
Does anyone else here rarely wear nail polish?


Feb 12, 2018
Since I started posting on PS and looking at jewelry on Instagram, I can't help but notice all the nice manicures! There's a whole thread about nail polish here. So, confession time: is anyone else here in the polish-free camp?

I'm too lazy for the upkeep and I don't like how my nails look and feel when the polish is removed. I try to keep my nails very short and I'm constantly applying moisturizer due to my eczema, so my cuticles are in reasonable shape.

Surely I'm not alone? :oops:
Sorry, mine are always polished.
Same here. I rarely paint my fingernails. I recently had my nails done for son’s graduation. (First time in years after wearing them for a while about 8-9 years ago.) I couldn’t wait to get them off! Now I’m growing out the last bit of the left over gel that didn’t come off with the dremel. I can’t wait to be back to my natural nails.
image.jpeg I don't think I have ever worn nail polish on my fingernails, I only do toes . I like my natural nails and they compliment simple 'ol me, and my simple classic wedding set
After having my nails ruined with gels, and fighting a fungus, I go natural too. I love RescueRx for keeping them strong.
Since I started posting on PS and looking at jewelry on Instagram, I can't help but notice all the nice manicures! There's a whole thread about nail polish here. So, confession time: is anyone else here in the polish-free camp?

I'm too lazy for the upkeep and I don't like how my nails look and feel when the polish is removed. I try to keep my nails very short and I'm constantly applying moisturizer due to my eczema, so my cuticles are in reasonable shape.

Surely I'm not alone? :oops:

I just found the best stuff for eczema! It came across my Facebook feed and I’m sure like you, I buy anything that promises relief. It’s called eczema honey. I just started used it and I think it has already made a difference.

Not only do I not usually wear polish, I usually have to blur the eczema related sores on my hand in photos.
Sorry, mine are always polished.
:lol: Fine, I'll stay in my corner of shame and admire your polished nails from afar!

Same here. I rarely paint my fingernails. I recently had my nails done for son’s graduation. (First time in years after wearing them for a while about 8-9 years ago.) I couldn’t wait to get them off! Now I’m growing out the last bit of the left over gel that didn’t come off with the dremel. I can’t wait to be back to my natural nails.
Gel has to be removed with a Dremel? I'm totally picturing this at the nail salon:

image.jpeg I don't think I have ever worn nail polish on my fingernails, I only do toes . I like my natural nails and they compliment simple 'ol me, and my simple classic wedding set
Your nails look lovely! Proof positive that clean, neat nails look great.

After having my nails ruined with gels, and fighting a fungus, I go natural too. I love RescueRx for keeping them strong.
I find that keeping them very short helps too.

I just found the best stuff for eczema! It came across my Facebook feed and I’m sure like you, I buy anything that promises relief. It’s called eczema honey. I just started used it and I think it has already made a difference.

Not only do I not usually wear polish, I usually have to blur the eczema related sores on my hand in photos.
Hmm, I'll have to check that out! My go-to treatment for my hands is Strivectin NIA114 Volumizing Hand Cream. I bought it because the sales lady was really nice and I felt bad about not making a purchase. After the first few days of use, I found that it really calmed down the eczema patches and it's the only non-steroidal cream I've tried that works. Now I apply it after every time I wash my hands and this is the best shape they've been in my whole life!
I’m not careful with my nails @JPie that’s why I keep them polished, otherwise they’d be awful.

I use gel polish, and don’t dremmel it off, just soak them and peel.
I now feel naked if my toenails are not done, but I can't stand nailpolish on my fingernails. I just file and buff them. i think I do so much stuff with my hands any fingernail polish is going to get messed up, which looks worse than bare nails.
I had asked for rounded gel nails this last time. Not at all what I got. The salon was closing and so I just went with it. Not sure what they used.

But when I went back two weeks later, she used the dremel to attempt to sand it off. Unfortunately, it still left a layer on my nails. And that layer has a slightly yellowish hue now. It’s so annoying!
I haven't worn nail polish for a year. Mainly because of time, not because I didn't want to. Of course when I think of doing my nails is usually 2am and I'm trying to get back to

For now, I do the very very basics (a filing, and a cutting once a month) They otherwise grow really stupidly fast if I don't keep them cut to a reasonable level.
I never wear it. I do so much gardening, nail polish would be wasted on me.
No polish here, it wouldn't last anyways but I enjoy looking at the nail polish thread and seeing everyone's pretty colors and bling of course :D
I don't do anything for my finger nails but always have polish on my toe nails due to bruising and other ugly things that happen from running/cycling. Don't worry though, when there is bling to look at, I'm focusing on the ring and not nails. :lol:
I rarely do but I have a ton of it. Go figure. I suck at putting it on and can't justify paying someone to do it unless I have a special occasion. The horses and barn chores ruin any polish in a day or two anyway. I try to keep them nice and very short though with the occasional buffing and cuticle oil.
I worked in controlled environment until very recently, so I am used to being bare-faced and keep my nails short without polish.
I only wear nail polish for a short time if and when I have a dressier function so that I can wear my more blingy rings.

DK :))
I have never worked out how to take out contact lenses with long fingernails, so keep mine short and always polish free - I feel my hands look older with polish on too, plus I’m too lazy for maintenance. I always have polish on my toes in summer though - (I hope) it makes my feet slightly less ugly!
I had asked for rounded gel nails this last time. Not at all what I got. The salon was closing and so I just went with it. Not sure what they used.

But when I went back two weeks later, she used the dremel to attempt to sand it off. Unfortunately, it still left a layer on my nails. And that layer has a slightly yellowish hue now. It’s so annoying!

gel polish is simple to get off without a dremel! buy some acetone nail polish remover, cotton balls (the square cotton pads are better) and make some squares out of foil. take a cotton ball and split in half (sometimes i even quarter then) and soak in remover and place on your nail. then take that foil square, place your finger in the middle of it and wrap it up like a burrito with the foil square. 5 minutes later that little layer of gel polish should rub right off.
I go in for a mani-pedi every 3-4 weeks, which is pretty much as often as I have time for. I just get regular regular gels or acrylics, etc. because I don't have the time or patience to keep up with them. Plus as soon as the gels start to lift, I immediately start picking it all off and destroy my nails! Gel and my OCD do not get along. I keep my nails on the short side (filing them down between manicures), but I am very rough on them and the polish is usually chipped within 5 days of my manicure. On the rare occasion I attempt to paint them myself (it's not pretty LOL), the polish is usually chipped within 3 days. So basically my nails are only nicely polished about 5 days out of any given month...hence the reason my nails are usually cropped out of my ring pics :lol: I envy you guys who always have beautifully polished nails! My pedicures on the other hand last a long time, so my toes are never without polish. Where I live, its sandals and flip flops year round and IMO toenail polish is a requirement for open toed shoes.
For those who work a lot with their hands and don't think polish will last---try a gel manicure.
I was skeptical but tried them recently based on my nurse friend recommendation. She washes her hands 50+ times per day and her nails always looked freshly manicured.
I used to do regular manicures (either at a salon or did my own) but they would only look really nice for maybe 4-5 days. I cook a ton, do my own house-cleaning, and do lots of gardening and physical labor.
The gel manicure stays looking shiny for 2 weeks. Actually longer but it grows out at the cuticle so I do it every 2 weeks. Never had one chip.
Downside is that I think if you do them all the time you may weaken your nail somewhat. Plus the removal and application takes slightly longer than a regular mani (and costs more).
But I love that my nails look freshly manicured for 2 weeks!
I love my nails with polish but if I do it too often (even regular polish, not gel or acrylic) they get fragile. So now I rarely do it except for special occasions. Thankfully my nails grow long and strong in general so they still look nice even naked.
:lol: Fine, I'll stay in my corner of shame and admire your polished nails from afar

Hmm, I'll have to check that out! My go-to treatment for my hands is Strivectin NIA114 Volumizing Hand Cream. I bought it because the sales lady was really nice and I felt bad about not making a purchase. After the first few days of use, I found that it really calmed down the eczema patches and it's the only non-steroidal cream I've tried that works. Now I apply it after every time I wash my hands and this is the best shape they've been in my whole life!

I’ll check it out, thanks.
Looks like I'm in good company after all! :dance:
Definitely, and I'm pretty relieved I'm not alone as well.
Polish lasts about 6 hours on me, semi permanent about two days and I'm afraid of gel, since a friend showed me her ruined nails after decades of gel non stop... so I'm always polish-free.
Weird thing is, it lasts pretty well on my feet...
I haven't used polish in years. I went through a phase where I had kept up French manicures or manicures with "ballet slippers" pink (I think that was the name) with relatively short nails. I had to have tips added to keep the nails even. The tips ruined my nails. But all I wanted was a uniform, ladylike look. Now I just keep my nails trimmed very short and clean. Since I am in a wearing-no-jewelry phase it goes well. ;))

Thanks so much for this thread, JPie. I didn't expect to have one here that fit me. :))
I own a handful of sheer Essie polishes (that don't streak). I slap one on before an event lololol.
Since I started posting on PS and looking at jewelry on Instagram, I can't help but notice all the nice manicures! There's a whole thread about nail polish here. So, confession time: is anyone else here in the polish-free camp?

I'm too lazy for the upkeep and I don't like how my nails look and feel when the polish is removed. I try to keep my nails very short and I'm constantly applying moisturizer due to my eczema, so my cuticles are in reasonable shape.

Surely I'm not alone? :oops:
You're not alone! Except I actually love it when my nails are freshly polished. I just can't manage the time to get it done (either at home or at salon, hate sitting still for it!) and definitely cannot keep up with the upkeep. I end up just leaving the polish until they disappear because I can't even bother to remove them properly :sick:

I can honestly count the times I got them professionally done, like before my wedding, my sister's wedding, right before my sons were born... ;)2 And I WORK for a beauty company that makes nail polishes, I have free samples filling up my linen closet because I love the colors when I see them, I just never use them :confused2:

Going back to work in 3 weeks, I'm hoping I can force myself to go to a salon so I can at least look semi presentable when I return :rolleyes2:
I don't wear polish on 9 out of 10 nails. My left ring finger is usually somewhat painted, and has a, um, distressed finish due to it being weeks old, or because straight out of the gate, I managed to smudge or smear it while it was drying. One nail is all I can manage. And even then, I usually fail. Does that put me in the 'no polish camp'? IMG_20180809_001500.pngIMG_20180809_001429.png
I don’t wear nail polish either. I’ve always had ugly hands..very veiny and wrinkly even when much younger. I try not to draw attention to them.. I do make the exception with rings! I rationalize that people will be looking at my rings and not my hands..:lol:
Short nails and never paint. My cuticles are also free to do whatever they want. I have the equivalent of man hands.