
Do you take nutritionl supplements?

Amber St. Clare

Dec 15, 2009
My diet is extremely poor, my eating habits erratic and I hate just about every vegetable, with the exception of carrots, green peppers and celery.

My husband has been taking something called "Balance of Nature" for the last six months and bought a set for me to try. The fruit pills are OK, but the vegetable pills are really nasty tasting and leave an awful aftertaste {and to be honest, he heard but them on Talk Radio so there is a bit of bias from me on that}.

Anyone taking anything they want to talk about?
I take fish oil and 5,000 iu of Vitamin D per day. Everything else I get from the whole foods I eat.
I eat very healthily, but still I take two of these Costco vitamins daily.

I probably don't need them but what the heck it only costs 6.5 cents per day.

I take a raw multivitamin, but only take 2 pills daily instead of the full 3. Raw/natural vitamins are supposedly better absorbed and tolerated than synthetics, which is why I'm on the raw kind, but who really knows. My doctor also has me on a course of vitamin D.
Daily multi, iron (I'm anemic.), omega 3 fish oil, vitamin D
I take a probiotic and so does my 18 month old. No other vitamins though.
I don't take any vitamins.
I was told to take B12 some years ago, but had trouble remembering to take them, so I just gave up!
blingbunny, where does one find raw vitamins? I'm intrigued. TIA.
I take biotin for healthy hair and nails as well as a Vitamin D supplement.
Amber, just because you think your diet is poor doesn't mean you are deficient. Have you had bloodwork done that indicates you are lacking and NEED to supplement?

To answer the thread question: yes, I take a pre-natal multivitamin and have for 4 years now. I never thought I'd say this, but it's kind of a PITA because I have to cut my nails all the time and trim my hair more often. Crazy.
minousbijoux|1454573255|3986693 said:
blingbunny, where does one find raw vitamins? I'm intrigued. TIA.

We take Garden of Life Brand, which gets consistently high scores by various organizations that rate multis. I'm actually still on the fence about taking vitamins, but since the dr says I have to take prenatals, I tried to find the best and most natural one I could.

I don't. I'm very picky with vitamins, and most are so large I can barely swallow them.

H takes a multi vitamin, fish oil/omega and milk thistle.
My son and I take a fish oil by barlean's that tastes like key lime. It is very potent with very high levels of EPA and DHA. It absolutely does not have any fish taste.

I take a probiotic by hyperbiotics called pro-15. I get it on Amazon. I love this one because it stays viable in the harsh environment of the gut. I notice a difference in my health. I have read some literature that says they have linked our gut health to our mental health. I am intrigued. I will always take a potent, high-quality probiotic due to the fact that I have taken so many courses of antibiotics in my lifetime. Also, the meat supply doesn't help our gut health with their high doses of antibiotics.

I take sublingual b-12 by source naturals. I trust their brand. They also make a very good Omega-3 that I buy for my son with Crohn's that is enteric coated so it is best for people with intestinal and gut issues.

My youngest takes a probiotc by Jarrow. I also take a methyl-folate by Jarrow, but I take it sparingly as too much folate can cause cancer.

I take Triphala by Gaia Herbs. Ok, Gaia is an outstanding company. They self-regulate for purity and dosing. If you have ANY questions at all about interactions or any of the herbs, you can call them and their knowledgeable staff will help you. They told me even if I am standing in the herb aisle and need help, just call them. I love Triphala for regularity. Also, it has many other health properties such as purification, etc.

I also take Turmeric Supreme by Gaia for health's sake. I am deathly afraid of cancer.
I take a multivitamin for old people (silver lol) and fish oil every day
I go on and off...sometimes I just get lazy and go months without taking any.

I try to do B12 daily at the very least.

And then D.

Both are important for me because when I did a comprehensive blood test (several, actually) it showed I was extremely deficient in both vitamins.

I also have a multivitamin that I take when I remember.

But I eat pretty well (lots of spinach, eggs, fruits, sweet potatoes, lean turkey, chicken breasts, dark/nutritional lettuce, avocados, beans, etc.) so I'm probably OK on most nutrients (except for the 2 above).
Daily I take 4-5000 IUs (vegan) D3, 400 mg magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate (vegan) and about 2000 mcgs of biotin.

High doses of Biotin can cause skin problems so that is why I dialed that back last year. I used to take a great hair supplement but stopped most of my supplements when I got some weird symptoms and though I am good now I am cautious to add them back so I have not yet done so. But if I start adding anything back it will be the Viviscal I stopped taking over 22 months ago because that really helped my hair.
missy|1454679488|3987144 said:
Daily I take 4-5000 IUs (vegan) D3, 400 mg magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate (vegan) and about 2000 mcgs of biotin.

High doses of Biotin can cause skin problems so that is why I dialed that back last year. I used to take a great hair supplement but stopped most of my supplements when I got some weird symptoms and though I am good now I am cautious to add them back so I have not yet done so. But if I start adding anything back it will be the Viviscal I stopped taking over 22 months ago because that really helped my hair.

Missy - does this also work for men, do you know?

I'd love to try it for me but would feel better about the expense if I know maybe DH can use it too.

(I did a quick search and found and older thread where you mention Viviscal and also sleeping on silk pillow cases. Any tips on that or any ordinary silk pillow case is OK?)

And BTW - thank you Clairol Natural Instincts - just dyed my hair again this morning with my usual Cool Brown color. It looks gorgeous. It it such a rich, medium/dark brown and my hair is so shiny. I feel so lucky to have found this color/product.
I take a multivitamin, vit D and omega 3. I'm not as good as veggies as I should be so I take a spinach capsule. It has a slight smell, like you would expect powdered spinach to smell, but no taste. I order it from Swanson Vitamins, but you can find it at health stores or some whole foods.
CJ2008|1454679971|3987146 said:
missy|1454679488|3987144 said:
Daily I take 4-5000 IUs (vegan) D3, 400 mg magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate (vegan) and about 2000 mcgs of biotin.

High doses of Biotin can cause skin problems so that is why I dialed that back last year. I used to take a great hair supplement but stopped most of my supplements when I got some weird symptoms and though I am good now I am cautious to add them back so I have not yet done so. But if I start adding anything back it will be the Viviscal I stopped taking over 22 months ago because that really helped my hair.

Missy - does this also work for men, do you know?

I'd love to try it for me but would feel better about the expense if I know maybe DH can use it too.

(I did a quick search and found and older thread where you mention Viviscal and also sleeping on silk pillow cases. Any tips on that or any ordinary silk pillow case is OK?)

And BTW - thank you Clairol Natural Instincts - just dyed my hair again this morning with my usual Cool Brown color. It looks gorgeous. It it such a rich, medium/dark brown and my hair is so shiny. I feel so lucky to have found this color/product.

I don't know CJ but I would guess it might. It doesn't work for everyone though and my best advice for whoever is interested is to take it for a few months and then decide if it is helping. My derm recommended it to me a few years ago because my hair was thinning and the hair skin nails vitamins were not doing anything for me. He said anecdotally lots of his patents loved Viviscal but to take it for 3 months before deciding because it takes that long to see results. If it didn't help I would have just discontinued it because it does not help everyone. It did definitely help my hair and I loved it. Unfortunately I had a lot of health related issues in 2014 and I decided to d/c everything not knowing if anything was aggravating/causing my symptoms. I truly don't think anything I was taking caused my issues but have been reluctant to stir the pot so to speak so I have not yet added anything back except for the supplements in my post above.

I think any decent silk pillowcase would be good. It doesn't frizz my hair the way cotton and other pillowcase materials do.

On an unrelated note I am not coloring my hair and going gray naturally. I haven't colored my gray since September 2015. LOL let's see how long this lasts. I am beginning to feel like my mother who never colored her hair and has long gray mixed with dark hair. Not a look I really want and was hoping to go all gray but my hair is not cooperating. I have lots of dark hair mixed with lots of gray. Let's see how long I can let this continue. I would love to stop putting chemicals on my hair (and head)!

And btw I wasn't the one who recommended that hair color to you. I recommended Herbatint as that was the least invasive hair color I could find and I liked how it covered my gray.
missy|1454680679|3987153 said:
CJ2008|1454679971|3987146 said:
missy|1454679488|3987144 said:
Daily I take 4-5000 IUs (vegan) D3, 400 mg magnesium glycinate/lysinate chelate (vegan) and about 2000 mcgs of biotin.

High doses of Biotin can cause skin problems so that is why I dialed that back last year. I used to take a great hair supplement but stopped most of my supplements when I got some weird symptoms and though I am good now I am cautious to add them back so I have not yet done so. But if I start adding anything back it will be the Viviscal I stopped taking over 22 months ago because that really helped my hair.

Missy - does this also work for men, do you know?

I'd love to try it for me but would feel better about the expense if I know maybe DH can use it too.

(I did a quick search and found and older thread where you mention Viviscal and also sleeping on silk pillow cases. Any tips on that or any ordinary silk pillow case is OK?)

And BTW - thank you Clairol Natural Instincts - just dyed my hair again this morning with my usual Cool Brown color. It looks gorgeous. It it such a rich, medium/dark brown and my hair is so shiny. I feel so lucky to have found this color/product.

I don't know CJ but I would guess it might. It doesn't work for everyone though and my best advice for whoever is interested is to take it for a few months and then decide if it is helping. My derm recommended it to me a few years ago because my hair was thinning and the hair skin nails vitamins were not doing anything for me. He said anecdotally lots of his patents loved Viviscal but to take it for 3 months before deciding because it takes that long to see results. If it didn't help I would have just discontinued it because it does not help everyone. It did definitely help my hair and I loved it. Unfortunately I had a lot of health related issues in 2014 and I decided to d/c everything not knowing if anything was aggravating/causing my symptoms. I truly don't think anything I was taking caused my issues but have been reluctant to stir the pot so to speak so I have not yet added anything back except for the supplements in my post above.

I think any decent silk pillowcase would be good. It doesn't frizz my hair the way cotton and other pillowcase materials do.

On an unrelated note I am not coloring my hair and going gray naturally. I haven't colored my gray since September 2015. LOL let's see how long this lasts. I am beginning to feel like my mother who never colored her hair and has long gray mixed with dark hair. Not a look I really want and was hoping to go all gray but my hair is not cooperating. I have lots of dark hair mixed with lots of gray. Let's see how long I can let this continue. I would love to stop putting chemicals on my hair (and head)!

And btw I wasn't the one who recommended that hair color to you. I recommended Herbatint as that was the least invasive hair color I could find and I liked how it covered my gray.

OK - I think I'll try the Viviscal. I have one little area right in the front that is thinning it's like a tiny patch/hole of thinning hair. I'll have DH take it too see if it helps him.

Oh, I know re: the Clairol - it was just on my mind because I was just so thrilled with the color this morning haha

I did look up the Herbatint - was intrigued and I might just freak out about the chemicals eventually too (I have changed our soaps and other things too but sometimes I get lazy with certain products and just go back to what we were using) and will keep that brand in mind!
I take magnesium for my migraines and it has helped an AMAZING amount! Other than that though, I don't take anything else. I'm kind of in the camp that if my doctor (which I see with alarming INfrequency... ) told me there was something I was lacking I'd take it.
I take an Omega but have a seafood allergy so the one I take is made from plant oils. I don't know if the plant oils are as effective, but it's better than nothing. My eye doctor highly recommends Omegas and dh's cardiologists does too. He's taking Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Lemon soft gels and swears they don't taste bad or make him burby.

I also take sublingual B vitamins because I'm always anemic. Actually, I used to always be really anemic and now I'm borderline normal. It could have improved because I had a hysterectomy though. I think they give me energy so I try to take them.

Magnesium has been a lifesaver for me. My Dr recommended them for hot flashes and irregularity. I didn't know they are good for migraines but I have noticed I've had fewer. If you take it, be careful with the dosage. My old bottle was 200 mg and I bought a bottle that was 400 mg and didn't notice until......I'll just say that my irregularity problem was overly resolved.
I take a centrum multivitamin and Krill Oil for omegas (I could not tolerate fish oil because of the awful after taste/fish burps). I also take biotin for my hair/nails. My cholesterol went from border line high to normal/healthy ranges making no other changes than krill oil. I do take double what the bottle says to (with my doctors approval) I take 1,000 mg a day of krill oil. Its expensive but very worth it in my opinion. I use to take megared but switched to the kirland brand when they came out with it about 6 months ago. As a bonus, my eyes don't seem to be as dry but I don't know if thats related.
I don't take anything daily. When I remember (a few times a week) I take a women's multivitamin (with additional iron) because I have a history of anemia, as well as flaxseed oil capsules. During the week of my period I take calcium with added vit D and magnesium.

There is another nutritional supplement I take a few days before my period because it helps with tension/mood/achyness. In fact it has helped so much I don't take it as much as when I started it (ashwaghanda). Highly recommend.
These are what I take regularly:

Menopace as I am of that age when the change is imminent
Glucosamine 1000mg per day to help my joints as I tap dance, walk and cycle (not walking and cycling much at the mo due to issues with one of my knees)
Cod Liver Oil 500 to 1000mg per day depending on what is on offer, again to help my joints

DK :))
monarch64|1454598393|3986792 said:
Amber, just because you think your diet is poor doesn't mean you are deficient. Have you had bloodwork done that indicates you are lacking and NEED to supplement?

To answer the thread question: yes, I take a pre-natal multivitamin and have for 4 years now. I never thought I'd say this, but it's kind of a PITA because I have to cut my nails all the time and trim my hair more often. Crazy.

Good point1 I get a blood test every month three weeks after my infusion treatment and she has been telling me "Everything looks really good" and give me the thumbs up, and never thought to inquire about I. Thanks, I am going next week and will address this with her.

eta: I really appreciate all the informative feedback. I'm going to print this thread out and take it with me on Thursday and discuss the various options with my nurse.
Vitamin C
Airborne (I travel a lot)
Vitamin D

The odd thing I take is L-Carnatine
I take multi vitamins. Also, my DH makes me an Emergen C drink mix each morning. :wavey:
I do a multi Vit daily, magnesium, fish oil, vit D and B Vits. I also do a protein shake sup on work days. My family members also do vit D and multivit.