
Does anyone kinda know and afraid they won''t be surprised?

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Feb 24, 2009
Ok, so I have an inkling when it''s going to has been acting a bit funny lately. We''re going away for a weekend soon and he''s been saying "go get your nails done and your hair cut" you''ll feel great right before we go away. I just have this feeling that it''s coming soon and now because of that feeling I''m afraid that I won''t be surprised and have that wonderful, great reaction had I not had this feeling.....

Anyone else feel this way??
trust me- even if you know its going to happen RIGHT THEN, you''ll have more than enough happy excited emotions, and not even need the "surprised" ones.
You''re probably right and I certainly hope so because as excited I am about this so is my bf and I wouldn''t want to rob him of a really great surprise, of course I''m just guessing it''s soon and I could be WAY off, but I just want to be sure that he gets just as much of a thrill out of it as I do.
I knew when it was coming, just not exactly what time that day. But I knew what day it was going to be. I maybe wasn''t as surprised as some others, but having the man you love on his knee in front of you (surprise or not) is the most moving, romantic thing ever. I kept thinking "I can''t believe this is happening! I can''t believe he''s on his knee!"
And I promise that even if you know it''s coming, you definitely won''t be prepared for how amazing it is. You will be filled with all kinds of wonderful emotions, so just relax and enjoy them all and I bet you will be more surprised than you think!
Thanks so much
I really can''t wait. I come on here every day to get some eye candy. I just can''t wait to have a ring on my finger and I can finally move on with the next part of my life!!!
My guess is that I''ll have a pretty good idea... he''s horrible at keeping things from me, and his mom is too... she''s already broken a couple big details... sometimes I think she''s more excited for us to get engaged than we are...

but anyway, I second what everyone else has said, that the "oh my god, this is really happening, yaaaaay!" feelings will be totally overwhelming.
My guess is that I''ll have a pretty good idea... he''s horrible at keeping things from me, and his mom is too... she''s already broken a couple big details... sometimes I think she''s more excited for us to get engaged than we are...

but anyway, I second what everyone else has said, that the "oh my god, this is really happening, yaaaaay!" feelings will be totally overwhelming.
haha funny question. Several times I''ve wondered how I''d react. What if I suspect it before it happens and then I really have no reaction, no surprise (when he REALLY wants to surprise me) or feel some sort of disappointment. But as jcarly says, "you''ll have more than enough happy excited emotions, and not even need the "surprised" ones."
I wasn''t as surprised as I could have been unfortunately. But it''s all good.
Surprises are overrated
i have an inkling of when it could be (intuition and an excited fMIL telling me bits and pieces) even if i knew the exact date i probably wouldn''t believe it happened until an hour later
I knew when it was coming... not exactly the day or the hour, but we had been looking at rings, and had found a setting we really loved, and I knew he wouldn''t wait TOO long.

In the moment, he totally managed to surprise me. Trust me, even if you know specifically what night he is going to propose, the moment he actually gets down on his knee or pulls out the ring is going to be one of the most moving and exciting and fabulous moments of your life! :)
I''m sure he will do or say something to make me suspicious. We have known each other for far too long, and I know him far too well for him to surprise me very much. I HOPE he can surprise me, and even though I have no idea when he will do it, I''m sure his behavior will betray him. I''m very perceptive to little shifts in his routine and behavior, lol, which is pretty impressive for a LDR!
That is impressive for a LDR!! I am exactly the same way though, I pick up on everything and usually I would interrogate (I''m the one that ruins my own surprise party by asking questions
) but this time I''m trying to be so good and just let it be. Thankfully we don''t live together or I''d be like a little kid snooping for a gift!!
I just wanted to say that I knew down to the day that he was proposing! (when I was griping about friends getting married and relationships, he blurted out that he planned to propose on my bday
) But that didn''t make the day any less exciting. I was definitely on alert all day, wondering when he would do it. And it was still emotional and wonderful when it happened, even though I knew it was coming :D
Date: 3/16/2009 10:25:30 AM
Author: jcarlylew
trust me- even if you know its going to happen RIGHT THEN, you''ll have more than enough happy excited emotions, and not even need the ''surprised'' ones.

Ditto - it will be an amazing moment, no matter how much of a "perfect" surprise it is - try to let go of pre-conceived notions of what you envision, and focus on how amazing it will be to be engaged to the love of your life
Unfortunately, I too think I have an idea of when it is coming and how it is going to happen. He is terrible at surprising me because I''m an overly observant person. Also, I use his computer and he has a tendency to leave pages open. It is a little disappointing because I want to be genuinely surprised, but I can''t predict everything so I''m sure there will be some elements of surprise.
I knew, well I had an idea. We were going on a vacation to my favorite place in the world and every girl in my office was saying OMG you are getting enagaged. It was really annoying because I agreed with them, but then what if it didn''t happen. So our first full day there we had a romantic dinner and it was so stressful because while getting ready I kept thinking, well if its not tonight, it won''t be happening on this trip. I went as far as to subtly feel up my FI for a box. I didn''t find anything. Turns out he had the ring in a pouch, but let me tell you when he started to ask I still almost fell over and lost it. Despite me ''knowing'' the whole thing was a shock. When it is actually that moment it is so surreal.
sba771 - I am definitely in your boat....I have an idea and we''re going on vacation too, but I don''t want to get my hopes up in case it doesn''t happen. I''m resisting the snoop big time! Ugh, I wish I didn''t have these feelings!!!
I totally understand what you mean. Coming from the girl who figured out both of her surprise birthday parties (with absolutely no snooping) I would love to be surprised but I''m worried that I''m too observant. I''ll be super excited either way but I''d like to be surprised.
I''m already married, but I did know exactly when my hubby was going to propose. He thought he was sooo sneaky, too. Poor boy! He''s sooo bad at hiding things from me. But it was fine- it was still such an exciting time, and it was SO HIM. So, how could I complain?
My SO and I went back to the jewelers and purchased my ring this past Friday!!!!!! The jeweler said the ring will be ready in about a week. I told my SO I don''t want to know when he picks up the ring and I don''t want him to drop ne proposal hints....but I have a feeling he wont wait too long to propose...... Knowing me, I will probably figure out when he will do it, so what Immm afraid of is that I will ruin it for myself.
Date: 3/30/2009 10:37:05 PM
Author: gossipgirl
My SO and I went back to the jewelers and purchased my ring this past Friday!!!!!! The jeweler said the ring will be ready in about a week. I told my SO I don''t want to know when he picks up the ring and I don''t want him to drop ne proposal hints....but I have a feeling he wont wait too long to propose...... Knowing me, I will probably figure out when he will do it, so what Immm afraid of is that I will ruin it for myself.
hooray! lots of dust for you! do you have pictures?
I''m not concerned so much about it being a surprise or how much of a surprise, just that my BF asks the darn question. I''ve never once asked my parents how my dad proposed but I know they''ve been married for 33 years and happy and that''s good enough for me. So personally, having a proposal story is not high on my list - having the ring is. :)

I helped pick out my ring. I just don''t know exactly when I''ll get it, though I suspect within a couple weeks. MY BF and I are headed home next week and my dad recently spilled information about my BF calling them to ask about bringing some of his relatives when he visits my family and I. I later found out that I was not supposed to know, so that has me thinking. Plus, my BF knows how important it is for me to be able to celebrate with my family, who I don''t get to see often. For us to visit our families and then return to where we live now and then get engaged would be so dull. But having said all of that, I got over the concern of knowing too much months ago when I started to resent him for making me wait. Now, after all the roadblocks we''ve had to maneuver around, I''m like, just put the ring on my finger and let''s get this show on the road.
Date: 3/31/2009 2:54:21 PM
Author: caribqueen
Now, after all the roadblocks we''ve had to maneuver around, I''m like, just put the ring on my finger and let''s get this show on the road.

Same here! I honestly don''t think that my boyfriend will be able to surprise me. I''ve realized that the actual proposal is not as important to me as I thought it was (if that makes sense). I''m looking more forward to beginning our new lives together.
I knew the day it was going to happen... Fi is a horrible secret keeper! lol But I promise you... that day will be just as magical as if it had been a surprise. Even though I knew exactly what was happening I was still so over the moon excited and even a bit surprised all at the same time. It will be great. My best advice to you is to just let it go. Don''t think about the fact that you know it''s coming. Just let yourself experience the emotions. And congrats in advance!
i totally understand where you are coming from.

My bf and I have been together for over three years. We picked out the diamond we wanted and he bought it in December. The other day, we decided on a setting that has to be custom made in pink gold. We picked out the ring guard that also has to be custom made..
I''m going to know when the diamond gets set but I don''t want to see it until he proposes.
As far as the actual proposal goes, he has a couple of dates in mind (so he says) but I won''t dare ask for details. I''m really hard to surprise. But i know we''re planning a mini vaca in December for our 4 year anniversary so if he hasn''t proposed by then.......
I can pretty much guess that it would be that weekend.
It''s EXTREMELY hard to surprise me. Like some of the other ladies said, I''m extremely observant and I''m pretty sure i would notice him acting strangely that day.

I''m not so worried about being surprised anymore... I just can''t wait until it happens! I know it will be special for both of us no matter what.

"In the moment, he totally managed to surprise me. Trust me, even if you know specifically what night he is going to propose, the moment he actually gets down on his knee or pulls out the ring is going to be one of the most moving and exciting and fabulous moments of your life! :) "

KatyWI: Well Spoken!! Now I''m even more excited for him to pop the question!
YAY for the LIW Threads!
I feel the same way. I notice EVERYTHING and think that it will be pretty much impossible for him to surprise me.
lovin... I TOTALLY KNEW WHEN MY nowDH was going to propose. I just know him all too well. I mean I could have been wrong... but I was 98% sure he was going to do it when he did... and he did not disappoint. FUnny thing was.. I was looking for a buldge in his pockets - and when I didn''t see one I was
FUMING! I actually started sweating I was soo mad. I was irritated and rude and MEAN. THen after the waitress took our drink order I just thought... wow, I''m not going to ruin this nice dinner just because he isn''t proposing tonight... and you know what. The jerk had a GIANT BOX in the trunk of his car.. so when he left "to use the restroom" and came back w/ my present... I knew. Was I surprised.. kinda but not really... but it did not spoil the moment. My near temper tantrum did though.

Funny thing was.. if I didn''t ever calm down.. he wasn''t going to propose.. he later said.. man, you were soo irritated at the beginning of dinner if you stayed that way - I would have had to figure out some other way to propose... I didn''t want to do it when you were ANGRY WITH ME.

So... I cannot say I wasn''t surprised... but I almost RUINED it w/ my bratty behavior. Did the fact that I suspected it ruin it... nope not at all... it was still WONDERFUL... nothing like seeing your sparkler picked out by your dearie!
I have an idea of the month but I''m not sure of the exact day. My BF is pretty predictable so I think that I will notice any changes in his behavior. I really hope it''s something simple. I can''t wait til August!!
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