
Does this art deco ring look too small for my hand (pic)

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Mar 15, 2006
Dear All,

I got this ring for my anniversary and I love the quality of the diamond and sapphires. However since we purchased it online, I did not know for sure how big it would look on my chubby hand. In person I feel it looks "small" in comparison to my hand. I don''t know if it is because I am so used to my 3-stone ring that anything with less finger coverage appears small? or is it really too small for a good visual balance?

Please give me your honest opinion as this beautiful ring is still within return period.

Thank you!

It may be slightly small but what''s interesting is that it looks to me like a better fit horizontally and small vertically. Do you have long fingers? I have seen some obvious too small rings on people and yours does not look obviously too small. Is the ring tight? In the photo which could just be the photo, it looks a little snug.
I asked the ring to be sized tight because the band is very thin. However it is still comfortable. I did not want it to be moved around much.
I love it! Do you mind sharing stats? Also, where did you find it? Sorry about the 20 Q''''s stunning. Great RHR.
I dont think it looks small at all!
lovely, lovely ring, zhuzhu - definitely NOT too small.

hang on to this beauty!
i love the size and think it looks perfect~!
I don''t think it looks toosmall at all!
I think it looks great!
Perfect ring, perfect size...
I think the size is beautiful on your fingers.

More details please, the ring is fabulous!
I think it looks lovely!
It''s beautiful and to me looks perfect!
No way ~ it looks great!
Nope, looks perfect to me!
i think it looks really good on your finger and i really really like the size
I don''t think it''s too small either and it''s really pretty! I''d also like to know where you got it and to see more handshots. Oh, and ring size as long as I''m making requests/demands?

Thanks and congrats! It''s a keeper.
I love it! I think it looks perfect!
It looks very elegant to me!
I think it looks very pretty just the way it is!
Personally I think it looks hideous! You should send it this way immediately!

Um...I adore those rings and if I could get my hands on one I would not let go, ever.
I agree, its beautiful and not too small at all.
I like the design and how it looks on. I would love to see a closer pic of the ring.
fine, fine, fine. looks perfectly fine on your finger! no worries whatsoever. i like the sapphires!
The ring looks great, not in the slightest bit small IMO. Enjoy it!

I saw a near idential ring on eBay not too long ago, and wonder if it might be the same ring...

Please don''t retrn this beauty and wear it in good health.
I know your feeling about too small ring on chubby hand. I have 1.08 ct + baguettes halo and I think I would like to have a biggest diamond for more finger coverage. IMO, your ring seem a little to small but it''s just matter of taste. Your ring is absolutly gorgeous!
It looks lovely on your hand - I don''t think it''s small at all!!

Happy anniversary zhuzhu!
I really like it - I agree with the other posters - it looks great!
Looks perfect to me!
I think it looks perfect!
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