
do you wear makeup daily?

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Oct 12, 2008
i work with all guys and we have a very casual dress code, so i don''t wear makeup. i only wear it for going out and special occasions. i have a good friend who won''t leave the house without at least foundation and eyeliner.

i''m curious, are most ladies like my friend? my face isn''t as porcelain clear as i would like, but i can''t get myself to put on makeup every morning.
Obviously, if I''m not going anywhere I don''t where any at all .. and that applies if I have a handful of close friends (CLOSE friends only) over. If I''m going to run errands I just throw some mascara on .. and if I''m going OUT, then I get all dolled up. I''m a redhead and have light eyelashes that you can''t see .. so I look COMPLETELY different with makeup on. I''ve actually had people not even recognize me once they saw me all dolled up!
Yes, I do on most days, except for when I'm at home all day. I don't wear much, though, just foundation, eyeline/ mascara (I tend to wear either/or), a touch of blusher and lip gloss. I used not to wear any foundation at all, but have had to lately because of my brown spots. I tend to wear the same kind of make up day or night, meaning very light, barely there make-up. I hate, for me, the heavy make-up look but love it on some other people. My best friend does this really cool dark smoky (sp?) eye-shadow thingy when we go clubbing and she looks HOT!! On me, that'd just look ridiculous!

I think make-up makes a woman look put-together and more presentable. Some women here I see dress nicely but do not put on make-up and it looks they kind of like forgot something before they step out of the house. To me, it just doesn't look right. Even if it's just an eye-liner/ mascara or lip gloss, it's part of the whole ensemble.
Date: 3/22/2009 3:29:45 AM
Author: MommaChristine
Obviously, if I''m not going anywhere I don''t where any at all .. and that applies if I have a handful of close friends (CLOSE friends only) over. If I''m going to run errands I just throw some mascara on .. and if I''m going OUT, then I get all dolled up. I''m a redhead and have light eyelashes that you can''t see .. so I look COMPLETELY different with makeup on. I''ve actually had people not even recognize me once they saw me all dolled up!
Mini threadjack, I love redheads! I usually say to hubby that if I was to reincarnate, I''d come back as a redhead with green eyes. You don''t have green eyes, do you?
I either wear a full face or I wear nothing.

As Phoenix said, it's an ensemble. And I consider the face to be a sub-ensemble.
Thank you! I was teased a lot when I was younger but it''s grown on me now. :) My eyes are a blueish/green with a yellow ring around the middle .. strange, I know. I''ll try to post a picture (of my eyeball - ha!) once I find my camera!
Date: 3/22/2009 5:26:38 AM
Author: MommaChristine
Thank you! I was teased a lot when I was younger but it's grown on me now. :) My eyes are a blueish/green with a yellow ring around the middle .. strange, I know. I'll try to post a picture (of my eyeball - ha!) once I find my camera!

Here you go. I was wearing black so it didn't absolutely nothing for my eye color! I know what you mean about those light crystal colored green eyed girls .. I love it!

Sorry for the mini-hijack .. back to the topic. I was wearing mascara in that picture. :)

I wear mascara most days, work or no work. If I''m going out for the evening I do put on lipstick, but I can''t be bothered with anything else. Mascara takes less than a minute to put on.
Hahahaha .. oh God. I went to read the recent post and realized how scary it is with my eyeballs staring at me from the screen! I apologize because I know it''s worse for ya''ll!
How do I take it down?
Nope I only wear make-up if I''m going on a night out. I''m a college student and it wastes valuable sleeping time having to get up and put it on.
Date: 3/22/2009 6:00:53 AM
Author: MommaChristine

Date: 3/22/2009 5:26:38 AM
Author: MommaChristine
Thank you! I was teased a lot when I was younger but it's grown on me now. :) My eyes are a blueish/green with a yellow ring around the middle .. strange, I know. I'll try to post a picture (of my eyeball - ha!) once I find my camera!

Here you go. I was wearing black so it didn't absolutely nothing for my eye color! I know what you mean about those light crystal colored green eyed girls .. I love it!

Sorry for the mini-hijack .. back to the topic. I was wearing mascara in that picture. :)
I think you're absolutely GORGEOUS, with that flaming red hair and those beautiful green eyes!! Not scary at all.
It takes me about 5 mins to do my face, I always put makeup on every morning - sunscreen, powder foundation, powder blusher, eyeliner pencil, mascara and lip balm - voila!
Yes, I wear it everyday. But I don''t wear any to the gym. Those women coming in with full makeup done make me laugh. But I do wear sunscreen, foundation, a little blush, and lip gloss. I have really dark lashes naturally, so I only put on mascara if we''re going out.
Every day! But not gobs.
Moisturizer, light foundation, mascara and lip gloss. And I'm done.
I love make-up, and usually wear it most days...
I rarely wear makeup. Shocking, I know.
I wear it all week when I go to work, the only time I wear on the weekends is if I am going somewhere, otherwise I dont wear it on the weekends.
I usually do, at least a little mascara and under-eye concealer (I am so fair skinned... the blue shows toooo much
I wear makeup whenever I'm going to subject other people to my face, which happens to be every day.

Italia--That IS shocking! That would be like me saying I never read books!
I wear make-up everyday, even when I am sick, because it makes me feel good about myself!
Date: 3/22/2009 10:10:14 AM
Author: diamondrnglover
I wear it all week when I go to work, the only time I wear on the weekends is if I am going somewhere, otherwise I dont wear it on the weekends.
Ditto. Going downtown to work seems to demand a little extra polish.
Nope. I rarely wear makeup, maybe once every week or two. It''s typically when we''re going out to dinner or something. I''ve never liked foundation, so when I do wear makeup it''s eyeshadow, mascara, eye liner, lipstick, done.
I work out from home a lot at the moment, but even then I put some basic make up on every morning -- foundation and lip gloss at minimum. I actually find it a little annoying to put on mascara, so that is one thing I sometimes leave off, but I still put it on most days.
IF I am steping outside the house I do if I am going to be at home not at all.
Date: 3/22/2009 5:23:33 AM
Author: JulieN
I either wear a full face or I wear nothing.

As Phoenix said, it''s an ensemble. And I consider the face to be a sub-ensemble.

I concur.

However this was not always the case. In my early 20 & 30''s I wore very little regardless of the siutation. Now I simply cannot get away without color in my face--I need brightening! I recall my sister suggesting to me that daily make-up provided added value; afterall "why wouldn''t one want to look their best, everyday"?

Anyway, there are varying degrees of "full make up " according to one''s own definition. Some consider wearing mascara the full meal, whereas others believe that to be a basic. For me, I consider my face "finished" when I have on all my potions and lotions, foundation, concealer, pressed powder, mascara, eyeshadow and often eyeliner, and finaly blush and lipstick. Lipstick is the most important step for me, and on the days where I wear nothing but a tinted moisturizer, I still wear ipstick.

I do go out without makeup sometimes - mostly just if I''m running a quick errand in sweats, but every now and then I''ll wear no makeup to work, but that''s only if I''m running insanely late or just drained of energy because I''m sick or something.

Typically, I don''t leave the house without concealer, a touch of bronzer on my cheeks, lip gloss, and mascara. If I''m feeling fancier, I add powder and eye shadow to the mix. And if I''m going out or having a special occasion, then I wear eye liner. I keep colors pretty close to my natural skin/lip/lid/cheek, so even a "full face" for me is pretty low-key.
If I had perfect skin, then I wouldn''t bother with makeup every day. Alas, I have sensitive, acne-prone skin that can be blotchy, and freckles, so the minimum for me to leave the house is tinted moisturizer, mascara, and lip gloss.

If I had a perfect complexion though, I would love to be one of those women who could leave the house with nothing on my face.
Date: 3/22/2009 10:41:43 AM
Author: Haven
I wear makeup whenever I''m going to subject other people to my face, which happens to be every day.

Italia--That IS shocking! That would be like me saying I never read books!
And...I actually encourage my staff MUA''s to wear as little makeup as possible!

I know, it sounds crazy...but, here''s the deal...

Have you ever gone into a hair salon to have a new style down, met with a new stylist and absolutely hated her hair? How did that make you feel as client? Or, have you ever met with a stylist and absolutely loved her hair? How did that make you feel? And when it comes to odds of what your client will love/hate what, it''s total luck of the draw. So we take that chance out of it. We don''t want to act as mirror, and we''re not a reflection of clients...we don''t want our personal choices in style or taste to effect our clients feeling towards what we can do.

On our off hours, I will sometimes put makeup, nars stick, mascara, and lip balm. But I rarely ever go all out. Maybe in Vegas I''ll get a little crazy. However, in my single wild days, I used to do full crystals treatements on my eye lids, fox-fur eye lashes, and more...I love makeup, but I''m not going balls-to-wall anymore.
My face is pretty blotchy and has more of a warm tone to it compared to the rest of my body which is more olive-y, so I ALWAYS wear makeup (at LEAST foundation and mascera). I feel so blah when I don't have my face or hair done. I don't take it off until right before I head to bed. Crazy, I know.

If I could find something to even out my skin tone I'd *probably* not wear makeup all the time.
Always. I always have make-up on. Usually I go for the "natural" look, lol, but I always have something on.
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