been reading about an MMM from Tampa and it clicked. : )
so, i am caught.
luckily, i have nothing but good things to say about him

I am happy to report my version of the Winnie/Fatguy halo ring from Mark T. has arrived. I am overwhelmed! I am so pleased with the outcome. It is better than I ever imagined it would be! I finally met Mark in person. He is so sweet. I definitely will be going back for my wedding band. So hopefully these pictures aren''t too bad. I am not the best photographer, and I also apology for my scaly hands; it''s been a rough, dry Chicago winter.

1.27 cushion brilliant
SI 1
table 56%
depth 67%
medium culet
Ex pol & symm
no fluorescence

ring #1 PS.JPG
Date: 3/12/2007 4:33:50 PM
Author: kmw

I am happy to report my version of the Winnie/Fatguy halo ring from Mark T. has arrived. I am overwhelmed! I am so pleased with the outcome. It is better than I ever imagined it would be! I finally met Mark in person. He is so sweet. I definitely will be going back for my wedding band. So hopefully these pictures aren''t too bad. I am not the best photographer, and I also apology for my scaly hands; it''s been a rough, dry Chicago winter.

1.27 cushion brilliant


SI 1

table 56%

depth 67%

medium culet

Ex pol & symm

no fluorescence

AHHH I can''t see the picture and I want to SOOOO bad because I''m looking for around that size of a stone. lol
Here is picture #1

Picture #2 - why I am having so much trouble posting these?!

Picture #3

Picture #4

Here is the last picture - a different angle.

yay! thanks for posting pictures! it looks great! i''m glad you are so happy with it too!!

i am TRYing to patiently wait for the cad drawings from mark!! he was supposed to send them last friday. if i dont get them tomorrow i may have to give him a little friendly reminder call

not that he''s forgotten - i just wanna keep the ball rolling!
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