
Does Someone's Avatar Picture Affect Your Opinion?

Some avatars I have thought were maybe unusual but I don't think it affects my opinion of them or their post. It doesn't really bother me if someone changes their avatar but I do get to know who frequent posters are by their avatar. I change mine around when I get something new or get a new photo I like. I am probably going to change my avatar again soon. :bigsmile:
Seeing this in my rear view mirror does influence my opinion of the truck driver.
I think it is meant so send a message, "Get out of my way, OR ELSE!".
But really the driver may be the most wonderful gal in the world, but just have a fun sense of humor.

It is easy to assume the intent of others, but we can be wrong.

Grill Teeth.jpg
I only dislike the ones I can't figure out. Photos that are dark, small, the perspective is lost - - that sort of thing.
thing2of2|1306548763|2932168 said:
Interesting question! An avatar would have to really stand out for it to affect my opinion. I know I've seen a few I dislike but I can't even think of them off the top of my head. I don't think the doberman would affect me either way.

I do get confused when people change avatars because that's the first thing I look at when I see a post. That's the main reason why I never change my avatar, even though it's unfair to my other 2 kitties to just feature Olivia. :cheeky:

The only time i'm confused is when I don't really know who the poster is and he/she kkeps changing the avatar.

My cat is probably offended that he's not my avatar. The one in mine passed away a year ago...

The dog avatar is a real turn off to me, but then again an aggressive dog killed my cat last summer so that photo brings back bad memories.
I get confused if people change their avatar photos.

I also find I can't tell between some posters who have very similar avatars. There are a lot of three-stone diamond e-rings with white backgrounds out there - two of the people who have them have screen-names beginning with 's' that aren't actual words and I can never remember who is who.

I probably do get mental ideas of who someone is based on their avatar - but not in a negative or positive way, just in a 'sometimes suprised when they are not what I have imagined' kind of way.

The thing I do find very odd is when people show up on PS and use someone else's jewellery as their avatar - especially when it's another PSers. It's happened a few times and I just think it's a bit creepy. If it's a famous piece - like a historic jewel - then that is different, but a ring belonging to a normal person you don't know... :confused:

I've considered changing my avatar a few times but it would probably confuse a lot of people.
I've changed my avatar a few times before I settled into this one. I had my ASET for a while so I could use it as an example of a good princess ASET for newbies. Eventually I stuck my name on a half-decent pic of my rings and it stuck. It was "cleaner" before PS2, which somehow muddied it up.
MC, sorry about your cat.

Pandora, that is very creepy someone would use another person's jewelry for their avatar. That would bother me.

I was using my new ering set for awhile but it looks like several other people's avatars so I switched to something more unique. Just because it made it easier for me to find my own posts.
Yes, there is one avatar that bugs the crap out of me and gives me bad vibes about that person but everyone has the right to put whatever they want so whatever!
What an interesting question. No, I don't think that someone's avatar affects my opinion of them (unless it was something vulgar--and I'm not referring to jewelry that wasn't my personal style!). I guess I do tend to give more validity to those posters with a lot of posts under their belt or someone in the trade. I also give more credence to the opinions of people who share my tastes, just because I feel like maybe we are coming from the same place.
I'm easily confused, so avatar changing throws me for a loop. That's why I never change mine-I'm afraid no one will recognize me.
hawaiianorangetree|1306583951|2932334 said:
I wouldn't say that it affects my opinion of someone I used to find Monarch's old avatar of the little girl with the grumpy face would make me read her posts with a rather stern tone to them. I would have to remind myself that she was actually a really nice, kind and caring poster who wasn't giving everyone a piece of her mind! :bigsmile: :cheeky: :bigsmile: I think she has changed it now and I have a much easier time reading her posts without a certain tone attached to them.

(All my doing and all in my own head, nothing to do with the person behind the avatar!)

Aww...I'm sorry it came across as "stern." That pic was taken by her mommy and daddy telling her to make silly faces in the bath (she hated baths then) when she was two. I always thought it was just "cute!" It's so funny how we humans read things when we are presented with different sorts of visual stimuli that have different effects on us...HOT, I have just always looked at your avatar and thought you're hot! And you are! You've always come across positively to me in your posts...maybe because your avatar is so fetching. ;)) Thank you for the compliments, my friend. You have a lot to offer here, yourself...I find your posts insightful and enlightening as well.

P.S. she's not that grumpy, I swear. Here's one for Memorial Day (U.S.):

monarch64|1306650022|2932984 said:
hawaiianorangetree|1306583951|2932334 said:
I wouldn't say that it affects my opinion of someone I used to find Monarch's old avatar of the little girl with the grumpy face would make me read her posts with a rather stern tone to them. I would have to remind myself that she was actually a really nice, kind and caring poster who wasn't giving everyone a piece of her mind! :bigsmile: :cheeky: :bigsmile: I think she has changed it now and I have a much easier time reading her posts without a certain tone attached to them.

(All my doing and all in my own head, nothing to do with the person behind the avatar!)

Aww...I'm sorry it came across as "stern." That pic was taken by her mommy and daddy telling her to make silly faces in the bath (she hated baths then) when she was two. I always thought it was just "cute!" It's so funny how we humans read things when we are presented with different sorts of visual stimuli that have different effects on us...HOT, I have just always looked at your avatar and thought you're hot! And you are! You've always come across positively to me in your posts...maybe because your avatar is so fetching. ;)) Thank you for the compliments, my friend. You have a lot to offer here, yourself...I find your posts insightful and enlightening as well.

P.S. she's not that grumpy, I swear. Here's one for Memorial Day (U.S.):

Naww she is gorgeous Monarch! Not grumpy at all! ::) (I used to wonder if it was you as a little girl in the picture) don't get me wrong, your avatar pic was definitely cute, in a 'I'm not very happy with you!' kind of way. Maybe it's because my own daughter pulls the same kind of face when she is not happy with me and 10 seconds later we are both rolling around on the floor laughing because she looks silly and she knows it. And thank you for the kind compliments! It means a lot to read that. (where is the blushing emotie when you need him?) :))
Yes, it definitely throws me off if someone changes their avatar picture. I do recognize posters by their pictures. There is one that when I first see it, I think it is mine...not sure but maybe verspergirl? I'll have to go look. I partly don't change mine because it is too much trouble and also because I don't want to confuse anyone!
MC|1306604653|2932545 said:
thing2of2|1306548763|2932168 said:
Interesting question! An avatar would have to really stand out for it to affect my opinion. I know I've seen a few I dislike but I can't even think of them off the top of my head. I don't think the doberman would affect me either way.

I do get confused when people change avatars because that's the first thing I look at when I see a post. That's the main reason why I never change my avatar, even though it's unfair to my other 2 kitties to just feature Olivia. :cheeky:

The only time i'm confused is when I don't really know who the poster is and he/she kkeps changing the avatar.

My cat is probably offended that he's not my avatar. The one in mine passed away a year ago...

The dog avatar is a real turn off to me, but then again an aggressive dog killed my cat last summer so that photo brings back bad memories.

Sorry! ;( I didn't mean to hurt you, it was a random pick. Hugs for you on the loss of your kitty.
Circe|1306546104|2932135 said:
For the most part, only generally - I associate people's icons with them, but I don't have fuzzier feelings for the kitty posters than the bling posters, or anything. There is one that bugs me, of a female celebrity made into some sort of hairy beast-monster that strikes me as vaguely misogynist, so I gotta admit, I think a little less of its owner (who, for all I know, is a lovely person for whom that image has some kind of personal meaning). But that's the only one that stands out for me, and even then, it took this question to prompt strong feelings!

Honestly, it's the writing style that gets me paying attention to the icon in the first place, so that I'll recognize it and look for it in the future - Doberman or tiny cute-dog (what breed is that?), you'll always be the same sweetheart to me. :mrgreen:

Awww. . . hugs!! You pretty much made my whole week, thank you Circe, you're so nice!

It's a Papillon, but I chose the one with the smallest ears, so she doesn't look quite as weird as some do. They're really smart dogs (I can say that, because my other dog is dumb as a stone), and very sturdy for small dogs, not prima donnas at all. Mine eats snakes in the yard. :shock:
VapidLapid|1306545170|2932118 said:
Then I would have to download your avatar, make the dog's nose red and shiney like a reindeer, and upload the Altered Image (I loved that band!) back to your profile here. Merry almost 1/2 Christmas!

LOL! Hiya, VL, nice to see you! :wavey:
I guess I'm not visual, I never noticed anybody's avatar and have never even bothered to put one up.

I remember people based on what they have posted and connect it with the name.

I wonder if it's becasue I'm not the computer game playing generation. So I'm not used to the idea that the little picture next to the post is supposed to mean anything in particular and just don't even see it. Maybe I will now that I know a lot of thought actually goes into some of them.

P.S. I should not say not computer game 'generation'--my 80 year old mother is a computer game freak. She's been playing since it was pac-man and super mario brothers on nintendo and has a very fancy computer, can't email, has someone else come over to do her banking and just only plays games on the thing.